Alice held the textbook in front of Carl and pointed at the spells on it. Carl took out his wand, which surprised Alice a little. Well, Carl's wand could be used as a crutch.

"Oh, this is the first time I've seen such a wand. Carl, can you wave it?" Alice was a little uncertain. Carl was not sure either. He was good at using the obsidian sword to cut slimes and shadow men. The floating spell... He only used magic to float a few books when he was a child. He was not sure about the others.

"Should I be able to do it?" Carl waved his wand and planned to try "Wingardium Leviosa" according to the instructions in the book.

With Carl's wand, the feather flew lightly into the air, swaying and floating for a few times before stabilizing. Carl didn't expect that he would succeed with just a slight movement. He blinked and looked at Alice next to him, saying innocently.

"Is that so? It seems quite simple."

Alice looked at Carl in disbelief, her eyes unblinking, and shouted in shock, "How did you do it! I just tried several times?! You succeeded in one try!"

Alice's shout instantly attracted several seniors who were guiding other young wizards. They were stunned for a moment, and then surrounded Carl as if they were looking at some rare species, as well as Alice who was watching nearby.

"..." Carl was a little embarrassed. He raised his wand, his hand trembled slightly, and the feathers also humanized and slowly lowered with Carl's mood. "What's wrong?"

"Successful on the first try?" A senior looked at Carl in disbelief, and Alice nodded to testify for Carl, "It was indeed a success. Carl had been thinking about something just now."

Alice said it very nicely, she even expressed Carl's daze as thinking.

The senior patted a girl next to him and said, "Is he from a pure-blood family? He is so skilled in using spells. Hmm... If he is from a certain family, he seems unfamiliar."

The senior girl was probably from a pure-blood family. She shook her head and was very sure, "No, I have never heard of a pure-blood family named Coster."

"But it's nothing, isn't it?" Another senior interrupted, and he was also a little excited. "He is not a pure-blood and has not received family education. Doesn't this just show that he has a good talent? Just based on this levitation spell, how many points do you think Professor Flitwick will be willing to give him?"

"Three points?"

"I guess at least five points!"

Carl finally knew what they were excited about. A talented freshman could easily arouse the professor's desire to add points. In short, he was now a walking point-adding machine in the eyes of others, and Ravenclaw had a chance to win the college cup.

Well, isn't it a bit unfair for a pseudo-shoto to mix with real lolita? But if you think about it carefully, the future college cup will be won by Slytherin and Gryffindor. It should be a good thing for him to help the college win the college cup in the future, right?

I am Hua [crossed out] I am Yingyin.

The crowd quickly retreated, but there were still a few seniors who patted Carl on the shoulder to try to motivate Carl to study hard. What a heavy expectation... Should I tell them that I am actually the kind of lazy person who rushes to check in before the exam?

But it is too late to tell them now. While other little wizards are still scratching their heads, Carl can already wave his wand to make a circle with feathers in the air and then stop. I have to say that this feeling of surpassing his peers [pseudo] is really good.

There is a kind of happiness that is riding a children's bicycle and winning the first place in the park children's bicycle championship. This kind of happiness is not very good for elementary school students, but it is very suitable for adults like him whose souls have grown up.

It was soon time to go to bed. Ravenclaw has four people in the dormitory. Carl didn't know the other three people very well. After a little self-acceptance, the four went to bed separately. Carl was going to report his safety to Penny and his mother, but there was no owl, so he had to give up. He could write a letter during the rest tomorrow and catch one at the school's mailing place.

At the same time, in the Gryffindor dormitory, Sirius looked at James, who was gnashing his teeth and nailing the note written by Carl to the wall with a nail. Sirius held his forehead and asked uncertainly, "James, do you really want to do this?"

James did not stop his actions, his teeth were clacking, and he continued his actions while gnashing his teeth, "Are you going to speak for that Koster! Sirius! I am my best friend!"

Sirius glanced at James' childish behavior, and tried his best not to admit that he knew this person. "What I want to say is that this will not only not hurt Carl, but also make our other two roommates think we are stupid."

"Come on, Sirius! You are just siding withHe! You call him by his Christian name now! You've changed!" James looked at Sirius and accused him fiercely. Sirius looked at his friend who was about to throw a tantrum on the ground and felt helpless.

"Well, even if you are a fool, at least I should make my position clear to them." Sirius didn't intend to sink with James, he turned around.

"Oh sorry, Peter Lupin, although you may not believe it, but he is a little bit..." Sirius pointed to his head, and then drew a circle to express something self-evident. James next to him was furious. "Sirius, what are you talking about!"

"Unless you are willing to tear this stupid note off your bedside, I will not change this statement."

"This can motivate me to get back at you next time. You should stand on my side." James clenched his fists and nodded, seeming to think that what he said made sense.

"Maybe James's hobbies are a little special." Lupin smiled, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "It is indeed a little special. "Sirius shook his head, "He brought this thing along the way, you don't know the looks of people around you."

"What looks?" James scratched his messy hair, he really didn't notice anything else. "Because you were only busy chatting with your little lily, of course you didn't notice it, the freshmen around you saw clearly what you were wearing and walked around you..."

"That's weird..."

"Let me make it clear first, Carl told your little lily that you can take it off, you said it yourself..." Sirius put one hand on his chest and began to imitate what James had just said to Lily. He raised his voice an octave and tried his best to be pretentious.

"It's okay, Evans, I'm an honest and trustworthy person."

"I will definitely do what I say!" Sirius imitated as if he was disgusted by something. "What are you? I think you are a teapot filled with pink bubbles of love. Open your brain and there are only bubbles and water."

"Sirius! "

"I swear I have never said anything more truthful than this in my life."

"Alright, stop arguing." Lupin waved his hand to smooth things over between Sirius and James. Peter did not say anything, but just watched Sirius and James' actions from the side, nodding his head from time to time, not knowing what he was thinking.

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