Three months passed like this. During this period, Carl managed the crops on the farm, harvested cranberries and planted another crop, maintaining the money at about 3,000 gold, and his parents' favorability also remained at 9.

Favorability cannot be forced, but this money...

This really can't be blamed on Carl. The baby's body is too fragile. Sometimes he was watering and then accidentally fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already the next day. Missing watering was not a big problem. He remembered that when the seasons changed, he looked at a large area of ​​cranberry forest and drooled, but he accidentally fell asleep while harvesting. As a result, the next day, winter came and all the crops withered!

Is this fair? Is there any law? But no matter how hard he cried, his cranberries would not come back, and when winter came, he completely lost his happiness. Because there were no crops growing in the fields in winter, he could only hoe the fields with a small hoe, trying to dig out some winter roots or snow yam from the soil, but it was useless. Sometimes he had to hoe for a long time to get only a few roots, not to mention the baby's sleepiness problem. After three or four days of tossing and turning, he barely harvested three or four hundred golds, and then he gave up the road of getting rich by hoeing the fields.

"Ah..." Carl looked at the sky and the ceiling. Today, mom and dad seemed to be very busy. They got up early in the morning and then worked for several hours in a row. They didn't stop until the evening. Although they came back to feed and see if there was anything wrong with me, it was boring. If dad was here, he could play with me...

"Hehehe, little Carl..." Ceci walked in mysteriously from the outside. The usually steady man was actually a little childish at this moment.

He stepped forward and picked up Carl and took Carl to the living room. Carl looked at the greatly changed living room and the Christmas tree in the middle of the living room, and then realized it belatedly.

Oh, it's Christmas already. No wonder mom and dad are so busy today. Ceci holds Carl like a beast patrolling its territory with its cub, looking at the pile of gifts and the Christmas stockings. Carl is also happy. It's better than sitting in the crib.

"Ahem..." Leah prepared dinner and coughed helplessly twice when she saw Ceci and Carl being too active. Ceci noticed it soon. He walked to the dining table with Carl in his arms and muttered something.

"Let's go. Mom has prepared delicious food. We can eat enough tonight... Oh, no, Carl is still a baby and can't eat such delicious food. It seems that Dad can only eat it for you-"

"Wow!" Carl was a little angry when he heard this. His chubby hands fluttered left and right to express his dissatisfaction. Ceci just hugged Carl to prevent him from falling, and then rubbed Carl's little head.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, Carl, be good."

Liya looked at the father and son getting along and smiled helplessly, a little angry, "Look at you, why are you teasing him? Although Carl is only eight months old, he is very smart. Carl must have understood your tone, so he fluttered."

"How is it possible? Carl is so young." Ceci continued to hug Carl, but Carl was still struggling hard. Liya didn't agree. She stretched out her hand to hug Carl, "Come on, Carl, let's ignore Dad and come to Mom."

Seeing Liya open her arms to pick him up, Carl immediately stretched out his hand and threw himself into her mother's arms. Liya caught him tightly and then said in a proud tone.

"You see, you can't take advantage of the fact that the child doesn't understand and start teasing him recklessly. He will also bear grudges, right, Carl."

"Okay, okay, Admiral Leah, I think you win, then can you tell me the skills to get along with babies?"

"Corporal Ceci, of course I can tell you, but don't you think we should eat first?"

The meal was spent in an extremely peaceful atmosphere. Carl ate the luxurious complementary food set carefully prepared by Ceci and Leah, and received some toys as Christmas gifts. Ceci and Leah spent a long time at the dinner table, and opened a bottle of wine in a good mood and drank a little.

At night, Carl returned to his crib. Because Leah's mother was very tired from making the Christmas dinner, Ceci was responsible for taking care of Carl at night.

But Carl couldn't fall asleep at this moment. Maybe it was because he was too excited at night. He closed his eyes for a long time. Ceci looked at the quiet Carl and thought he was asleep. She took a nap on the floor next to the crib. Seeing that his father had rested, Carl, who couldn't fall asleep, simply sat up.

It was strange that he always slept well. Carl sat for a long time, then lay down again, closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep. This time he finally fell asleep.

Carl didn't wake up naturally this time, but was woken up by the heat. He put his hand on the bed in a daze.His face was frightened by the amazing heat, and soon he realized that he had a fever. Carl wanted to open his mouth and cry to attract Cece's attention, but he was a little powerless.

"Wow..." He tried hard to cry out, but the sound he made was like a mosquito. His little hands fluttered in the crib to get up, but he couldn't support his body.

He was about to make a sound several times, but soon it was extinguished as if something had taken away his strength. Carl hadn't felt this helpless feeling for a long time.

It was like a person walking in the dark. He didn't know when he could find a place with light. Panic lingered in his heart. He wanted to get up, let his father notice, and then let him find out that he had a fever, put a towel on himself or take some medicine, and it would be best if he could touch his little head with his mother and comfort him. But he couldn't get up at all, and it seemed that something was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't cry.

The spin in his brain was getting tighter and tighter. Carl struggled hard, but still couldn't stop the spin from breaking. Just when he fell into despair, a force suddenly surged out of his body, slowly filling his body and then flowing to his limbs.

His body, which had been drained of strength, was finally able to make a sound. As he cried, all the glass in the room cracked and shattered on the ground. The glass stayed in the air for about three seconds, and then fell to the ground as if it had lost its strength.

Ceci quickly woke up because of the sound. He looked at Carl crying on the bed, and didn't care about anything else. He hurriedly went forward to comfort him. When he touched his forehead, he keenly felt the abnormal temperature.

Ceci touched his head and then Carl's. "Do you have a fever?" At this time, Leah in another room also rushed over. She was also awakened by the sound of glass breaking.

She hurried to the baby's room and saw Ceci holding Carl and coaxing him in the broken glass. "Honey, what's wrong?"

Cesi, who was called by Leah, came back to his senses. He looked at the messy room and the crying child in his arms. He finally decided to wait for Carl's fever to subside before considering other things. He said to Leah.

"Carl's temperature is a little high. I'll prepare some wet towels. Honey, can you go and see if there are any cold medicines at home?"

"Fever?" At this time, Leah didn't care about the room. She immediately went to the study and found the medicine box, and then took out some children's cold medicine that she had prepared when she was pregnant and brewed some.

Cesi held Carl in one hand. The glass of the baby room was broken. The temperature was not cold just now, but the cool wind had already blown into the room. He thought about it and placed Carl in the bedroom. He went to the bathroom to find warm water and soaked a dry towel.

The couple fed medicine and cooled down the temperature for a long time, and then Carl's body temperature was lowered. When Carl continued to sleep peacefully, the sky was faintly glowing with white light.

"Thank you for your hard work, Leah..." Ceci kissed his wife's cheek, and Leah stood on tiptoe to kiss her back, "You too."

Although Carl's fever had subsided, the couple still felt a little depressed, that is, the messy baby room and the broken glass for no reason.

Ceci looked at the sleeping child with a complicated expression, and Leah was very keen to notice the complexity, "What's wrong, dear, you seem to be in trouble? Is it because of Carl?"

Ceci remained silent, her eyes were still worried, and she seemed to be thinking about something. At this time, Leah suddenly held her wrist excitedly, "Ceci, no matter what, Carl is our child..."

"Although he made all the glass explode, you see, we are fine. Even if Carl has some strange abilities, he knows that we are his relatives, so even the pain of a high fever did not hurt us. He also..." Looking at his incoherent wife, Ceci pressed her shoulders and spoke solemnly with some helplessness.

"Oh, Leah, my God, what are you thinking about?! Of course he is our child, no matter what."

"Then why do you have such an expression? Don't try to lie to me. It happens every time you think of something."

Liya watched Ceci protect Carl with some caution. She was like a lioness ready to strike, protecting her cub firmly behind her.

Seeing his wife looking at him like a thief, Ceci was a little amused, but he still patiently explained to his wife, "It's Carl, I'm worried about Carl. He is only eight months old now and can make all the glass explode. I'm afraid that this force will become stronger as it grows. After all, this is the city center. If our glass explodes every now and then, even if we take Carl,No matter how well you hide the truth, it will probably arouse suspicion. "

Cecilia carefully weighed the pros and cons for his wife, and carefully sorted out the various problems, and Leah suddenly realized it.

"That's right... What should we do?"

The couple looked at each other, thinking about what to do next, with some hesitation in their eyes. Just when the situation was deadlocked, Carl made something vague.

Cecilia thought he had a fever again, and immediately stepped forward, but heard the eight-month-old baby vomiting vaguely.

"Da da ma ma..."

Probably mom and dad, Cecilia looked at each other again, and this time the hesitation in their eyes was replaced by relief and determination, and the two spoke together in unison.

"Let's move!"

The moment they said moving, the favorability of Leah and Cecilia on Carl's game panel kept flashing on the ten hearts, and then completely stopped there.

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