"Sever, if I die, will you mourn for me?" The Sorting Hat finally finished singing a song. Carl's soul was also destroyed. He pulled Sever's sleeve and pretended to be dying.

"You'd better not." Sever glanced at him and said. Carl stared at him, somewhat dissatisfied, "Why?"

"Haha, because I don't like going to the cemetery." Sever answered with a fake smile. The two were talking. Professor McGonagall had already taken the brown paper and read the names of the little wizards below. Several unfamiliar faces entered their respective colleges one after another, causing continuous applause on the long table.

"James Potter!" Finally called a familiar person. Carl looked at James who kept looking back and told Sirius to go to Gryffindor from time to time.

Carl knew the result long ago. As he expected, the moment the Sorting Hat touched James, it announced loudly.

"Gryffindor!" Hearing the words of the Sorting Hat, the long table belonging to Gryffindor burst into fierce applause, almost bursting through the roof. James jumped up excitedly and ran towards the long table of Gryffindor, looking very proud.

"Oh... He actually went to Gryffindor. I hesitated a little." Lily curled her lips, a little distressed. James Potter broke nearly half of her yearning for future campus life.

"Well... At least he is very lively." Carl approached Lily, thinking about it, and gave James a more positive definition.

"The evil bird is also very lively." Severus expressed disdain and did not think this was an advantage. He thought this was a good opportunity to change Lily's attitude towards Gryffindor and immediately prepared to add something.

But how could Carl give him such an opportunity? He immediately grabbed Severus's hand and shook it left and right, "I am also very lively. Does Severus hate me?"

Carl shook Severus's arm while shooting starry eyes. Severus Snape felt the malice of the world towards him.

"Of course you can't be compared with the evil bird."

Listening to Sever's words, Carl gave a thumbs up in his heart, hehehe, the plan worked, so there will be no problem at all.

But the next second Sever's words made him unable to laugh, "You are ten times more noisy than them."


"Then twenty times."

"Sirius Black." During the conversation, another familiar name appeared, and the eyes of the three were briefly attracted by Sirius. This time, unlike James, the Sorting Hat seemed to have struggled for a long time, and finally he shouted that sentence in the entanglement.

"Gryffindor!" The hall fell into an unprecedented silence, and even the long table of Gryffindor did not applaud but just stared blankly. Only James stood up ecstatically and took the lead in applauding, almost hugging Sirius immediately. Seeing James applauding, Gryffindor regained its enthusiasm and rang out warm applause.

"This is impossible!" Along with the applause from the Gryffindor table came the clapping of the Slytherin table. A black-haired woman slammed the table and stared at the Sorting Hat and Sirius.

She endured and endured but still couldn't scold her cousin in front of everyone. After smoothing her disordered breathing, the woman slowly sat down. The platinum-haired man next to her immediately patted her back. He patted the woman's back and whispered "Cissi, calm down..." as if he wanted to help her share the anger.

Seeing the situation in Slytherin, everyone in Gryffindor was of course happy to see it. The Gryffindors who were somewhat hostile to Sirius were completely relieved at this moment. After all, Sirius could make Slytherin lose face and had a good relationship with James.

Sirius happily ran towards his good brother. The two happily linked their shoulders, not caring about the murderous eyes from Slytherin next door.

"Lily Evans!" It was Lily's turn soon. Lily walked up confidently. Although she was worried about James in Gryffindor, she really wanted to go to Gryffindor the most.

"Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat thought the same as Lily. Lily, like James, just touched the Sorting Hat and the Sorting Hat gave her an answer.

"Carlos Coster." Then came Carl's name. Carl immediately stood up and walked forward. Well, he had tested it in his previous life. It was undoubtedly Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw's attributes crushed other branches and ranked first.

If possible, of course I still want to go to Ravenclaw, but wouldn't it be better to go to Slytherin? Help Sever share some firepower, Carl thought to Professor McGonagall while putting the Sorting Hat on him. The Sorting Hat did not judge right and wrong immediately, but slowly analyzed.

"It looks difficult to deal with, but if it were me, I could definitely sort you to the right place..."

"Without a doubt... Oh, you seem to haveIntention to go to Slytherin? "

The voice of the Sorting Hat echoed in his mind, and Carl felt like he was home, because 0025 usually talked to him in this way in his mind.

"But to be honest, you are not suitable to go there, since you don't have to be in Slytherin."

"If that's the case, then follow the most suitable one..." The Sorting Hat helped make this decision.

"Ravenclaw! "There were bursts of applause at the Ravenclaw table. Carl jumped off the stage and planned to walk to the Ravenclaw table. But before leaving, Carl took advantage of Sev's gaze still on him, waved to Sev, and silently made the mouth shape of "Come on".

After Sev's helpless face, Carl, who got what he wanted, came to the Ravenclaw table in a flash. The overall atmosphere of Ravenclaw was more... quiet? Not as noisy as Gryffindor. Unlike James's side, they hugged and pulled each other as soon as they were given one. Just a few seniors greeted Carl in a friendly manner and talked to Carl about some general things about the college.

The only one Carl knew was Sev. In fact, he just planned to look for the other two members of the hijackers in the crowd, but then he thought that they would meet sooner or later anyway, so it didn't matter.

"Severus Snape! "Professor McGonagall's voice came, and Sever walked up. Although he acted very calm, Carl could still feel his nervousness. Hmm... his hands under the wizard robe must have been clenched tightly. He was very nervous but he could act calm. Double-class senior agents must have started from childhood.

Unexpectedly, Sever sat on the Sorting Hat and did not shout out Slytherin immediately. Carl was a little surprised. He frowned and looked at Sever on the stage, but Sever turned his eyes to Carl.

Carl's hand holding the wand trembled slightly. What was Sever doing? What do you mean you don't want to enter Ravenclaw?

This is not right...

What do you mean I have entered some weird, bloody private world view? Isn't Severus from Ravenclaw too weird? I don't want to be a sinner in history...

Carl imagined Severus wearing Ravenclaw uniforms, and goose bumps appeared behind him. Fortunately, the picture Carl imagined did not appear. Severus just looked directly into Carl's eyes and then looked firmly at the Slytherin stands. The Sorting Hat also shouted out the result with his firm eyes.


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