In the Tianfeng Locking Dragon Formation, Qi Yunxiao died tragically at the mouth of Jiaohun, his body was cut into countless pieces by the wind blade, and scattered into the spirit field.

Wang Qingqing watched with her own eyes Qi Yunxiao who was in the middle stage of alchemy being killed like a pig and dog, and was extremely shocked. Even if Qing Jiao didn't show any hostility towards her, she couldn't help but fight.

Nephew Luo must be a senior with hidden cultivation, he saved me, should I thank him?

Wang Qingqing is also a smart person, after thinking about it for a while, he probably guessed how he escaped from the death of Guru Mulan, and he couldn't help thinking of repaying his kindness.

However, the other party's purpose of sneaking into the Moon Sect with hidden cultivation was unknown, so Wang Qingqing didn't dare to go rashly, feeling extremely hesitant.

Suddenly, a vast spiritual pressure descended from the sky, almost forcing Wang Qingqing to kneel on the ground with her legs bent.

She looked up, and the scenery that greeted her eyes made her dumbfounded.

I saw many colorful auras appearing in the sky more than a hundred feet high. They flickered indefinitely, containing extremely pure aura, and reflected the sky extraordinarily beautifully.

This... This is a sign of the birth of a baby!

Outside of the formation, all the disciples of the Moon Sect on Lingcui Peak also witnessed this scene, but they had no time to appreciate it.

Under the oppression of the huge spiritual pressure, monks at the foundation level and below all felt tightness in the chest. The lower the level of cultivation, the more serious the symptoms. Only meditation and breath adjustment can relieve one or two.

Although the monks outside the Moon Sect cannot see the sky, they are more or less sensitive to the changes in the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

After realizing that the change came from the direction of the Moon Sect, the elders of the Jujian Sect and other five sects couldn't help but look sad, their eyes full of envy and jealousy.

The abominable Concealing Moon Sect has another baby, and if this continues, our five sects will become a hall of Concealing the Moon Sect!

"Could it be him?"

Ancestor Linghu appeared on the mountain peak, staring at the direction of the Moon Sect, frowning and muttering to himself.

No matter what the outside world is like, if we talk about the people who are most shocked right now, it is the two parties who fought life and death in Yinyue Peak.

Whether it is Nangong Wan, Shi Zhongqin, or Guru Mu Lan, they have all experienced the birth of a baby and know what such celestial phenomena mean.

Now that the celestial phenomenon has appeared, the person who conceived the baby must have entered the last stage of the inner demon tribulation.

In the process of surviving this catastrophe, even if the surviving catastrophe sinks into the illusion for several lifetimes, the outside world will only pass by for a moment.

Therefore, it is absolutely too late to prevent the other party from conceiving a baby at this time.

Nangong Wan racked her brains, but she couldn't think of any alchemy stage disciple who could try to form a baby.

That's the direction of Lingcui Peak, could it be the nephew Qi who moved away just now?

No, Nephew Qi is only in the middle stage of alchemy, so it can't be him!

With a sudden change in her thoughts, Nangong Wan thought of a person, that is, the mysterious monk who killed three Mulan priests two years ago.

Combined with the tense attitude of Linghu Patriarch at that time, it is very likely that the other party is a monk in the realm of fake babies.

If this is the case, the monk named Luo Hong must have been hiding in the sect all the time, boldly planning to use the land to conceive a baby.

In an instant, Nangong Wan made a good guess about the Central Plains, and felt a little relieved.

Leaving aside the matter of borrowing the land to conceive a baby, since the other party had once attacked Fa Shi, it is absolutely impossible to stand by Fa Shi's side at this time.

If the other party can successfully conceive a baby, she will be able to have an extra Nascent Soul early stage support from the Moon Sect!

Thinking of this, Nangong Wan ordered the elders to slow down the offensive, and wanted to make arrangements after seeing the subsequent changes in the celestial phenomena.

The big-eared woman and the skinny old man also took back the magic weapon, and they were more concerned about the success or failure of Luo Hong's conceiving than Nangong Wan.

If it succeeds, the red-robed guru who went to seize the treasure may be caught in another fight, which is unacceptable to the big-eared lady and others.

Shi Zhongqin misjudged their strength and only invited Wei Wuya to ambush, but at this moment there must be Nascent Soul monks from the Nine Nations League on their way to help.

After dragging on for a long time in the Moon Sect, they couldn't get away.

Both sides have their own thoughts, one hopes for success, and the other curses failure.

The result soon came to light, as more and more aura light spots appeared in the sky within a hundred miles around Luohong Cave Mansion as the center, a breathtaking five-color glow appeared.

The sun was rolling, and the sound of wind, rain and thunder was loud, and pieces of colorful clouds converged from all directions to the center, forming a huge ball of light with a diameter of about 100 meters.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded out of thin air, and the whole cliff cave suddenly shook.

Then, a blue beam of light rose into the sky and shot into the huge ball of light.

For a while, cloudy clouds rose suddenly, the wind and rain were violent, and there were thunder and lightning.

Wang Qingqing curled up into a ball, facing the dazzling aura, watching the huge ball of light shrink and deform, the colorful aura became more and more pure, and finally turned into a crystal ball the size of a fist.

Thinking that this round bead was formed by the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles, Wang Qingqing couldn't help but click her tongue.

If I swallow this spirit bead, I'm afraid I won't be able to break through the alchemy stage immediately!

Of course, Wang Qingqing was just fantasizing, she knew very well that if she really did that, the most likely end would be to explode and die immediately.

The crystal beads didn't exist for long, and soon they burst without making any noise, turning into a multicolored glow and flying into Luo Hong's cave.

Seeing this scene, Nan Gongwan and others who were far away in Yinyue Peak, the four words "spiritual energy pouring into the body" flashed in their minds.

It is even more clear that in this way, it is a certainty that the other party will have a baby.

The big-eared woman immediately reacted to this, she threw the octagonal magic-sealing tower over her head, tapped her hands, and typed out several spells in one breath.

The golden light on the pagoda became intense and dazzling, and even appeared unstable.

"Not good! Pay attention to your body protection!"

Nangong Wan often fights with the Mulan people. At this moment, she can tell at a glance that the other party is using spiritual magic to forcibly enhance the power of the magic weapon. It must be to display some kind of powerful supernatural power.

As soon as the words fell, the golden light on the octagonal demon-sealing tower suddenly dimmed, and then the giant golden light tower burst out suddenly, with a dazzling aura like a scorching sun, and retracted towards the stone carillon at an extremely fast speed.

When the golden light surged past, Nan Gongwan and the others felt that they had bumped into an iron wall, and there were muffled groans one after another.

Afterwards, all the golden light poured into Shi Zhongqin's body along the golden chain, and the next moment everyone heard a scream.

Shi Zhongqin covered her chest with her hands, her face was red, and there was blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, it was already that the meridians were seriously injured by the recoiled mana.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, the big-eared lady retracted the pagoda with a distressed face, lifted herself up and fled to Lingcui Peak.

Nangong Wan wanted to chase, but was stopped by the skinny old man.

Regardless of the injury, the opponent directly bit the tip of his tongue and spewed a mouthful of blood, causing many blood-colored ice crystals to appear in the black wind around him, and the power of his supernatural power suddenly increased.

The skinny old man was obviously desperate, Nangong Wan didn't dare to be negligent, and a spell like fairy music came out of her mouth. A few feet above her head, a crimson halo suddenly appeared, flowing non-stop like Buddha's light, and gradually shining look up.

This is Nangong Wan's strongest supernatural power, the divine light of reincarnation!

The two played all their cards, and the next moment they were fighting together, and the elders of Jie Dan who were injured by the golden light couldn't get in at all.

At this time, someone proposed to call the disciples of the disciples to activate the big formation of hooking stars and moons.

Yu Ruoxi has a cultivation level in the late stage of alchemy, and she is the most suitable monk to sit at the center of the formation and preside over the formation, but as soon as the golden light dispersed, she fled to Lingcui Peak.

Although the elders of alchemy were surprised, they had no time to think about it, so they had no choice but to recommend a senior brother who was in the middle stage of alchemy.

At this time, the red-robed guru had followed the breath of the orb to the outside of the formation, and witnessed the process of the spirit orb gathering the scattered clouds.

This person has already become a Nascent Soul, but he is still refining the aura that pours into his body, so he must be reluctant to leave the test at this time!

As long as I break the formation quickly and take the orb away, I won't be entangled with this person.

After such calculations, the red-robed guru sacrificed the magic weapon of the wheel, breathed out fire essence, and struck out a formula with his sword.

The flame wheel with a diameter of several feet spun rapidly, making a piercing screeching sound like metal rubbing against each other.


Under the order, the flame wheel brought a red streamer, and smashed towards the blue mask like a meteorite falling to the ground.

At this moment, a dragon roared suddenly, and a cyan tail was drawn out like a long whip.

As soon as the two touched, there was an earth-shattering bang, and blue and red spiritual waves exploded.

The red-robed guru's magic wheel wailed and retreated violently, and the blue dragon tail was directly blown into slag, but this tail was just a dragon soul transformed from the spiritual energy in the formation, and even if it was broken, it could be regenerated immediately.

As the formation rolled, a cyan flood dragon with a length of tens of feet manifested, coiled on the cyan dome, and roared angrily at the red-robed master.

"It's actually a formation made from the spirit of a flood dragon! It's really tricky!"

The face of the red-robed guru changed drastically. He never expected that the person who conceived a baby here would be able to set up such a powerful formation when he was still in the late stage of alchemy.

"Could it be that this person is a monk who specializes in formation?"

After guessing for a while, the red-robed guru recalled the magic weapon, and thoughts swirled in his mind.

Yuehua Baolu is related to the success or failure of the lower realm of the holy beasts, there must be no failures, and if I want to break through the formation, at least I have to smash magic weapons for several days.

No matter what, this treasure hunting operation cannot be delayed for so long!

"For the current plan, the only way is to break through!"

As soon as the red-robed master gritted his teeth, he stepped on the magic weapon and rushed towards the formation.

The formations can be divided into protective formations and killing formations. The power of the former is concentrated on the spirit shield to block the enemy from outside, while the power of the latter is concentrated inside the formation.

The Tianfeng Locking Dragon Formation is a typical killing formation. It is easy to enter, but it is even more difficult to get out alive!

As soon as he entered the formation, the red-robed master saw that the sky and the ground were covered with blue mist, the sound of howling wind could be heard in his ears, the entrance behind him had disappeared without a trace, his spiritual consciousness was disturbed, and he couldn't tell east, west, south, north.

The red-robed master in this state can be said to be completely trapped by the formation, and there is no other way but to forcefully break the formation.

Blue tornadoes more than ten feet high struck from all directions, and the red-robed guru sacrificed a magic weapon for protection, but it was safe for a while.

But the attack of the blue flood dragon soul is not easy to bear, every time it draws its tail and claws, or spits out a huge wind blade, the red-robed master needs to deal with it with all his strength.

After only staying in the formation for a moment, his mana was consumed severely, but the large formation he was in showed no sign of weakening.

Fortunately, the red-robed guru didn't intend to break the formation, he ventured into the formation just to get the moonlight treasure dew, after some induction just now, he has already determined the orientation of the orb.

So, while fighting fiercely with the flood dragon soul, he followed the breath of the orb and escaped.

Wang Qingqing was not blinded by the formation, so in her eyes, the red-robed master was killing her with the soul of the dragon.

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