"Sever, is the club fun?" Carl asked.

"It's OK, I like it quite a bit. The professor taught us some unpopular knowledge, but I don't think you will like it too much." Although unhappy, Sever did not show it obviously.

He was still chatting with Carl as usual. Seeing that the topic had shifted, Carl took Sever with one hand and led him out of the cafeteria, and gestured goodbye from behind.

Let's go with Sever first. If they are still here, everyone can't discuss things about Remus. I just don't know if the plot will go to the Himalayas after I leave.

After all, James has always had some brain holes in his body. I hope that Remus's script tomorrow morning will not change from the protagonist's good professor to a little undercover with a villain.

"Carl?" Seeing Carl naturally pulling him over, Sever felt that his mood was a little better.

"What's wrong?" Carl turned his head and looked at Sever over there.

Sever shook his head and said, "Nothing."

At least Carl has the best relationship with him so far, and he will definitely keep this relationship going.


Watching Carl send Sever away, the other three started chatting again.

The atmosphere was a bit dull, and no one wanted to face the fact that Lupin was a werewolf, although the possibility was very high.

"If, I mean if, if Lupin is really a werewolf, what should we do..." Although Alice was smart, it was obvious that no matter how smart she was, it would be useless when encountering such a thing, and she still had to worry about it.

Sirius took a bite of steak as if to vent his anger, and James also looked out the window with a fork in his mouth. They didn't say anything, but were silent. Obviously, the Gryffindor troublemakers who had their own ideas didn't know what to do.

"Don't think it's so tragic. We won't know until tomorrow. Maybe we're just imagining it." Seeing no one was talking, James put down the fork in his mouth and comforted the remaining two friends.

"Anyway, let's go back to sleep first. We'll know everything tomorrow morning. Go to sleep, go to sleep--" James stood up, pushed Alice and Sirius, and the three of them left the restaurant together.


After chatting with Sever for a while, Carl and Sever went back to the lounge respectively. The lounges of Slytherin and Ravenclaw were a little far apart.

In fact, they were very far away. One was on the rooftop and the other was in the cellar, so it was completely a fantasy to go back together.

This made Carl very dissatisfied. Why did the four giants set up the dormitory so far away? This resulted in him not having much time to stick with Sever. Sad!

After returning to the dormitory, Carl pulled up the curtains. In fact, when he was talking about werewolves with James and the others just now, Carl's brain suddenly had a good idea.

So he wanted to check what was in his game now.

As for why he pulled up the curtains like a thief...

That was because, although he could control the panel with his mind now, and he was working hard to train his mind, he still stumbled most of the time, and occasionally needed his fingers to help...

If he didn't do it quietly, he would definitely be treated as a fool by his roommates, which would be bad. As long as he pulled up the curtains and pretended to be asleep, there would be no problem.

Carl turned on the light screen and looked at the pile of boxes on the game interface with a dead look.

He usually didn't know how to organize them. Crops or ores, no matter what they were, were all thrown around and distributed in various boxes. When he wanted to find them, he couldn't find them.

Where exactly was what he was looking for?

Coke, sunflowers, corn, melons, and a ruby, no, no, not this! Carl searched a box and closed it. He had about ten boxes like this...

Hiss, it's because I don't organize them normally. I'll find a chance to organize them properly. Carl thought so and searched the remaining boxes. His luck was bad. Carl found what he was looking for when he turned to the last box.

That is, the automatic stroking machine! Since it can't be used on humans, it can only be used on animals. But Lupin is half wolf, so this thing should be usable for him, right?

Even if it can't relieve the pain of the full moon, it should be possible to stroke it to soothe it. I just don't know whether this thing is magic soothing or physical stroking. After all, Stardew Valley is a pixel game that can't let Carl see how the machine works. At most, the two mechanical arms are spinning strangely.

What a good idea. When I touched this thing, I thought it was useless. Now, if it can stroke the werewolf, then it will be given to Lupin.It's just right for normal use.

Whether it's magic or physics, it can make him feel more comfortable during the full moon. After all, it's not a short time to become an Animagus.

It may even take two or three years before it can be put into practice. Before that, let this thing accompany Lupin.

Yoshi, find a chance to put it there.

Carl rubbed his hands happily.


The next morning, everyone gathered next to the Whomping Willow. They should have gone to eat, but everyone couldn't wait to wait for Lupin.

Usually, after he went to "treat", everyone would see him in the morning of the next day.

So in the morning, you can probably just meet Lupin who came out when you come to the Whomping Willow.

"But why are the dark circles under your eyes so heavy? Didn't you sleep well last night?" Carl looked at the eyes of Sirius and James next to him, feeling a little strange.

"You ask James, this idiot..." Sirius was a little weak. Carl looked at James with a look that was as expected, and then gave him a look.

Probably, what have you done to anger the heaven and the people?

"Yesterday, I combined the clues I had and finally came up with a rough result, and then I was happy to tell Sirius about this result."

"Well... that's it, but Sirius scolded me harshly and said he didn't want to listen."

"It's really sad, Sirius." James pretended to be innocent.

"Is that all?" Carl didn't believe it. Sure enough, Sirius next to him immediately exposed James.

He smiled reluctantly, "You only pick things that are good for you, right?"

"Don't you look at what time it was, one o'clock in the morning, why did you only pick me when you called people! Am I the only human being? Isn't Peter next to me also a human being!" Sirius was about to explode. Why is he always the one being persecuted? Why doesn't James give this blessing to others!

"Doesn't Peter know that? I finished my reasoning in the middle of the night, and I was so passionate that I had nowhere to vent my anger--" James felt a little guilty. In fact, he didn't deliberately disturb Sirius' sleep. It took him a long time to match all the clues, and he didn't notice that it was already early in the morning.

"Next time, you go crazy with someone else, or I will go crazy with you." Sirius clenched his wand, feeling like he was going to curse him in the next second.

"Ah... Sirius, are you really the kind of villain who turns from white to black? You are so scary..." James hid towards Alice as if he was showing weakness, just like Carl liked to seek help from the most soft-hearted Lily when he made mistakes. Obviously, James knew who could protect him the most here!

Forget about Carl. Sirius and Carl like to collude with each other to deal with him the most, which is really too much.

"Okay, so what is your reasoning, James?"

Sure enough, Alice was soft-hearted.

She changed the topic to excuse James.

James was a little embarrassed to talk about this. He pursed his lips and spoke with some difficulty.

"I thought about the details carefully last night. Scratches and hair are secondary. I spent a night to check the time when Remus went for "treatment". Although it was not always a full moon, Remus would go for "treatment" every full moon. That was a bit too coincidental." After speaking, it was much better. James finished all these at once. After he got all the things out, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was James who pushed Alice and Sirius to bed yesterday, he himself did not sleep well. After lying on the bed, although he wanted to sleep, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

So he replayed Lupin's story over and over again.

Maybe he fell asleep while thinking about it? But James was wrong. The more he thought about it, the more fortunate he was.

He calculated in his mind, silently reversing every full moon, hoping to find even a scene where he and Lupin met during the full moon.

But unfortunately, there is no scene of Lupin appearing with the full moon. When the moon is full, he disappears from everyone's sight as if he has evaporated from the face of the earth.

The unified statement to the outside world is that he is going to get treatment. No one has ever doubted it.

James wants to prove that Lupin is not a werewolf, because being a werewolf is the worst guess, and James doesn't want that. Lupin is a very important friend of his.

If Remus is a werewolf, if he really is...

This thought made James break out in a cold sweat.

But the more he thought about it, the more evidence there was that Lupin was a werewolf. In the end, it became an almost certain fact.

James was confused when he got this information, and then he subconsciously woke Sirius up. To be honest, he was a little panicked. When Sirius really woke up, James didn't know what to do.

He could only force a smile and say to Sirius, "I'veThe final conclusion has been deduced! Sirius, you must be eager to hear it, right! "

"Huh? Do you want to see what time it is now! James! I beg you to be normal! ”

This is all the episodes from yesterday.

“So, Remus, it’s a werewolf…”, James made the final summary, and at the same time a gentle voice came from behind him.

“That’s great, you’ve already guessed it, I was still thinking about how to explain it to you…”, it was Lupin’s voice, he didn’t know when he came out of the Whomping Willow and stood behind them.

His face was extremely pale, it was obvious that the full moon last night made him feel very uncomfortable, he turned into a werewolf and lost his mind, and then regained his mind, the series of things in between, for an underage wizard, was very torturous.

Lupin stood there a little uncomfortably, imagining how his friends would react, fear, surprise, disgust, he lowered his head.

But everyone’s reaction was beyond Lupin’s expectations, everyone didn’t have any disgusted expressions, but looked at him worriedly.

“Your face seems to be a little paler than usual! ", Alice observed Lupin's face, very worried.

It was extremely pale, not the skin color of a normal person. In the past, even if Lupin's face was pale, it would not be like this. Alice always felt that Lupin was about to faint.

"But I am... a werewolf, you shouldn't...", Lupin looked at everyone, gesticulating with his hands, obviously a little puzzled by everyone's appearance.

"A reaction?", Sirius continued, and then he said with a slightly blaming tone, "Come on, Remus, you feel like you're going to die now."

"If you die here...", Sirius sighed, and then James added a suitable sentence.

"Well, the thing is, Remus, we all agree that dead people are more terrifying than untransformed werewolves, so you should rest for a while. "

"Yes. ", Carl nodded in agreement.

Lupin is a werewolf, what a joke, it feels like Lupin is going to die in the next second, can a werewolf be more scary than a dead person?

Alice stepped forward, half-supported Lupin, let him half-lean under the tree, and then said seriously, "Sit down and relax first!"

"Thank you, Alice. ", Lupin thanked Alice. Although he had a hideous scar on his face, Alice had never thought Lupin was scary.

Lupin was a warm and kind person, and he was faintly emitting light.

If you have to describe it, Sirius, who is standing here now, is like the first ray of dawn that breaks through the clouds in the morning, which is particularly dazzling against the backdrop of darkness.

Carl and James are like the big sun at noon. Although they are very warm, they burn everyone equally.

Lupin is more like the last halo that leaves the ground at night. He is a very warm existence that can be looked directly at.

Although the atmosphere is not as tense as Lupin imagined, it is still a little bad. Everyone is silent, obviously not knowing what to say.

"That everyone...", Lupin raised his head, his voice was still soft, everyone looked at him together, Lupin looked around everyone's eyes, and then said.

"Hiding the identity of a werewolf to enroll is a kind of deception to everyone. I am very sorry. ", Lupin lowered his head.

"But I don't regret it, because I am very happy to be with everyone, even if it is only for one year, I am very happy.", Lupin said naggingly.

"Remus you...", looking at Lupin who said this, James seemed to suddenly understand something, he rushed forward in disbelief, and asked with a trembling voice.

Lupin didn't know what James was going to say, but he still looked at him very seriously. He watched James' mouth open and close and finally uttered a sentence that made him incredible.

"You are not, have a terminal illness..."


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