I Truly Am The God of Learning

Chapter 188 The lowest ratings in history

The phenomenon that China's good voice was boycotted obviously exceeded Director Zhou's expectations. He was walking alone in the wind, and his whole body was a little messy.

This wave directly destroyed the popularity of the show and became a street rat.

"Forget it, then don't shoot the crowd, just shoot the stage!" The director gritted his teeth and finally decided.

This issue has reached the finals, the focus is already on the stage, and it can be done.

Everything is ready and shooting begins.

The two players in the finals came on the field, with tears on their faces, they seemed extremely uneasy and excited.

Holding the microphone, they kept talking a bunch of sensational nonsense, and the cameraman even took a close-up of their tears from time to time.

Create an atmosphere in which sisters are deeply in love and cherish each other, but they have to distinguish themselves from each other.

The instructor gave guidance from time to time, the lines of both parties were well prepared, and they moved each other for a long time, and only then did the first person sing.

"How is it? How is the ratings?" the director asked nervously.

Xiao Zhao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, some dared not speak, and said timidly: "Director, the ratings are only 0.02..."

"What? Say it again!" The director's face instantly turned green.

0.02, how bad is this to have such a low ratings? In his memory, no TV show had ever had such a low rating.

"The ratings are only 0.02..." Xiao Zhao said with difficulty.

"Impossible! The ratings of our good voice are all at the bottom of 0.8. The ratings of the first two times have just hit a new high. How could it suddenly drop like this?!" The director was almost crazy, "If you look closely, it must be The system is wrong!"

"Director, I've watched it five times, and there really is only so much." Xiao Zhao said bitterly.

In fact, this 0.02 rating is because many people did not have the heart to tell the director the truth in order to scold his voice.

Just then, a middle-aged man walked over quickly.

He frowned, holding several stacks of materials in his hand, his face was very bad!

"Director Ding!" Director Zhou's expression suddenly changed, looking at the middle-aged man uneasily.

"Director Zhou, do you still know that I'm the director?! You guys want to die because of your loud voice, but don't drag our Beijing TV channel into the water!" Director Ding roared sharply, his voice was like Hong Zhong, "Stop everything with a good voice immediately. programme!"

"I can't do it!" Director Zhou's face suddenly turned pale, "Director Ding, today is the final day for a good voice!"

"Hehe, no one is watching your finals, what's the point of holding it?" Director Ding stared at Director Zhou coldly, "I don't know how your brain looks! When Chen Xiaoyan was there, the show was on How popular, what happened now, don't you know the reason?! This is the statistics of our TV channel background, take a good look at the good things you have done!"

Ding Taichang slammed the material in front of Director Zhou.

Director Zhou's hands trembled slightly as he picked up the material.

This material records the ratings of the Beijing TV channel. When Chen Xiaoyan was there, the ratings of the entire channel soared, but since Chen Xiaoyan was eliminated, the ratings of the entire channel have plummeted. There was screeching in the background.

This contrast is extremely strong and shocking!

"Director Ding, it's none of our business for Chen Xiaoyan to be eliminated, it's entirely because of Hongna." Director Zhou explained bluntly.

"Hehe, Director Zhou, your qualifications are not too low, why don't you understand Chen Xiaoyan's weight now?!" Ding Tai long hated Tie Bucheng's speech, "Chen Xiaoyan's popularity itself is high, but in Behind her is Y! Can you ignore this?!"

"Just today, the ratings of your good voice are bleak, but the charts of QQ Music have been swept up by Y and Chen Xiaoyan!"

"Someone" is the first, "Light Chaser", "Broad Ocean and Sky", and "Beyond Light Years" are the second, third and fourth respectively!

This kind of heat makes people tremble.

Director Zhou's body trembled slightly, his mouth trembled violently, and he was speechless.

He couldn't help but think of his own hesitations a few times. If he had stood up and declared at the beginning, distanced himself from Hong Na, and canceled Chen Xiaoyan's elimination, then the consequences would have been quite the opposite.

Even, as long as I stand up and say that Chen Xiaoyan's elimination has nothing to do with the good voice program, it will not become like this.

At this moment, his heart was filled with remorse.

He overestimated the popularity of the good voice, and greatly underestimated the popularity of Chen Xiaoyan and Y!

"Within three days, if you can't minimize the impact of this incident, our Beijing TV channel will refuse to broadcast China's Good Voice!" Director Ding looked at the lost director Zhou, sighed, and turned to leave.


The final of The Voice of China was announced to be terminated, and the news quickly became a hot search on Weibo.

And then, the announcement released by the good voice immediately attracted widespread attention.

"The elimination of Chen Xiaoyan is not the decision of the show team, it is entirely Hong Na's personal behavior! Chen Xiaoyan's singing skills are flawless, but because of the rules of the show team, she had to be eliminated by one vote. This is a good voice in China. As long as Chen Xiaoyan is willing, she can still return to the stage with a good voice!"

At this time, the Chinese good voice sold Hongna without hesitation.

This announcement has undoubtedly become a hot topic at present, and the voice of China has become soft!

At this moment, the morning light instantly had a feeling of exaltation.

[Hahaha, the good voice finally knows the importance of our Chen Xiaoyan! 】

[You just came out to apologize now? Why did you go early? ! 】

[Hehe, just want to clear the relationship with one announcement? Why didn't you stand up when Chen Xiaoyan was eliminated? 】

【Seeing that Chen Xiaoyan is on fire now, how dare you let her go back? How about your face! Can you still move? ! 】

Immediately afterwards, someone posted the photos of the finals of The Voice of China and the ratings on the day of the finals. The empty scene and the ratings that were almost equal to zero can be described as sad reminders, and they got a lot of ridicule and praise. like.

【Fuck! This is too bad! Hahaha……】

[With all due respect, this is the saddest ratings I've ever seen. 】

[No wonder it will be soft, the good voice of daring China can't go on, and it's self-defeating, can't live! 】


As for the announcement of China's Good Voice, Chen Xiaoyan's response was also very simple, "Thank you for your kindness, but I won't go to this stage again!"

【Domineering! 】

[Today you ignore my love, tomorrow I will let you down! 】

[China's good voice, it's really time to cry, hahaha...]

Seeing Chen Xiaoyan's reply, Director Zhou shook his head with a wry smile, not surprised.

In this situation, Chen Xiaoyan's popularity can almost be described as hot, not to mention the blessing of a hidden music Y, which can be said to be the guarantee of ratings, and will definitely become the object of competition for major programs!

It's ridiculous that he was originally holding a king bomb, but it turned out to be like this, just like a mentally retarded!

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