I Truly Am The God of Learning

Chapter 270 The scolding war, the counterattack of traditional literature!

"What? How dare you reply?" Everyone ate.

Originally, after Wan Yun rectified the name of "Zhu Xian", Hong Yan didn't even dare to say a word, and the comments on the post were even more one-sided, and they all supported "Zhu Xian".

Just when everyone thought it was about to end, Hong Yan actually jumped out again.

"Hehe, it turned out to be the relationship between the teacher and the student, so it's very interesting. I've always heard that Jingcheng University likes to protect the calf. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation. The students wrote such vulgar works. The teacher is not ashamed but proud. This is the Our country's key university? Ridiculous, pathetic!"

This sentence can be said to be extremely cruel and unpleasant, causing many people's brows to wrinkle deeply.

Moreover, this sentence is extremely provocative, it can be said that its heart can be punished!

Ye Lingchen looked at Hong Yan's comment, and his expression also sank.

"Fuck! This idiot, what kind of thing is he, dare to accuse us of Jingcheng University?"

"Is this Hong Yan swollen? Can't recognize himself without the false name of a director of the Writers' Association?"

"'Zhu Xian' is vulgar? Which eye did he use to see it?"

The whole class was very upset.

However, this is just the beginning. Not long after Hong Yan posted his comment, another big V stood up.

Huang Lihua.

Vice Chairman of Beijing Writers Association, traditional writer, now poet!

The number of Weibo fans has exceeded one million, and even a collection of poems has been published.

No one expected that he would come out and comment:

"I've read and written a lot of poems. Now that I'm older, I can't keep up with the trend. I'm afraid I'm outdated in the eyes of many people. However, I really don't understand the taste of modern people. Writing a few lines is a poem? I don't say words and rhymes, in my opinion, it's just nonsense! What is the emperor's dominance, what is it when he enters the rivers and lakes, what era does he think it is now, this is not poetry at all, It's more like someone who doesn't know what to do with the sky and the sky is talking about it."

"Writing poetry requires the integration of the situation, but also the idea, rigor first, and literary value! If this can become poetry, it is a poison to young people! Some professors at Jingcheng University cover up their students. , without considering the seriousness of the consequences, but we can't! We are responsible for literature!"

These two comments, one more poisonous than the other, stand on the commanding heights of literature and criticize "Zhu Xian".

Immediately, someone objected.

"What the hell? I think this poem is very good, it reads very smoothly, why can't it work?"

"Hehe, what's wrong with the emperor's hegemony, the rivers and lakes can't be written? Poetry is a combination of reality and reality, understand?"

"At least I feel it when I read it. Can you write this kind of poetry?"

"Literature is to let a hundred flowers bloom, and just this kind of bearing is also the vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association? Hehe?"

However, there are also many people who stand on the opposite side and scold "Zhu Xian", and refuse to accept that "Zhu Xian" can make so much money.

Immediately afterwards, a bunch of people with certifications on Weibo began to emerge.

They are all from the major city Writers Association, but also have poets.

A published writer left a message below: "Has the Writers Association finally started to call names? In fact, my heart is extremely dissatisfied these days. Our traditional writers are trembling with fear, and many food and clothing are in question. These vulgar works actually want to make money, this society Seriously deformed!"

A modern poet also said: "This is the decline of traditional literature, which has led to the dance of demons. It's so sad!"

Another traditional literature editor commented: "I will not comment on how the poem is written for the time being. As far as the work of "Zhu Xian" is concerned, this kind of book has no depth and no connotation, it is fast food culture, and reading it will only waste time. I can't learn anything, this kind of book is actually written by a top student at Beijing University, it's really sad!"

Someone else said directly: "What's wrong with people now? To actually pursue this kind of thing, it's true that the more I live, the more I go back, the future of our country's culture is worrying!"

In such a short moment, members of the major Writers Associations, including traditional writers and poets on the Internet, all began to target "Zhu Xian" and bombarded them more and more.

"Damn it, these are all idiots who came out of nowhere, all of them are like mad dogs." Xiang was stunned when he saw the crazy increase in comments on the post.

The same is true for other people. For a while, they don't know where to refute.

So many big Vs jumped out at the same time, there are poets and writers, all of them are well-known, full of momentum, magnificent, ordinary people really can't refute.

"Fuck! This Hong Yan is so insidious!"

Xiao Gen scolded, "It's no wonder that he hasn't replied for a few days, and his feelings have gone to the rescue. This is to let all traditional writers join in!"

"This group of people is really out of breath, didn't they just write two poems? It's ridiculous to just come here to scold people like this." Ye Lingchen shook his head, feeling a little speechless.

He finally knew why Cheese advised him not to fight back before. These traditional writers are now in decline. Seeing online literature making money is already envious enough. Now that he seizes this opportunity, he will naturally go crazy.

Sweet potato couldn't help laughing, and showed the phone to everyone, "Damn, you look at the works of this group of people, and they are too embarrassed to criticize "Zhu Xian"?"

Seeing this, everyone suddenly realized.

This group of people's works have hardly been read, so they achieve the purpose of commercial blowing each other, and there are not many real fans at all, and their works are really stinky and long, and most people can't read it at the beginning. Going down, now the popularity of "Zhu Xian" doesn't know how much they have dumped, even if all their works are added together, they are far less than "Zhu Xian".

At this time, the group of people couldn't get enough of their scolding on the post bar, and went directly to the book review area of ​​"Zhu Xian" to boycott this kind of junk literature and strongly demand that it be banned!

This wave also drove their fans and joined the battle group. For a time, it was very lively and the war was raging.

"The so-called Internet literature is actually not related to literature at all. It is a cancer and must be removed!"

"Damn it! What kind of idiot is upstairs? Do you know how much online literature contributes to GDP every year? And you guys are all just cheating the country's welfare! How dare you point fingers?"

"I'm too embarrassed to write a poem or two that don't make sense, but take it out to brag? Typical hype! Internet literature is just something that doesn't make sense!"

"Students from Jingcheng University actually come to work in such a lowly profession. Haha, are you worthy of your diploma? How can you face your family?"

"The poem "Zhu Xian" has been rejected by the literary world, it is nothing!"

"Where do these trolls come from? If you can't do it yourself, it's the fault of this era? Resist new literature?"


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