After the three of them were busy, they had cleaned up a part of the showroom. Well... Carl was still a little messy in the rest of the showroom.

Carl wiped small items such as photos and trophies while watching James and Sirius exclaiming. The reason was that there were too many novel things in the showroom. James even found a half-broken golden snitch. I don't know who left it here.

"This should be about the extent. Even if Filch is a pervert, he wouldn't let three of us little wizards who are only eleven years old clean up the whole place." James rubbed his sore shoulders, moved them a little, and then yawned.

"Who knows if he is? But if he really wants to embarrass us, we will go to Dean McGonagall. Well... Carl, you can tell her." Sirius said, his tone was a little guilty, but when he remembered that there was another Carl next to him who had not been scolded by the dean, he immediately felt more confident.

"Hey, did you offend the professor? You feel so guilty even when you go to complain." Carl put down the cleaned trophy and stretched. James and Sirius whistled in tacit agreement when Carl asked this and went to clean other places.

Carl knew everything about them, "It seems that you really did something, you are worthy of it."

"It's not our fault! Professor McGonagall is too strict! Adventure is what Gryffindor should do, we just practiced the tradition of the college." James was in high spirits as if he was going to fly out of the galaxy on a broomstick in the next second.

"That's right! James and I just went out for a little while at night, and then we wanted to have a little adventure." Sirius also joined in.

"Let me guess, if your little adventure had been successful and unfortunately caught by Professor McGonagall, then Gryffindor's scorer would definitely drop by half."

"So probably before that, I mean before you had this little adventure, you were caught by Dean McGonagall, so she only gave you two a small verbal warning, after all, you are still freshmen." Carl looked at the two guys and expressed his assumptions.

"Correct! But Carl, you are too convoluted. In short, we failed the night tour and were caught by Professor McGonagall, but I think." Sirius raised a finger and circled it in the air.

"I have a bad feeling..." Carl's eyes were dead, and he took two steps back and left Sirius.

"What we want to ask is whether you would consider going on a night tour with us. After all, you have a good sense of direction. If the three of us join together, we can get twice the result with half the effort." James said the terrible words with a sunny face, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with him at all.

"Stay away from me too." Looking at James approaching, Carl continued to retreat frantically. He went over in his mind the earth-shaking things James and Sirius had done, turning into illegal Animagus, stealing Quidditch brooms to sneak across the border, and riding a motorcycle to jump off the astronomy tower.

After doing all these, he probably wouldn't have to wait for Voldemort to kill him. These two guys would have to let him die first... or twice.

"Come on, come on, as long as we are careful, we will never be caught." Sirius continued to instigate, trying to convince Carl.

This is not a question of whether they will be caught or not, but a question of whether they have the life to practice. What if an innocent passerby like me, Card, is killed innocently by doing this with the savior's father?

"Then I promise to help you occasionally." Carl looked at James and Sirius, who were in high spirits and were planning how to carry out their adventure plans, and he couldn't bear to pour cold water on them.

"Do you agree?" James was a little surprised. In fact, Sirius had asked him to ask. In James' opinion, although Carl might be a good person and would not tell Professor McGonagall, he would most likely not agree to such a proposal.

"Why not? I just want to help with the advice." Carl pointed to his school uniform and then to theirs. "And we are not from the same college. If you two are caught, Ravenclaw's points will not be deducted."

Carl thought for a while, and then said a bottom line, "But, I want to remind you, stealing a broom to sneak into Mexico or riding a motorcycle from the astronomy tower, don't tell me about this kind of thing..."

Carl's voice gradually became smaller, because he saw James and Sirius' eyes lit up like light bulbs when they heard him say this.

"You won't do these things, right?" Carl forced a smile, but got a brighter smile from James and Sirius.

Carl moved the corners of his stiff mouth, and there was a little unnoticeable tremor in his tone, "You won't do these things, right?""I didn't expect that, Carl, you actually have such a good idea. I'm impressed by you! What else is worth practicing? Tell us two more." James patted Carl's shoulder and ignored Carl, who seemed to be petrified at the moment.

"But I think if I want to travel on a broom, there are still some places I want to go." Sirius also began to think about the feasibility of Carl's "idea".

It feels like I am providing them with materials, right? Carl decided to say less and wipe the display stand over there again, which would inevitably give them inspiration for future mischief.


"Hey!" Sirius watched Carl walk away and wanted to call him, but his voice overlapped with Filch's voice behind him, which made him slowly put down his hand and freeze instantly.

Carl was holding a photo in his hand at this time. When he saw Filch coming, he immediately put it in the original place, but the stand was not stable and the photo could not stand and swayed and fell down again.

Carl was about to help him up when Filch shouted, "Why are you still there? Come here!" His tone was very bad, so Carl walked over.

Filch nodded, as if he was proud of his deterrence. He looked around and found nothing to find fault with. He just said you can leave and walked out immediately.

"If you ask me, Filch has a really bad temper. If he hates us wizards, then don't come to Hogwarts, so he can see us less." James complained about Filch as he walked.

"Totally agree, and his nose for Mrs. Norris is also very sensitive. I heard several seniors complain that they were caught by her during night walks." Sirius also talked about what he knew about Filch.

"Well, although there are some..." The three little wizards walked away while chatting.

In the showroom, a hand slowly straightened the fallen photo frame.

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