Luo Li slowly stretched out a white index finger, and the knuckles were bent against the lower end of the thumb.

Dislocated, the index finger that lost its blocking collided with the side of the ice blue short knife, making a crisp sound.


The black beak on the side bent his legs and kicked straight, and a terrifying force slammed into the kneecap raised by Deep Blue.

The ice crystals crack, but not completely fragmented.

Deep Blue turned around and kicked after kneeling, his legs were fierce and targeted, pointing directly at Luo Li's head.


The ice crystal wrapped around the calf came into close contact with the pitch-black blade, and the strong wind blew Luo Li's bangs, still the corners of his mouth raised, and he looked at the deep blue with a smile.

Eliminate force, borrow force, rotate in the opposite direction and kick.

A pitch-black humanoid monster instantly blocked in front of Luo Li, kicked out, and fought against the deep blue solid in strength.


The white ripple burst vertically, Deep Blue gritted his teeth, his face was unwilling, and he retreated with the strength of the black fog monster in front of him.

Why go back? Because if you don't go back, it's too late.

Just a second after Deep Blue flew upside down, two spiked tails suddenly appeared where Deep Blue was.

Seeing the failure of the sneak attack, it seemed to be embarrassed and angry, and after cleverly drawing a circle in the air, he chased the figure flying upside down in the deep blue, and the speed of the dash even produced a sonic explosion.

The deep blue double knife turned into a bow, and two ice-blue arrows shot out at great speed, colliding directly with the two spikes that came from the pursuit.


The two arrows collided with their respective opponents almost at the same time, and the explosive impact generated by the huge momentum raised the speed of Deep Blue upside down again.

"Come back."

Luo Li Shengyin had already descended, chasing the two spiked tails that were blocked, so he had to unwillingly circle in the air again, retracted back, and circled up and down on both sides of Luo Li's side, as if blaming his lack of ability.

"It doesn't hurt."

Luo Li said lightly after stroking.

The dark blue fell back to the ground, leaving two long, deep scratches on the otherwise flat ground.

"Boom! The strength of these black mist monsters is problematic. "

If the original black mist monsters are still scattered sand, seemingly fierce and violent, in fact, those monsters are not a big problem for a strong person of the level of Deep Blue.

The realm of strong intermediate is of course a watershed for humans, because it means that humans who break through the strong intermediate level are likely to master the skill of the heart, and the combat effectiveness will be far upgraded by a notch.

But for the Black Mist Monster, there is no such so-called strong intermediate watershed.

The root of their strength gap is still at the fierce level, and the monsters of the strong lower level and the strong intermediate level are actually no different in essence except for the improvement of the attributes of the three dimensions.

But through the brief contact just now, Deep Blue found that these black mist monsters seemed to be far from as simple as he thought.

It's as if a savage ferocious beast suddenly has wisdom, and the use of power that tends to fight instincts suddenly has conceptual control, which is also too strange.

Looking at Luo Li's still slightly smiling expression at this time, Deep Blue's mood was not good.

Two humanoid bladed monsters stood quietly at Luo Li's side, like two knights who faithfully guarded the princess.

And there seems to be a hidden reptile monster behind Luo Li, and the two spiked tails just now shuttled out from behind Luo Li.

Black lines were already all over Luo Li's cheeks, but her pupils were still clear and transparent.

Slowly raised his arms, he said slowly in that slightly maniacal loli voice:

"Let those arrogant human beings who claim to be gods completely unemployed."

I! i.e. hell!



The black mist monster that had been silent for a long time suddenly began to roar at the same moment, and countless sounds of breaking the air came one after another, and the monster that abandoned the shackles was the real demon on the human side.

"Hehehaha! Blue! Use your proud divine power to find a way!

Otherwise, how are you going to win?!

Luo Li was high in the air and looked at Deep Blue again with those contemptuous eyes.

Tall buildings fall, the earth weeps, and the song of blood and tears plays between heaven and earth.

Tears of panic slowly filled the side faces of humans, and people frantically squeezed each other on the once noisy street.

Roars, insults, screams, continuously.

The fear of death forced them to use all their strength to escape, but because of this, the passages that should have been used for normal evacuation became congested at this moment.

"Luo Chen!"

Deep Blue's angry roar came out, and even though the strength of the three tuners was fully opened, it still couldn't stop more and more black mist monsters from surging from the surroundings.

Their attacks were not arbitrary, but had a clear division of labor, and even some of them contained a little trick that frightened Deep Blue, which had never happened in history.

Can the Black Mist Monster master the Mind Craft? Are you kidding?! So how else can this human being?

Because of their weak body, they can only rely on their heart skills to close the gap with the black mist monsters, if these black fog monsters can also control the heart skills, how much time does humanity have left from the day of destruction?

But in a moment, the figures of the three tuners were covered by piles of black mist monsters.

The other side.

The body of a black mist monster was beaten into meat mud by a cheongsam girl, and then slowly dissipated.

Hide Gintake back into the cuff. (This foreshadowing is very upfront, but I just don't say it, eh.)

He said

, "It's okay, let's go, the support of humanity will arrive soon, hold on for a while, don't give up hope of life."

Xia said as he looked at the mother who was protecting her child in front of her.

And the mother just nodded stiffly, quickly got up and said "thank you", and left immediately.

As for where to go? She doesn't know where it's not easy to be found, but being not easy to be discovered by monsters also means that it will most likely not be discovered by rescuers.

When she turned around and returned to the same place, the cheongsam girl was long gone.

Natsu killed a black mist monster again after a few corners, and then dialed the communication with Kinlis.

No way, even if Hei Li's current strength is coupled with Luo Li's command and newly endowed heart skills, it will not be able to fight with fierce figures, and even if it can barely support a few rounds, it will not be able to avoid the fate of being killed in seconds.

Communication connection, Xia straightened his cheongsam, and Zhu's lips opened slightly:

"Boss, do we really still want to ally with Luo Chen?" After all, what he is doing now is a little..."

"You don't have to care, you have to know that those who stand on the side of justice are not necessarily righteous, and those who stand on the side of evil are not necessarily criminal."

Don't worry, I have not been brainwashed, I have to believe in the strength of your boss.

As for Luo Chen, it's not sure whether he can survive tonight, we just need to clean up and take care of ourselves, and don't worry about other things.

So be it, hang up, I'm going to fulfill the content of the transaction.


Natsu hung up the communication.

"Whew - what about him, anyway, my life was saved by the boss, it doesn't matter, it just so happens that the recent new city is a little boring, and it doesn't seem bad to watch such a show occasionally."

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