Luo Li was secretly doing big things on the side, and the quasi-powerhouse battlefield on the other side was already inextricably fought.

The demon didn't know whether it was the return of light before death or the battle with Shen Sihang to fight with confidence, and the double-bladed halberd danced brightly in its hand, and it was like a gap from the previous grievance.

And Shen Sihang, who had fallen from the sky like a divine soldier before, no longer had his original dashing and natural appearance, his well-proportioned bangs were split several times during the battle, and his slim law enforcement uniform was also cut into a rag called a flower-like rag.

The demon sideways dodged the blow obliquely, and was about to bully forward, when he saw Shen Sihang very obviously turn and shake forward, and then moved sideways again, easily dodging Shen Sihang's return stabbing gun.

The thick palm grabbed the black dragon spear sharply, and with a light pull towards the outer circle, Shen Sihang's body was shifted from the center of gravity.

The sandbag-shaped fist covered with a layer of ominous aura was infinitely enlarged in Shen Sihang's eyes, and with the sound that seemed to break through the sound wave, Shen Sihang's handsome face rippled under the blow of the fist, and the white teeth broke away from the wrap of the lips, and fell helplessly to the ground after experiencing several somersaults in the air.

Shen Sihang's brain at this moment was like a hornet's nest, full of buzzing, and the scene in front of him was also swirling, and he couldn't tell the southeast, south, and north.

The demon saw that Shen Sihang was still worried about his black dragon spear, and the hand that grabbed the black dragon spear jerked back, and Shen Sihang's body leaned over again like a puppet at random disposal, and this time, a cruel smile appeared on the demon's face.

"Don't you like to practice with me, then pay for your contempt!"

This time it was no longer a fist, but a deliberately bent elbow area, not to mention that this time it was still aimed at Shen Sihang's neck, once hit, the light paralyzed the vegetative person, and the heavy died on the spot into the Yellow Spring.

And Shen Sihang's state at this time was already muddy, and the whole person was completely stunned, naturally he had no strength and room to resist.


A boom came from the side, but this did not interrupt the demon's attack.

Since it was used to practice its hands, it knew that the person who pressed the formation would definitely make a move, and he was just an ant that could be erased at any time in front of him.

But this does not prevent it from wanting to pull a human powerhouse back, it has no way back!

Unfortunately, the gap in strength is too big.

The arm that the demon struck forward was cut to the ground before it could be fully swung, and then a bloodstain appeared on the demon's neck.

The pain from death began to erode the demon's consciousness, and the palm holding the halberd spread out, turning to cover the wound that began to bleed continuously.

"Ring the bell".

As the sound of the halberd falling to the ground sounded, the demon also bent his legs at the same moment and fell to his knees with a "plop".

But even if its head is about to separate, it still does not lower its head, holding its head with the remaining hand, the mouth shape changes as if it is telling something, but this voice seems to be silenced, completely unrecognizable by the human ear, even if Li Yuchuan has a strong lip recognition ability can not see what it is saying, it does not seem to be human language.

After all, the demon could not escape the fate of death, and its body gradually turned into ashes and floated in the air, except for the halberd, which shone strangely on the ground.

Li Yuchuan helplessly looked at the two law enforcement officers lying on the ground, one was still in a coma, and the other was a blue nose and a swollen face and was almost beaten into a vegetative state.

"Hey, a quasi-strong monster beat two strong subordinates with excellent grades into this picture, only the realm has no actual combat experience, this problem is a big head after all."

Li Yuchuan's heart couldn't help but feel a wave, a hundred years later, human beings still haven't been able to introduce a way for law enforcement officers to train actual combat capabilities, and the competition between people is too much worse than actual combat after all.

Li Yuchuan felt as if in the underworld, there was an invisible big hand hindering the progress of mankind.

However, this kind of thing is no longer something that Li Yuchuan can interfere with, the only thing he can do is to improve himself and believe in the country.

Mechanically picked up the two long guns on the ground, and then carried the two law enforcement officers lying on the ground on their shoulders left and right, and walked towards the convoy with a somewhat lonely expression, without the slightest joy of victory.

Perhaps this is the difference between people's joys and sorrows.

With the end of the battle on the side of the quasi-strong level battlefield, the formal battlefield side basically solved the battle naturally after Gu Pan and Xia Ning joined in.

The brief cheers could not hide the pain of the war, and everyone could not help but become somewhat silent.

Fortunately, people in the residential area saw that the battle was basically over, and they all brought food and some medical items from home, hoping to help as much as they could, and the atmosphere gradually began to lively.

Xia Jinghe and Lao Yu also got down from the roof of the car early, talking with the masses while doing logistical work.

It's just a pity that this excitement is not real.

According to the statistician's report, the casualties this time do not seem to be as big as expected, well, simply referring to freshmen.

There were 12 new births killed and 73 injured.

However, if the disability ratio of law enforcement officers is mentioned, it has been raised by several levels in an instant, which is also inseparable from the sworn protection of this group of law enforcement officers.

Attribution to dust does not mean worthlessness, it may just be to better protect the flowers.

Tang Qinyi couldn't help but clench her fists after hearing the number of casualties.

The specific figures were directly reported to Tang Qinyi by professionals and not told to everyone.

However, this is not information that needs to be kept secret, and the subsequent news reports will definitely report the real number of people truthfully, but at this stage, Tang Qinyi is not prepared to make their mood worse.

As for why it was reported to Tang Qinyi instead of Li Yuchuan, it was just because of the official position.

Although Li Yuchuan is the leader of this advance force, his own strength in the current Xincheng area if he claims to be the second, no one dares to claim the first, but he is not responsible for these logistical affairs.

These matters were originally to be handed over to Han Yi to solve, but Han Yi is still lying in the infirmary, so naturally it is in order to Tang Qinyi.

Although the polite words of the surrounding masses and law enforcement officers still exist, the atmosphere has reached a critical point at this point, and usually someone should stand up and say two words at this time.

Tang Qinyi was also ready to take over the heavy responsibility and stand up to say a few words, just at this time, a shocking noise resounded in the sky!

Because the battle had just ended, it was almost the most relaxed moment for people, and almost everyone was frightened, and because of this, everyone was attracted to attention.

I saw a husky with black and white hair running out of the smoke from the explosion, and a little girl who seemed to be frightened in her mouth.

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