"Madam, do you have a quill and white paper? Harder paper is best? If you have, can you lend it to me?" The witch who was pushing the snack cart didn't know what Carl was going to do. She searched her cart and finally found a quill and a small piece of hard paper. She handed the paper and pen to Carl. Carl took the quill and paper and said to the witch, "Thank you very much, kind lady, for helping me get some snacks. I want a little of each."

Hearing Carl's words, the witch smiled and said, "You're welcome. It's just a matter of convenience. This quill is a gift. I'll leave now. I wish you a happy meal." Carl took the snacks and put them on the table. The witch also pushed the cart to the next carriage.

James was chasing Lily again and asking questions. Carl inserted himself between the two of them and separated them forcefully. Then he picked up the quill and wrote and drew on the hard paper.

Finally, Carl tied the leather rope that tied the sandwich to both ends of the cardboard, and then handed the cardboard to James. James took the cardboard without caring, not knowing what Carl was doing.

"Turn it over, Mr. Potter, and then hang it around your neck." James turned over the cardboard and checked the handwriting on it. He saw a few big words clearly written on the paper [I killed the sandwich, I am guilty].

"Hahahaha, what is this! James, hahahaha!" The first one to burst into laughter was Sirius. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Although he barely restrained his hippie smile under the angry eyes of his friend, it was not much, and he still made a puffing sound.

"Very good, Mr. Potter, you can hang this, at least until you go to bed." Carl stretched out a finger and shook it in the air a few times. James was about to say something, but Carl covered his mouth in shock before he could speak.

"Oh no, no, no, is there anyone who doesn't keep his word? No, no, no, it can't be true, you promised me and Lily." Carl shook his head and bit the words "promise" and "Lily". Carl was like a cunning fox. He was sure that James, who was full of passion, would agree.

"Yes, James, you promised, I can testify." Sirius took the initiative to raise his hand and covered his friend's coffin with the last handful of soil.

James didn't catch his breath, he just felt the blood rushing up, but he looked at Lily who was covering her mouth and laughing next to him, no... he must not leave a first impression of being untrustworthy in front of the girl he liked.

"Hang it up, who's afraid of who!" James hesitated again and again and really hung up the sign. Sirius really didn't expect James to really hang up the sign, and laughed even more happily in an instant. He wanted to use this to laugh at James for a year. This black-haired and blue-eyed guy could get along with James and actually make him throw him away. He must get to know him.

Hanging a sign and being teased by his friends, James felt that it was not appropriate for him to go out today. He stared at Carl fiercely, gnashing his teeth and saying, "I will not forget what happened today!"

Seeing James' unfriendly eyes, Severus immediately stepped forward to protect Carl, but was pulled away by Carl in a soothing voice, saying softly, "It's okay, Severus, it's no big deal, don't worry, I have seen all kinds of scenes."

After comforting Severus, he looked at James provocatively again, raised his hands, and patted them slightly, "Okay, okay, I'm waiting for you to come." After all, he was just a little kid, and Carl didn't believe that he couldn't beat him after eating dry food for more than ten years.

"You!" As expected of a child, he was provoked by Carl and immediately stepped forward like an angry little lion. Carl didn't fight with him, but just shrank towards Lily and shouted.

"Oh Lily~ How could Mr. Potter be like this? He actually soiled your new hairstyle and new clothes. And he is so fierce. Oh my God, he won't beat me, will he? This guy is so scary. Unlike me~ I only feel sorry for Lily~" Carl pinched the clip sound while shrinking to Lily and pulling Sev over, looking at Lily pitifully like a little animal.

Lily knew from Carl's tone that he was going to start acting again, and immediately cooperated with his performance "Oh, poor Carl, how could this happen? He is really too much."

They cooperated very skillfully, because they usually did this when they faced Sev, Penny or other adults questioning them, so as to confuse the audience.

Sev looked at Lily and Carl. Usually when there were no other people around, he didn't have any special thoughts, and even had a little bit of abandonment, but today Sev actually felt a little refreshed.

"......!" James Potter's eyes became sharp. What kind of creature was this? It could actually make a terrible sound, and it was also transmitted to the cute little lily. WestReese patted his brother on the shoulder and said, "Do you want to tone down your voice and compete with him to see who is more charming? Maybe you will win?"

"I would do such a thing?! Unless I am crazy!"

Siris saw that James did not take the bait, and whispered in his ear, "Hey, brother, maybe your goddess likes this style? I am giving you some ideas..." Sirius was talking nonsense, but James, who was in love, looked at Carl beside Lily and actually began to seriously think about the feasibility of this matter.

He cleared his throat and tried to imitate Carl's tone to see if he could save his image with Lily. "I... I..."

But please forgive James, he is still young after all. Maybe when he is a few years older, he can be as unrestrained as Carl and be full of care. At an age where he needs to save face, he can't do the same as Carl, so he tone down his voice for a long time, and the word "I" was in his mouth for a long time without spitting it out.

Carl raised his head, his tone still stern, "Some things are innate, you can't beat me in this. Even if you want to imitate, you can never do one ten-thousandth of my charm."

James looked at Carl who was so proud, he couldn't refute, after all, he could never do what Carl did, but Carl always adhered to the principle that if he was not embarrassed, then others would be embarrassed. This principle was very shameless and surpassed most people in the world. Ordinary people really couldn't imitate it.

James felt that there was a mouthful of blood in his heart that couldn't come up or down, and he kept holding it in his heart. In the end, he didn't plan to fight with Carl, because he would definitely lose, so he continued to talk to Lily beside him.

"Lily, which college do you want to go to! A lively and cheerful girl like you must be a Gryffindor." James called Lily's name very impolitely, which of course got Lily's disgust, and Lily glared at James.

"I'm not familiar with you. You should call me Evans." To be honest, Lily didn't like this reckless boy. He knocked Carl down and got a sandwich on his face.

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