Like a thin thread passing through the water, the ice crystals covering the neck are like paper paste, and the blade with the "Yellow Spring Ferry" skill easily cuts through the dark blue neck without much effort.

The head with long ice-blue hair jumped high into the air, like an ice-colored butterfly dancing in the extreme cold.

Luo Li knew the importance of mending the knife, and after cutting open Dark Blue's neck, she turned around and kicked Dark Blue's chest.


The plot did not develop as normal flow, and Deep Blue's right hand that lost his head was raised horizontally in front of his chest, and he only grasped Luo Li's ankle.

The ice crystals continued to extend along the back of the dark blue hand, and when they saw that they were about to climb along the contact surface between the dark blue palm and Luo Li's ankle, Luo Li decisively used "absolute control" to change the pressure inside his ankle muscles, so that it instantly formed a pressure difference with the air pressure in the external space to smoothly explode his ankle.

Pain doesn't matter, Luo Li in the form of black beak has a strong self-healing ability, and the muscle tissue at its ankle begins to have obvious traces of flesh and blood, I believe it will not be long before it becomes intact.

Even the original shoes and pants can be formed through "alienation", but this requires extremely high control over the alienation ability, and ordinary black beaks naturally cannot do this.

Deep Blue's left hand was raised flatly, and the head that had originally flown up returned to his hand safely in accordance with Newton's laws.

Lift, load.

Appropriateness rotated the lower skull, and the thin thread of the neck was instantly sutured, not much different from before.

"Water is amorphous and adapts to the situation."

Deep Blue adjusted his neckline casually, and his ice-blue pupils looked at Luo Li from top to bottom, as if he was provoking, and it seemed that he just wanted to show something.

"Water needs containers, and I don't need them."

Luo Li's figure disappeared again.

However, no matter how fast Luo Li was, Deep Blue could use the "absolute lock" in the "extremely cold" environment to firmly seal Luo Li under his attack.

Various subjective conditions such as induction, optical illusion, suggestion, etc. do not play any role in this ability.

Because the law of the world has no emotions in the first place, it only exists objectively as a rule, and it only mechanically follows its own principles.

Even if Luo Li can use the "shadow thorn" to evade the locked attack in time, this is always passive.

The scene thus reached a stalemate without concessions from either side.

The shadow thorn itself has other judgment properties, which is equivalent to a law application in itself.

The world law itself also has a layer of judgment, and its essence is to add an additional layer of system rules to the judgment result of the world law.

The output of the terminal needs to return a value for it to exist objectively.

The lock and attack of Deep Blue are theoretically double judgments, and the order in which the program runs is locked first and then attacked.

Therefore, this gave Luo Li an opportunity.

Luo Li just interspersed a program between locking and attacking, so that the originally locked object and the attack object seemed to be certain, but the value was different.

Before the output result is returned to the world main program, the system first evaluates another object and assigns a value after calculating the system rules, and then swaps the object with the original output object.

That is, the final output result object looks the same on the surface, but the calculation result has been reversed.

That is, the phenomenon that the lock is the same as the object of the attack, but the parameters are not the same.

However, in the logical operation, it is correct and does not report an error.

Therefore, it does not cause bugs, and it is naturally difficult to be detected by the world itself.

This will lead to the reason why the deep blue lock was obviously successful at the beginning, but then once it attacked, it would be forcibly separated by Luo Li.

This is indeed a good countermeasure solution, but Luo Li has no way to deal with Deep Blue's state of "infinite blue return blood" at this time.

The Yellow Spring Ferry did crack the deep blue defense, which was equivalent to a means of forcing blood loss, but this simple blood loss method was easily broken.

It's not just that this method of blood loss is slow, and it is easy to be returned by deep blue.

Deep blue can also directly discard the part affected by the "Yellow Spring Ferry", thereby guiding other water into itself, to remove the effect of forced blood loss.

So what is the way to crack this bug-level state?

There are three.

First, the water becomes turbid.

Water does have the ability to purify itself, but at this stage, due to the instability of the circulatory system in this incomplete world, there is basically only the most basic redox chemical degradation reaction, and this reaction is not very fast even if it can be accelerated by rules.

That is to say, pollute all available water bodies around at a speed that exceeds the self-purification of the water body, so that the deep blue has no water available, then the "blood return" effect is naturally broken.

To put it simply, just break the "extreme cold".

Second, high temperature evaporation.

Liquid water molecules absorb heat and destroy the intermolecular force to make their gap become gaseous water molecules, but deep blue only needs to cool down to turn it back into liquid, and cooling is not too simple for deep blue, so this method is not very effective.

Even if it is successful, it only reduces the rate of blood return of deep blue, and has no effective effect on eradication.

Third, the structure of water molecules is destroyed.

The destroyed water molecular structure cannot be restored in the short term even by means of deep blue, that is, this method is theoretically impossible to counter in the short term.

The first way was given up by Luo Li after a little consideration, "extreme ice" is almost impossible to crack under the blessing of the heavenly realm, it can be said that if she cracks the "extreme ice", it is equivalent to breaking the heavenly realm together, so that she has a high probability of having to go out in advance to face those human high-level.

Although the end result will still be faced, at least, it should not be now.

At the same time, she was not sure whether forcibly cracking the Heaven Realm would cause any serious consequences.

The instant collapse of the stability of the world often means that the world collapses, and any matter in it will be destroyed, so what about Luo Li?

The more unstable it is, the more unknowns it covers, how can it be sure that Luo Li will be able to go out intact when the Heaven Realm is broken?

This time the plan has been prepared for a long time, unless necessary, Luo Li will not easily lay down chips on this.

The second way is directly eliminated, the efficiency is slow, and the most important thing is that it cannot be implemented at all.

Let Luoli use high temperature to evaporate all water molecules in an "extremely cold" environment? When is Lori a magician or a director of a science fiction movie?

After thinking about it simply, Luo Li planned to use the third way.

Because this seems to be the most difficult way, Luo Li has a special countermeasure.

And the source of this countermeasure solution, Luo Li had been prepared as early as the beginning.

"The seeds that were planted then should also germinate and blossom now."

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