The reason why the monks in the Nascent Soul stage refrained from fighting with each other was because the Nascent Soul was hard to kill.

If there is an irresistible reason that leads to the death of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, as long as the Nascent Soul can escape, he can obtain a second life by seizing the body.

In this way, if someone has the magical power to kill or capture the Nascent Soul, it will naturally arouse the fear of other Nascent Soul stage monks.

In the world of cultivating immortals, a monk's right to speak ultimately comes from his own strength. The moment Luo Hong took out his red-robed guru Yuanying, he was already invincible.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Luo has amazing supernatural powers, and the Nine Nations League will definitely not ignore the feat of capturing and killing Guru Mulan this time.

The demise of Sect Master Shi's noble family Elder Qi is indeed regrettable, but Fellow Daoist Luo also made an unintentional mistake, according to Wei, let's just let it go. "

Wei Wuya once again refreshed his understanding of Luo Hong, and secretly regretted that he hadn't further wooed Luo Hong just now, but fortunately, the Huangfeng Valley that the other party joined also belonged to the Nine Nations Alliance, so it was acceptable.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I won't be unreasonable if I cover up Yuezong.

Fellow Daoist Luo, when you and Elder Yu hold a double cultivation ceremony, Junior Sister Nangong and I will definitely come to congratulate you. "

Shi Zhongqin's attitude changed suddenly, her tone was gentle and authentic, and she was a completely different person from the aggressive look just now.

"It's the best if everyone can be happy like this. Junior Brother Luo, I don't know when you will return to Huangfeng Valley with me?"

Although Patriarch Linghu hasn't found out the details of Luo Hong's origin, but the other party's own identity is very easy to verify, and it is probably true.

Such a Nascent Soul cultivator who was born in Huangfeng Valley is undoubtedly the best candidate to entrust the sect's foundation. Ancestor Linghu can't wait to bring Luo Hong back to Huangfeng Valley immediately.

"Senior Brother Linghu, don't worry, I'll go back with you immediately after I clean up the formation and the cave."

Luo Hong cupped her hands and saluted, and after slightly thanking her for her help, she stretched out her hand and put many formation flags hidden in various places into the treasure bag.

Seeing this scene, Shi Zhongqin had no choice but to feel bitter in her heart. She simply couldn't see and was not bothered. She turned her head, turned to Wang Qingqing and said:

"Where is Yuehua Baolu, why don't you hand it over soon?"

Wang Qingqing looked at Luo Hong again in embarrassment, paused and said truthfully:

"As soon as the disciple entered the cave, a monster ran out.

The disciple was terrified, and he accidentally took away the Yuehua Baolu. "


Everyone was amazed, wondering if this woman was talking about Luo Hong's spirit beast?

Yuehua Baolu can attract Master Mu Lan to snatch it, and the relationship between it must be no small matter. Wei Wuya took the initiative to intervene, but saw Luo Hong's expression suddenly changed, and he yelled:

"not good!"

Immediately, it turned into a blue ray of light and flew to the cave.

After a group of Nascent Soul stage monks looked at each other, they also turned into light and followed closely.

Although Wei Wuya was a step behind, he was the first to arrive, and entered the cave one step ahead of Luo Hong.

The monster Wang Qingqing mentioned was not difficult to find, it was in the cave at this time, and it was trying to break a restriction to escape from the cave.

Seeing the true face of this monster, Wei Wuya, a late Nascent Soul cultivator who is used to storms, couldn't help but be surprised!

All I saw was that this thing was an shapeless pool of flesh and blood, with many happy, angry, or crazy human faces floating on the surface, constantly making annoying noises, which looked very strange.

What's even more creepy is that the human face on this terrifying monster is very similar to Luo Hong's.

Just at this time, Luo Hong also entered the cave, Wei Wuya couldn't restrain his doubts and surprise, and asked in a startled voice:

"Fellow Daoist Luo, what is this?!"

"Let leader Wei laugh, this is the heart demon of the subordinates."

Luo Hong looked at the monster in front of her with a complicated expression, and said with a wry smile.

It turned out that after Luo Hong successfully conceived a baby, she sent the captured demon into the body of Bing Xin's original personality, and never thought to create such a strange thing.

"Can the heart demon be captured?"

Wei Wuya felt like his common sense had been refreshed.

"This is the special effect of the primordial spirit-like kung fu practiced by me, and I was only curious for a while, and I captured it without killing the inner demon."

When Luo Hong explained, Shi Zhongqin and others also arrived in the cave, needless to say the horror in it, but also left a strange impression on Luo Hong.

"So, Yuehua Baolu was eaten by this monster."

Shi Zhongqin frowned at the wriggling flesh and blood monster in front of her, and said in a deep voice.

"Yuehua Baolu has no breath at all, it must have become the food of this monster."

Nangong Wan closed her eyes and felt for a while, then shook her head slightly.

"This is my fault, so I will deal with it."

Luo Hong flipped his palm, took out the octagonal demon sealing tower he had just won, and threw the tower over the monster's head with a light hand.

Although this treasure was just obtained by Luo Hong and had not been sacrificed, it could only display a little supernatural power, but the inner demon was extremely weak, so it was collected in the tower very smoothly.

When Shi Zhongqin saw the Octagonal Demon Sealing Tower that seriously injured her, her pupils shrank involuntarily, and then she looked at Luo Hong, who became the new owner of this treasure, in amazement.

After accepting the inner demons, Luo Hong sincerely bowed to Shi Zhongqin, consciously saying:

"The loss of Yuehua Baolu will be compensated to Ge Yuezong."

"Fellow Daoist Luo doesn't need to be so concerned. They are just spiritual objects suitable for low-level monks. They are nothing to us. Compensation is unnecessary."

At this time, Shi Zhongqin was fully aware that Luo Hong was not easy to mess with, and said in an attempt to ease the relationship.

"As long as this thing does not fall into the hands of the Muran people, it is acceptable."

Wei Wuya also nodded aside.

After taking over this matter, Luo Hong began to tidy up the cave.

Because she originally planned to leave immediately after conceiving the baby, there were not many things to pack. With the help of magic, Luo Hong quickly completed the matter.

When she saw the huge cave in the middle of the mountain, Shi Zhongqin couldn't help but twitched as she had expected it.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Luo Hong was about to leave with Patriarch Linghu. At this moment, Wang Qingqing also stood beside Yu Ruoxi, but Shi Zhongqin didn't seem to notice.

After all, the elders in the late stage of alchemy have been abducted. Is there still a small monk in the foundation stage?

After leaving the Moon Sect, Luo Hong first played a sound transmission talisman, and then a group of four fled all the way, arriving at the school's residence in Huangfeng Valley today.

Compared to the Moon Sect with six spiritual peaks, Huang Fenggu with only four spiritual peaks is a bit weaker.

"Junior Brother Luo, you have just conceived a baby and need to strengthen your cultivation. This is the prohibition token of the best spirit residence in the sect. You should go to retreat for a few months.

During this period of time, Fairy Yu can build a cave, so that Junior Brother Luo will have a place to live after leaving the customs. "

As soon as he arrived in Huangfeng Valley, Patriarch Linghu made the following arrangements.

What Ancestor Linghu said was exactly what Luo Hong thought in his heart, so he readily agreed.

After explaining a few things about Yu Ruoxi's cave residence, Luo Hong fled to the Lingfu residence together with the ancestor Linghu.

"Junior brother Luo, I won't bother you as a brother, and we will talk in detail after you leave the customs.

At that time, Brother Wei will tell you about the points that monks in the Nascent Soul stage need to pay attention to in their daily practice. "

Ancestor Linghu said with a gentle smile, and fled away after saying that. Although he judged that Luo Hong's identity was true, he still needed to check it before he could really feel at ease.

After closing the gate of the Lingfu and opening a series of restrictions, Luo Hong began to sit cross-legged and exercise her skills, and it took more than a day to fill up the lack of mana.

"I did all my calculations and never thought that the Yuehua Grand Competition would suddenly be held ahead of schedule, which happened to hit the muzzle of the Mulan people.

The most important thing is that I was also targeted by Master Mu Lan for no reason, which completely disrupted my plan! "

Luo Hong pinched the bridge of her nose, and said to herself in distress.

In the original plan, after Luo Hong kidnapped Yu Ruoxi, she would go to the Wushan Mountain in the Yue Kingdom, where she would set up a mansion and devote herself to cultivation.

After all, the five Five Elements Spirit Mountains in Wushan Mountain are simply the best places for the formation of the five evil spirits.

Cooperating with the newly refined five-element flag and five-element flood dragon, Luo Hong is confident that he can reach the late Nascent Soul in the five evil spirit gathering formation.

But from the moment he was targeted by Master Mu Lan, this plan could not be carried out.

Before she possessed enough supernatural powers, Luo Hong could not bear the consequences of the exposure of the five evil spirit gathering array.

So at that time, Luo Hong decided to return to Huangfeng Valley. After all, Huangfeng Valley now belongs to the Nine Nations League, and Wei Wuya in the late Yuanying period is in charge.

Shi Zhongqin's persecution only made Luo Hong's return appear more natural, not the main reason.

"The big-eared woman said that I practiced some sacred skills of my own family, so could it be that the Great Five Elements Tongsheng Jue originated from the Mulan Grassland?

If you think about it, it's really possible. The skill practiced by the master surnamed Zhong is the Great Five Elements Capturing Immortal Hand, which seems to have similarities with the Great Five Elements Tongsheng Jue.

In this way, the follow-up technique of my magical skill has to be obtained from the Mulan people. "

Luo Hong nodded slightly and analyzed, this gave him another reason to participate in the battle between Mulan and Tiannan.

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Hong turned his palm and took out the octagonal demon sealing tower, threw it into the air and urged it with magic power, and saw it spray out a golden beam of light, releasing the evil mind demon suppressed in it.

Looking at the squirming mass of flesh and blood, Luo Hong curled his mouth and whispered a word:


As soon as the words fell, the pool of flesh and blood was violently tumbling like boiling water, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a monk who was completely similar to Luo Hong.

As soon as this Luo Hong condensed, he spread his right hand and slowly released a ball of silver liquid.

It was Yuehua Baolu!

It turns out that the inner demon has not lost control from the beginning to the end, the snatching of the orb, and the devouring of the moonflower and treasure dew are all under the control of Luo Hong.

With Luo Hong's cautious temperament, when refining the avatar outside the body, many restrictions were placed on the body to prevent accidents.

It was like being imprisoned when the inner demon entered it. He could only do what Luo Hong wanted him to do.

The blood marrow itself has the supernatural power of swallowing spirits and qi, and Yuehua Baolu will not leak a little breath when it enters it, so that Luo Hong can hide the truth from Wei Wuya and others.

"Hope it works."

Luo Hong took Yuehua Baolu into her right palm, and slapped the spirit animal bag on her waist with her left palm, and a ball of white light flew out, turning into a meat ball covered with scorched yellow feathers.

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