Headquarters of the Military District.

A man in his middle of the age was sitting upright on a rosewood chair with a gloomy expression.

There was a pool of water stains and a broken cup on the desk, while the female secretary on the side was standing trembling at this time.

She was watching today's post-war news report in the new city from her desk, which was only 5 meters away from Wei Ming.

The first half of the video depicts a scene of purgatory on earth, and even if Bai Mengyao has watched similar videos more than a hundred times, she can still experience the despair of the masses at that time, and the spirit of the law enforcement officers at that time.

Can't help but be moved, teary-eyed, took Bai Mengyao's makeup, she had to draw a few napkins to wipe the corners of her eyes, in order to cover up her embarrassment.

While wiping, he secretly glanced at Wei Ming's reaction on the side, and as usual, he was as motionless as a mountain, and his expression was indifferent.

However, through the micro-expression observation method, you can still see the suppressed anger and helplessness in Wei Ming's heart, but these emotions are well hidden by him on the almost eternal poker face.

Just when Bai Mengyao thought that this time watching the law enforcement video would also end "plainly" as before, as the video continued to play, "Snap! With a strange sound, Bai Mengyao successfully broke away from her previous immersive state.

After being stunned for half a second, Bai Mengyao quickly looked towards Wei Ming.

I saw that Wei Ming's right hand was still holding the silver-white handle, and the cup connected to the handle had already fallen apart at this time, and the tea contained in it flowed unscrupulously on Wei Ming's desk without restraint from the cup wall.

Bai Mengyao quickly got up, and in a hurry, she directly took a large package of napkins on her desk, wanting to help Wei Ming deal with the water stains, but was stopped by Wei Ming.

"Bring the rag and I'll take care of it myself. The rag is on the right hand side of your desk, and you can count the drawers on the third floor.

Wei Ming's calm and thick voice came out, and the bright pupils glanced at Bai Mengyao casually, but the seemingly random glance was full of endless coercion in Bai Mengyao's eyes.

"Well... Okay..."

Bai Mengyao's tone of response couldn't help but weaken a little, and she didn't seem to have the slightest calmness and reliability that belonged to the secretary.


Wei Ming spread out his broad palm and motioned for it to be placed on it.

Taking the rag, Wei Ming casually began to wipe the tea stains on his desk.

His movements did not look fast, but the tea stains were quickly cleaned up, and the expression on his face still did not change in the slightest, which made Bai Mengyao, who was standing on the side, a little overwhelmed.


The broken cup fragments were stacked on the plate with blue and white porcelain patterns by Wei Ming, as if he saw Bai Mengyao's embarrassment at this time, so he handed the plate with the fragments to Bai Mengyao and said softly:

"Go and pour a cup again."

Bai Mengyao quickly took the steps given by Wei Ming, walked out quickly, and closed the door casually.


Wei Ming took a deep breath and seemed to adjust his emotions. Immediately, I opened a program software that was standing on the computer desktop and slowly typed the keyboard a few times.

Looking at the several strings of numbers displayed on the screen, Wei Ming chose one of them and dialed the phone.


The phone was not picked up immediately, but Wei Ming's face did not have any expression of displeasure, his eyes silently looked at the time display at the bottom right of the computer, waiting for the phone to be picked up.

Ningbin Law Enforcement Bureau.

Han Qiang was still asleep at this time, but the smart phone ringing on the side kept ringing at this moment.

Because Han Qiang is afraid of missing something important, except for the meeting stage, he will set the smartphone to vibration mode, and in other cases, the prompt sound of the smartphone will be turned on to the maximum.

In fact, as early as the first time Han Qiang heard the bell, he woke up, without him, because this ringtone was the attendance ringtone he used to have at the training camp, even if he was still sleeping, his body had already changed into the shape of attendance at the first moment he heard the bell.

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

"Who the fuck can people get a good night's sleep!"

Han Qiang reluctantly lifted the quilt, revealing his thighs full of leg hair.


Inside the palm of his hand were a few leg hairs that had been forcibly pulled off, and the strong pain made Han Qiang wake up for a moment. Even if Han Qiang has a quasi-strong physique, he is not immune to physical pain, just like bumping into that thing, the pain will still hurt.

"Ten at nine... It's an unfamiliar number..." Just

as Han Qiang was thinking about who it might be, an embarrassing scene happened, and because the missed time was too long, the phone automatically hung up.

"I lose it! Finished! "

People who know Han Qiang's phone say a lot less, but there will not be many more, the former is mostly people who often communicate in life, Han Qiang will have notes, and the latter, that is some Han Qiang can't provoke.

The unfamiliar phone number just now is very strange, it is obviously the kind of one-way call, the kind of phone that only the other party can call, and you can't get through by yourself.

Embarrassing, the sleep state that originally needed to pluck leg hair to wake up was all eliminated at this moment, what else could be done? That can only hope that the adult on the other side will not remember the villain and call again.

His already haggard face because he had stayed up late looked even more haggard at this time.

"Jingle bells!"

This sound revived Han Qiang like sacred music, and Han Qiang hurriedly looked at the screen.

Well, that's right, that's the number. But this time, even if it wasn't for this number, Han Qiang would take it.

Click to connect, and weakly came:

"Hello? Which one are you? The

other end of the phone did not respond immediately, which made Han Qiang shed a few drops of cold sweat.

"Han Qiang?"

The simple two words shocked Han Qiang's heart.

"Yes, yes, yes, may I ask you?"

"General of the Military Region, Wei Ming."

(ಥ_ಥ) Is it still useful for me to apologize now?

As if he didn't intend to listen to Han Qiang's excuses, Wei Ming continued:

"Why don't you report the anomalies in the second half of the video to the military region, or the provincial bureau?"

It was obviously an interrogative sentence, but Wei Ming's tone was flat and there were no ups and downs, and Han Qiang could even feel the anger from the big man of the military region through the air.

Of course, if Han Qiang shows that he can't see the abnormality of the video, then he can get out.

"Hakuya intervened, because the video was going to be broadcast at eight o'clock in the morning, and we were already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night after watching all the videos, and we were still working overtime to discuss it.

But halfway through the discussion, the message came from the White House, which was still transmitted on a confidential APP. You know, once the White House intervenes, I will never dare to delve deeper!

Han Qiang quickly explained, but in fact, he still had the opportunity to inform him of the abnormal video in the second half, before the news came from the White House.

"Well, understood. Work hard, have you considered where to relax for a few days, I can arrange a vacation for you, for the sake of you being so hardworking. "

( ́༎ຶД༎ຶ') You must be taking revenge, I understand I understand everything, the big guy doesn't have to be so subtle and bigwig, this makes me scared."

"Thank you, thank you, but no need, I know the wrong commander, and I will definitely do my best!"

Wei Ming didn't plan to fight with Han Qiang anymore, so he casually said "not an example" and hung up the phone.

The other side.

Bai Mengyao stood outside the office door with tea and waited for a long time, her strength is not weak, quasi-strong, naturally she can hear the conversation inside the door, provided that Wei Ming does not deliberately cover up.

Sensing that there was no movement in the house, "Knock knock", three standard knocks on the door.

"Please come in."

Only then did Bai Mengyao open the door and walk in, her white jade-like hand gently placing the plate on the desk under Wei Ming's signal, and then taking two steps back and standing in a military posture.

Wei Ming didn't pay attention immediately, but continued to tap the keyboard and search for something on the computer, leaving her standing there alone for about 5 minutes.

As if finishing the work at hand, Wei Ming spoke.

"Bai Mengyao."


"Lead 2 team members you trust on a trip to the new town.

Two things, the first thing, you must ensure the safety of Xia Jinghe's life, and the second thing, try to let him join the military region. If he doesn't want to, don't let him join the White House. Hear clearly? "


Wei Ming waved his hand

, "After you leave, call your brother Bai Zhao over."


Seeing that Wei Ming had no next order, Bai Mengyao urgently put forward the itinerary.


White House..." Wei Ming muttered in his mouth, but the file of the White House incident in Xincheng was stuck on the computer screen, and Luo Chen's handsome but expressionless photo of facial paralysis was reflected on the screen.

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