The chain ball slowly shrank inward like a giant python, obviously trying to strangle the four-armed ancient demon to death, but it only shrank two or three points before stopping.

Then, the thick blood light leaked out little by little, and the chain ball exploded with a loud bang after a while, revealing the four-armed ancient demon that had grown to four or five feet high.

Most of the chains that exploded were destroyed, but after being shaken away by tens of feet, the remaining chains continued to entangle the four-armed ancient demon persistently.

The four-armed ancient demon who used his supernatural powers to transform himself into a little giant did not evade. With four hands formed into claws, he sucked the many chains that were entangled into his hands.

Immediately, blood-colored magic light erupted from his hands, following these chains of prohibition, and spreading towards their roots.

Where the blood flowed, the silver runes on the chain were stained dark red without resisting twice.

In a short while, the many chains in the hands of the four-armed ancient demon turned into light spots and dissipated.

The figure of the four-armed ancient demon became blurred, and changed back to its original shape, uttering magic words and incantations, and suddenly a four-five-foot-long chain ancient treasure covered with dark red runes came out of the pit wall, obediently wrapped around one of his right arms.

Obviously, the forbidden treasure left by Gu Xiu was polluted by the magic skills of the four-armed ancient demon and turned into his own.

After this encounter, the anger of the four-armed ancient demon finally calmed down, he made a move with both arms, and two rays of light flew from the sky and the ground respectively.

The Tao in the sky is a white ball the size of a fist made by countless flying spirits. The four-armed ancient demon summoned it and swallowed it in one gulp.

The one on the ground is the altar for refining the magic skin drum, which has shrunk dozens of times, only the size of a palm.

The four-armed ancient demon supported the small altar, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of dark red demonic blood. Immediately, the altar that had absorbed the demonic blood lit up with a faint red light. After a few breaths, a bloody ghost crawled out with fangs exposed The baby, sitting on the top of the altar, pointed in one direction and screamed.

The four-armed ancient demon's red face flashed with joy, his hands glowed with blood, and the altar sank into his palm, and then he flew away in the direction that the blood baby pointed just now.

At the exit of the land of ghost resentment, in the garden full of exotic flowers and plants, there are seven monks meditating in the jade pavilion.

They are the immortal cultivators who only passed through the land of ghost resentment during this trip to the Xutian Palace, went to the Xutian secret realm to pick up the elixir, and did not go to the Ice and Fire Dao.

Although their trip to the Xutian Temple stops here, unless they enter the treasure room of the inner hall to get treasure, no matter which level they stop at, they have to be sent out with others.

There are eight jade pavilions in the garden. It stands to reason that one of the seven immortal cultivators would be too many, but they would rather keep the three jade pavilions empty than squeeze in the remaining jade pavilions in twos and threes.

Because, in the jade pavilion in the center, there is a beautiful woman in a purple dress sitting cross-legged, who is currently practicing a snow-white long sword with magic power.

The aura it exudes is clearly that of an immortal cultivator in the early Yuanying period.

This beautiful woman is the most holy Taoist couple of the Six Paths, known as Mrs. Wen, she has a changeable temperament and is unpredictable. There are many stories of killing people with swords when she disagrees with each other. Therefore, the other six alchemy monks in the garden are far away from her. , so as not to invite unreasonable disasters.

The aura in Xutian Hall is rich, far surpassing that of the outside world, although they will sit here for more than a month, but everyone doesn't feel uncomfortable, on the contrary they enjoy it.

However, a sudden white light broke the silence and peace of the garden.

The seven people present all came here from the white light, so they naturally recognized that this was the scene when the teleportation array in the Xutian Palace took effect.

This made everyone look at each other in blank dismay. It has been nearly ten days, is there still a fellow who is breaking through the barrier?

Did he practice retreat in the land of ghost resentment?

Just when everyone was surprised, a strange man with red skin and black armor, two horns on his head, and four arms on his ribs walked out of the teleportation array.

After seeing the seven immortal cultivators staring at him, he immediately grinned, and a thunderous sound came from his stomach.

For a moment, the cultivators including Mrs. Wen couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, as if they were being targeted by natural enemies.

Therefore, everyone sacrificed the magic weapon at the same time, and Mrs. Wen sacrificed the long sword above her head with a livid face, as if she was about to strike with all her strength.

But because of the fear in their hearts, no one dared to be the one who made the first move.

The four-armed ancient demon felt his stomach was empty, and panicked with hunger, he stepped forward like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

After walking a few steps, the restriction in the Xutian Palace was triggered again, and several silver lightning bolts struck, but before reaching him, they were deflected by a layer of light film swayed by the black armor, and hit the empty space.

Everyone was shocked, this strange person is not even afraid of the restriction of the Xutian Palace, what a supernatural power that is, how could these alchemy stage monks be opponents, they all looked at Mrs. Wen in the central Yuting.

At this moment, Mrs. Wen was no longer as cold and arrogant as usual, her face was pale, and she said tremblingly:

"Impossible! That old bastard Liu Dao must be bullying me again! How can there be a real devil in this world?!"

The silver lightning just now illuminated the face of the four-armed ancient demon clearly. Mrs. Wen immediately recognized the face of this demon as one of the six real magic forms summoned by her husband, the Supreme Sage of the Six Paths. There is no difference between strong and true demons.

Coupled with the palpitations of encountering a natural enemy, Mrs. Wen instantly realized that the other party was the real Dali Demon, but she really couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it!

The powerful real demon had just broken the seal, and was forced to use the demon clan's disintegration and transformation method. When the demon body was extremely short-lived, it faced the silver lightning that struck and forced it to approach Mrs. Wen. Take the flesh and blood of this Nascent Soul cultivator for nourishment.

At this moment, even though Madam Wen was in fear, under the oppression of the great terror between life and death, she also acted angrily.

She unreservedly poured mana into the long sword above her head, and with a single point of the sword, the sword split into many sword shadows, and with astonishing fluctuations in spiritual energy, they slashed towards the powerful true demon.

Mrs. Wen is a relatively rare sword cultivator among demon cultivators, and she is an extremely pure sword cultivator. Her whole body is tied to the sword, so the sword at this moment is her full blow.

Facing the sword shadows all over the sky, the Vigorous True Demon threw out the restraining chains he had just obtained, twisted it violently in front of him, and the bloody halo scattered all the sword shadows all over the sky.

Immediately, there was a surge of devilish energy all over his body, and a great suction burst out from his palms, falling on the body of the long sword hidden in the shadow of the sword.

In an instant, Mrs. Wen painstakingly refined the magic weapon long sword for hundreds of years, but was caught by the powerful real demon.


At this moment, Mrs. Wen's liver and gallbladder were torn apart. She remembered the method her husband used to fight against the enemy with powerful real magic, and hurriedly used the magic weapon long sword to break free at the expense of blood.

But the Dali True Demon grinned grimly, and the blood on his palms lit up. He twisted Mrs. Wen's magical long sword like twisting twists until it hummed repeatedly, and broke inch by inch before holding on for a few breaths.

The natal magic weapon is connected with the mind and soul of the immortal cultivator. When the magic weapon long sword was destroyed, Mrs. Wen felt the same, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Before she could catch her breath, the Vigorous True Demon had come to her, shattered her protective magic weapon with one punch, and went straight to her dantian with the other punch.

Mrs. Wen's soul was terrified, and the Nascent Soul came out of her body regardless, and immediately used the supernatural power of teleportation to escape ten feet away.

She was about to perform supernatural powers again, but suddenly felt that the Nascent Soul seemed to have fallen into a quagmire and could not move.

Looking back, he saw that there was a vortex in the four palms of Dali True Demon's hands, and the sudden suction force could imprison the Nascent Soul, and his face immediately showed despair.

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