"Happy start of school, everyone!" James was already full of energy. He started to show off as soon as he got on the train. He walked around and greeted his friends one by one. Of course, the first one was Lily.

But where did Carl and Sirius go? According to the past, they should be the first to respond to him. He looked carefully and saw Carl leaning against Sever with a pale face.

"Where have you been? Why is your face worse than that of sick Remus..." In fact, Carl's face is okay, round, full and shiny, much better than Lupin before the full moon.

The main thing is that his spirit is far worse than before. Using a balloon as an analogy, the previous Carl would be like a balloon that is about to explode, and now he is like a half-deflated balloon.

"My father took me to learn about the Muggle world... At first, he said that I only needed to pass, but after passing, I could get a good grade. In the end, he asked me to get at least an excellent grade..." Carl complained about his father's immorality. His heart was almost broken by the cultural courses...

At first, Ceci did ask for a pass. After all, Sever and Carl's grades were too terrible, but Carl's soul was mature, so he only took five or six days to digest the knowledge and get a passing level.

Sever was not bad either. Being able to create spells showed that he had a good understanding, and being able to draw inferences from one example was even easier. Both of them passed the passing line easily, so Mr. Ceci decided to do some extra practice. Sever readily agreed, and Carl also... "agreed".

Dad doesn't keep his word, he doesn't have martial ethics, he comes to cheat, to sneak attack him, and continues to drag him to study. If Hogwarts doesn't open, he will probably have to swim in the ocean of knowledge...

"Don't say that, Uncle Cece is doing this for your own good." Severus held a book about chemistry in his left hand and a notebook about potions in his right hand. He was a little addicted to learning. He was currently studying the common points between people in these two disciplines and trying to integrate them. After all, the instruments in the Muggle world are indeed much more mature than those in the magic world.

"It's really hard for me to understand you, someone who enjoys being tortured..." Carl looked at Severus, feeling a little helpless.

To be honest, he still wanted to study the magic patterns on the system-produced rings, but there was no suitable opportunity. He kept Severus's ring close to his body and rarely took it down except for taking a bath.

He borrowed it once, and Severus looked at him with some doubts. Although he borrowed it in the end, Carl returned it to him on the same day.

He wanted to open a new ring, but his luck was so bad that he couldn't open it at all...

So, Mayor, can you get out of my game with your purple lucky underwear! Carl, who had broken at least five or six pairs of underwear, fell into unprecedented self-denial...

"Enough! Regulus! Don't always say the same thing to your mother, okay? You are eleven years old, not eighty-one!" Sirius finally appeared, and next to him was a boy of the same age, his younger brother Regulus.

"...", Regulus didn't say anything, just stared at his brother, and then sighed. He should have thought that his brother probably wouldn't listen, but he still said it, but now on the train, he didn't want to get into an insignificant quarrel with his brother, and then make a fool of himself for others.

"Well... Good afternoon, I came with my brother today." Sirius waved his hand helplessly, but no one said anything, just adding one more person, because they had more people, so they came early and chose a particularly large carriage with many seats.

But... Sirius's brother doesn't look easy to get along with. "Um... Hi, how are you?" Lily was the first to say hello. Although she could sense Regulus's vague hostility, she thought she had to say hello out of politeness.

"Hello." Regulus nodded, as if he had agreed. Although his mood was a little dull, he didn't lose Lily's face on the spot. According to the information Lily had learned from her seniors, people with the surname Black were generally not easy to get along with. Of course, Sirius was an exception.

Everyone also said hello to them in turn, except James. He was in a bad mood since Regulus came into the carriage, and he kept a cold face as if he was upset.

Even when Carl and James had a grudge at the beginning, James was not angry with Carl in this way. His emotions were usually on his face.

He laughed at Carl when he was humiliated, beat the gong when Carl was scolded, and held up a banner with joy when Carl's spell was out of control. This would not be the case.

This kind of "restrained" anger should be because she really doesn't like Regulus.

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