After the next month, the Quidditch finals will be held. The other team that will advance to the next round is Ravenclaw. After all, the colleges are different, so Alice can no longer hang out with the little lions, but she doesn't have any friends to invite to watch Quidditch together, so...

"Why is it me again? Why is it like this again..." Carl was interrupted twice in a row in January, and his body and mind suffered unprecedented damage. Although it may be a little incredible, Alice seems to have really seen the soul spit out in Carl's mouth.

"Sorry, Carl, I'm really sorry. If you are really sleepy, just go back. It's okay." Alice was a little flustered. She waved her hands in the air, trying to catch the invisible soul and stuff it into Carl's mouth.

"Forget it, since we are all up, I will watch it with you..." Carl was sitting in the stands, and the Quidditch game was about to start, "But Alice..." Carl's eyes were on Alice's hand, which was already holding a notebook.

"Are you going to take notes while watching the game?" Carl pointed at the notebook with some curiosity. Alice immediately opened the notebook and found a blank piece of paper. "How can I take notes on the court? This is just a sketchbook."

"So it's a sketchbook? What's on it?" Carl asked subconsciously, but then he thought that many people who like to paint don't like to show their works to others, so he waved his hand, "I'm just curious. If Alice minds, forget it."

"Ah, there's nothing you can't see, but I have to hold the sketchbook..." Alice flipped through the sketchbook, and then Then she showed a painting to Carl, "These are what I tried to draw at the beginning..."

"Hmm..." Carl held his chin and carefully appreciated the painting, "Although it is a bit abstract, this bird's nest is still well drawn."

"That's James." Alice smiled helplessly, Carl was a little embarrassed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth stiffened. In order to ease the embarrassment, he immediately turned the page to the next page, "This dog is also well drawn, but the face is a little bald, or is it actually a Dalmatian you drew?"

"That's Sirius, although there are some traces of artistic processing." Alice continued.

After all, Alice said that this is the initial practice work, and it is understandable that the beginner's painting is not very similar. Let's take a look at the next page. Carl had already accepted the psychology of beautiful abstract paintings, but the next painting directly blinded his eyes.

I saw a portrait of a person on it. Although it was a bit awkward for a beginner, the overall lines were very smooth, and there seemed to be signs of beautification.

Carl moved the book to the previous page in disbelief, and then to the next page. A dog, a bird's nest, a handsome man, a dog, a bird's nest, a handsome man, a dog...

This evolution is too abstract! But who is this? Is there anyone in Hogwarts who looks like this? "Excuse me, Alice, who is this?" Carl quickly searched for the people in his memory, but still couldn't find it.

"Ah, it's Senior Longbottom." Alice smiled happily, "It looks very similar, right..."

It's too beautified! Are Senior Longbottom's eyes so big? ! Is Senior Longbottom so handsome in Alice's mind?

Maybe the style of painting has changed. I guess the following are portraits with similar elements. I don't know what I look like in Alice's mind?

Hehehe, I'm looking forward to it.


"Alice, is this a cat playing with a loose ball of yarn? This cat looks a bit abstract... and why is there a cat toy over there?" Carl asked, pointing to the next page where the style of the painting suddenly changed again.

"This is a photo of Carl, Severus and Lily. I also added some special elements. This is you, this is Severus, this is Lily, and those two should be snakes and lilies."

Alice pointed at the cat, and then at the yarn and cat toy it was playing with. No... it was a snake and a lily.

"I... Severus... Lily..." Carl's fingers moved back and forth on the painting. Forget it, at least we are one level higher than James. He is not even a creature. I am at least a cat. What do I need a bicycle for?

Carl continued to look down, but Alice suddenly pulled the sketchbook away and said, "There is nothing interesting below..."

Carl always felt that Alice had a secret, but he didn't dwell on it. After all, everyone has some things that cannot be known to others.

"Ah, the game has begun!" Alice shouted excitedly. Several Quidditch players had already flown high into the sky. The game was about to begin.

The Gryffindors were in the next stand. The game was not a big deal to most people.They were all very interesting, and everyone was very excited. A beautiful pass could make people in the stands scream.

The host's evaluation was objective, not as serious as the one who smuggled in the next generation. Carl roughly understood the situation on the field through the commentary.

"Now Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are in a tense situation! Whoever can get the Golden Snitch will be the champion of this Quidditch Cup!"

The game has been tense for a long time. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have the same score. If Gryffindor scores a goal, Ravenclaw will definitely make up one. Now it depends on who can get the crucial Golden Snitch.

Everyone in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was very excited. James in the next stand even shouted until his face turned red. Carl also unexpectedly leaned forward to see who would win the championship. After all, Quidditch has a lot of extra points. If Ravenclaw wins, then the college cup this semester will be stable.

Two seekers were looking for the Snitch that represented victory on the court. Alice stared at the two figures nervously with a very complicated expression, happy for a while and a little nervous for a while. Finally, Frank seemed to have found something and dived to the lower left.

The Ravenclaw seeker saw Frank's action and immediately reacted and went over there.

But it was just a fake move. After the dive, Frank urgently changed direction. The Ravenclaw seeker did not react and passed by Frank. Then Frank rushed to the real location of the Golden Snitch and caught the Golden Snitch flying in the air with a grasping action.

Carl's dynamic vision was not that good. He could only barely see the two figures flying, but the commentators who could explain Quidditch must have flexible eyes, and being able to tell the situation of the battle is the most basic.

"Frank Longbottom took the Golden Snitch! So the champion of this Quidditch Cup is! Gryffindor!" After the commentator finished speaking, the whole Gryffindor stand was boiling. Carl was really worried that they would faint.

Although Ravenclaw lost the game, the two houses were not as incompatible as Gryffindor and Slytherin in essence, so everyone applauded and congratulated Gryffindor for the final victory after being upset about missing the first place.

Hmm... Senior Longbottom, it seems that he has looked over here, and what did he say with his mouth...

"Come on?" Carl barely read the meaning from Frank's lips, but who was he talking to?

Carl turned his head to look at Alice over there, but found that Alice's expression was very complicated. She was a little happy for a while, then sighed, and then started to be happy again, and then stepped on her feet and seemed a little annoyed. The whole person was in a very schizophrenic state.

"Alice?" Carl observed Alice for a while and then waved his hand at her to try to bring her back to her senses. Alice saw the hand in front of her and was slightly stunned, and then she got out of this state.

After learning what she had done, Alice blushed directly. She covered her mouth with her hand, and it took a long time for her to utter words as loud as a mosquito.

"Carl, can you pretend you didn't see anything?"

"Okay, okay." Carl made an OK gesture.

After the game, everyone went home. After coming out of the Quidditch field, Carl saw Lily and the others under the tree.

But why wasn't James there? Carl waved his hand, and Sirius immediately saw Carl in the distance. It was a bit far away, so Carl couldn't see clearly what Sirius was saying, so he walked forward.

"Why are you all gathered under the tree, and where is James?" Carl and Alice trotted over. Sirius looked at them helplessly and pointed at the person lying under the tree.

"This guy was so excited that he fainted..."

Carl looked over, and sure enough, a bird nest was lying under the tree in a mess, panting heavily, and his face was as suffocated as a cooked shrimp.

James Potter, you are worthy of it. You easily did what others couldn't do...


After the Quidditch competition, there were no large-scale activities, but this also meant that the exams were coming soon, and James had promised Carl and Alice that he would help them with flying lessons.

So on a bright afternoon, James took Carl and Alice and borrowed the brooms of the Gryffindor Quidditch team to start the class.

"In short, we must first learn to shout when holding the broom. We must be confident." Teacher James pointed a finger and talked freely. Carl and Alice looked at each other and nodded.

The two took a deep breath at the same time. Just as they were about to shout, they were stopped by James, "Stop, both of you! You have to know! Confidence does not mean yelling, understand? ! "

Alice and Carl looked at each other again, and then said to James, "I don't understand."

"Anyway, let's put ourselves in their shoes. Don't treat the broom as a broom, treat it as something to ride..." Before James finished speaking, Alice looked up and down at the broom, and then looked at her small leather shoes, "Then step on it on the spot?"

Alice's words reminded Carl of skateboarding or flying with a sword. Is it because his soul is Chinese that he is not used to riding a broom? Maybe stepping on it is really feasible? But James's action in the next second made him give up this idea.

Although Alice's question was uncertain, it was enough to make James spit out a mouthful of blood, "Of course not! I mean you should try to treat the broom as a companion first! "

"But James, I just want to pass the flying class, I don't need to pull too much for other subjects, I don't want to..." Carl raised his hand weakly, James' eyes became sharp, took a step forward, stared at Carl and said, "Do you still want to learn!"

"Okay coach, no problem coach, treat me as a friend." Carl's voice lowered, and the whole person gradually shrank into a ball. How come this James is more fierce than Sever when he touches flying.


After an afternoon of beating by Coach James, Carl and Alice have made gratifying gains. Carl has been able to fly on the broom for a while, although James still dislikes Carl's sitting posture is too stiff.

Alice is a little harder than Carl, and Carl is a little hesitant, but the good news is that he didn't fall because of this.

Alice's training method is a bit reckless. When she got on the broom for the first time, she was very nervous. It can be seen when she saw Alice flying. That flying class was very impressive. Alice flew out.

This time she tried to control it a little bit, and the effect was gratifying, but the bad news is.

"Alice, your knee is okay..." James looked at Alice's torn pants and felt a little reluctant. Although he admired Alice's courage, it would be a disaster if something went wrong.

Alice shook her head, clenched the broom in her hand, and took a few deep breaths. "It's okay, because I want to work hard!"

"Not bad Alice, very ambitious! Compared to someone..." James used the method of praising one and stepping on the other.

Carl was hit hard! He covered his heart exaggeratedly, "James, if you do this to me, you will lose the pitiful, simple, kind and lovely me!"

James didn't buy it. He covered his heart like Carl did, and began to perform exaggeratedly, "Carl, I just told a simple story, not about you, as my good friend!"

"You actually! You actually! ! ! You thought I was talking about you! So will love disappear? ", James even slid down a bit, half lying on the grass, pretending to be dying.

"" Carl pointed at James for a long time and couldn't say anything. Finally, he just sighed and said with some dissatisfaction, "Okay, you win this time."

"It's good to know, I'm not the same person I was a year ago." Seeing that Carl didn't continue to take the challenge, James got up and patted the dust off his body, then stood up and raised his chin with some pride.

James looked up and just saw the sun approaching the mountains, "But it's getting a little dark, let's go back and practice tomorrow, how about it?" He pointed at the sun and said to Alice and Carl.

Carl didn't care, but Alice said, "I want to practice for a while, otherwise you go back first?"

James shook his head, "I asked Senior Longbottom for a long time to borrow this broom, and I have to return it to him later..."

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