"Yeah..." Carl let go of his hand, but Sever was not angry. He just smiled and answered Carl, then stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Carl's face like kneading dough, as if he wanted to return the treatment just now to Carl, and he charged interest.

"How about this?" Sever withdrew his hand. He felt that he had punished Carl enough, but he didn't know that this shameless man held his face with his own hands and said proudly, "How about my face is super soft, although it is usually only for mothers to pinch, but if Sever wants to pinch it, I can make an exception for you."

Carl put his white face with a little baby fat over, but Sever withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted, "Can you be a little..."

"A little restrained? This may be a little difficult."


After the exam, the college cup was announced. It must be said that Quidditch is really a great tool for pulling points. Although Carl has tried very hard to add points to Ravenclaw, of course everyone in the college is the same.

But I really couldn't stand the extra points for Quidditch. But the good news is that Ravenclaw's Quidditch extra points are second only to Gryffindor. They won the college cup by a small margin and looked at the blue in the hall.

Carl said that he had never found blue so beautiful before.

However, James decided to unilaterally break up with Carl and Alice for five minutes to express his resistance because his college missed the college cup.

Oh, it was a quiet five minutes, it was great, and I felt that blue was more beautiful~

Then I checked my scores, packed my bags and went home. Lily won the first place in the grade. She was looking for her name below. When she couldn't find it, she almost cried, but of course she got good news in the end.

By the way, the controversial question that James thought he must have answered correctly was not won by him, James, but by Lily.

Sever's ranking was also among the top, which was expected. After all, Sever usually worked very hard, and his mood was also that kind of light. Even Carl was a little happier than him.

As for Carl's transcript, the overall highlight is incredible, with the most difficult written test and the highest score in practical operation, the main point is absurd, but at least the overall score is not bad.

As for others, Alice's grades are also very good, James, Sirius and Lupin don't have to worry at all, and even Peter barely passed the exam.

Almost in an instant, a whole year passed, and then in the blink of an eye, the exam week was over, and everyone packed their luggage and headed for the train home.

The train station was crowded with people, James, Alice and others were picked up by their parents as soon as they got off the train, leaving only Sirius and Sev, Carl and Lily, but there was nothing wrong with only them being left, Sirius and Carl chatted happily.

But soon, Sirius, who was originally very happy, completely darkened his face after seeing a familiar face.

"What's wrong, Sirius." Carl noticed that Sirius's face was not right, but he didn't see his mother and brother, so he didn't know what happened, so he asked him.

"It's okay, I just saw my mother and brother again, they came to pick me up." Sirius shook his head, his tone a little annoyed, "If we had known that we would have waited there, then they would have looked for me for a while longer, and I wouldn't have to go home so quickly."

"This is also a good thing." Carl patted Sirius's shoulder, and Sirius waved his hand and shook his head frantically, "You don't understand so you think so, my family..."

Sirius wanted to say something, but felt that this was not a good place to talk, "Anyway, I have to say goodbye to you first, my mother hates all non-wizard elements, especially wizards from Muggle families, and she will definitely see you if I continue, I will send you a letter!" Sirius said as he ran away and took the initiative to find his mother and brother.

Carl followed the direction of Sirius, and then saw two mothers and sons who looked similar to Sirius, Mrs. Black and Regulus. They both had black hair and black pupils, but unlike Sirius's vitality, Mrs. Black and Regulus looked a little lifeless.

It might not be polite for Carl to describe them, but they really are like the living dead with one foot in the coffin, the kind of people who are alive just to take a breath, the kind of people who are brainwashed by the old society as described by writers.

Carl shuddered again when he thought of this, perhaps because his thinking expression was out of tune with the bustling crowd, Carl attracted Regulus's attention, he glanced over here like a cold pond, Carl noticed it, and Mrs. Black also noticed it.


"What's wrong, Regulus? Did you see anything?"Mrs. Black squatted down and brushed the hair on Regulus' forehead. She looked very gentle. If there was no howler letter, Carl would definitely think that Mrs. Black was a gentle person.

"Nothing, mother..." The young Regulus shook his head and did not explain his discovery to his mother.

"To be honest, I really don't want to come here to pick up your brother. The Blacks have never left Gryffindor. Why did he insist on going there? What's there? Only mud..." Mrs. Black's voice was not loud, and she still spoke gently.

But there was an invisible sense of oppression in this gentleness. It was obvious that those words were said to Regulus. She mentioned this to her youngest son many times. Since Sirius went to Gryffindor, she repeated it more frequently.

Her youngest son must never follow in his brother's footsteps.

"It is because of you that I will never go to Slytherin! "Sirius's clear voice rang out, and he heard what his mother had just said to his brother.

Most of the other little wizards had already changed out of their Hogwarts wizard robes. But Sirius seemed to be doing it on purpose, he was still wearing the dazzling red in front of his mother and brother, and for this reason he was dragging a red and gold scarf belonging to Gryffindor in the middle of summer.

"Take off this funny outfit quickly." Mrs. Black was dissatisfied, but Sirius didn't care at all, he looked up, looking indifferent.

That's right, he was deliberately going against his mother, and he had to say a few more words, "What's the matter, Mom, I've been wearing this outfit for a year, and I'll have to wear it for another six years. Instead of asking me to take it off, you might as well get used to it first. "

"You...you..." Mrs. Black was so angry that she couldn't speak. She kept the word "you" in her mouth for a long time, but she still didn't know what to say. She pulled Regulus away, not caring about her eldest son behind her.

Sirius was not surprised to see his mother like this. He was used to it. He snorted and followed.

Mrs. Black continued to say to Regulus in a gentle and suppressed voice as she walked, "Regulus, you must go to Slytherin, you must go! If you follow your brother and go to a college other than Slytherin...especially Gryffindor! Then I might as well hang myself!" But in the last few sentences, Mrs. Black's gentle voice was completely deformed and became a little hysterical.

Regulus looked at his quarreling mother and brother, and he hesitated several times. His voice was a little twisted. After a long while, he wanted to say that I might want to go the most...

But in the end, what he said to his mother was, and could only be, "Yes, Mom, I will go to Slytherin. "

Regulus is only eleven years old, and he has just received his acceptance letter, but he is unusually calm. Sirius hates his brother's temper the most. He is always so boring.

But it's not that Regulus is boring. The Black family cannot tolerate a second person who acts on impulse. Even if he may not be suitable for Slytherin, he does it for his mother, his brother, and his family.

The young boy has no choice.

"Mom, let's go pick up Lily and the others. Let's go quickly. I think they must be waiting anxiously. "Petunia took Mrs. Evans' hand and dragged her forward.

"Okay, okay, you are so excited that your sister is coming back..." Mrs. Evans was a little helpless. Petunia was usually the most calm and quiet, but when her sister and friends came back after a long absence, she rarely started to be lively and "noisy".

The two families passed by, Regulus glanced at them with his peripheral vision, and then looked away as if nothing had happened. In fact, if their family could be like this, then being born in a Muggle family might not be so annoying.

Of course, he only dared to think about it in his heart. If he said it out loud, Mrs. Black would be angry again.


"Lily, Carl!" Petunia waved her arms, "I'm here to pick you up today!"

"Petunia!" Lily immediately hugged her, "You're here!" Petunia rubbed her little sister's head and said, "You've been waiting for a long time, right?"

"It's just a short while, and there are three of us. It's not boring to chat together!"

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