"The same cat? Chief, you say that a cat can be in a superposition of life and death at the same time, which is too strange.

Shouldn't the nature of matter already be determined? After so many years, we have been adhering to a deterministic idea and have been developing steadily, and if the problem of non-deterministic random observation is suddenly raised, wouldn't it mean that we were before..."

Deng Wenquan quickly interrupted Elder Ming's words, he also knew that for this kind of academic staff who had devoted their entire lives to scientific research, suddenly had to accept a concept that was paradoxical to his past, wouldn't it mean that his previous beliefs were all wrong?

A researcher with a passion for science will naturally show similar unacceptability, let alone old age, and a poor handling is estimated to be a serious blow to his future.

"I'm not denying your point that determinism and indeterminism seem to be opposites, but they can exist together.

Just like you and me, we have different minds and different norms, but our respective bodies follow some fixed rules.

You can also simply think of these two theories as part of the truth of the universe, and they seem contradictory but actually coordinate with each other to maintain the cosmic order, right?

Even though Elder Ming thought of thousands of remarks at that moment and wanted to regain the dominance of the topic, he was a little relieved when Deng Wenquan explained the words.

It should just be that he is a little too self-satisfied, and the truth of the universe is not as simple as he imagined.

Seeing Elder Ming's slightly guilty expression, Deng Wenquan threw a question to Youying.

"Ghost, can you change your memory manually?"

"Yes, but my ability is not used all the time, if I delete some memory fragments recorded with my ability, it will most likely lead to the loss of daily memory fragments between memory fragments."

"Well, I don't need to prove anything, as long as you can trust me, not to mention, although I see a different screen than you, I can't actually see any valid information."

Luo Chen's surroundings are full of fault codes, as if they have been deliberately erased, and to say who in this world has this ability..."

"Ye Bai?!"

Elder Ming suddenly slapped the table and stood up abruptly, and after seeing the flat eyes of the other two, he knew that his behavior had occurred, and he sat down again, unless necessary, he felt that it was better for him not to speak.

Control yourself, control!

Perhaps the collapse of the previous worldview caused Ming Lao's mood to fluctuate a little, and he quickly realized this and began to self-regulate.

"Yes, there is something capable of doing this in this world, as far as I know, only Ye Bai.

Only his mental skill, Genshu, can do this. Deng

Wenquan's tone was extremely calm, but if you let some people who know the inside story watch this scene, you will find that Deng Wenquan's heart is not as calm and calm as it seems.

Because Ye Bai... It's the child of one of his best friends!

Ye Bai was entrusted to him by Deng Wenquan's best friend before his death, and Deng Wenquan had not yet started a family at that time, so he naturally raised Ye Bai as his own child.

At that time, the White House had not yet been fully established, but it was only vaguely in its embryonic form, not even an organization, just an experiment.

And as a prototype white house, it naturally can't win the trust of many people in the world, which has to be designed to a word - volunteer.

Of course, if it sounds good, it is called volunteers, and if it is bad, it is called experimental subjects.

At that time, Xia Guo did not have any power to resist the black fog, so the White House experiment at this time was extremely critical.

Unfortunately, even if the quality of the volunteers themselves was high, it was a bit prohibitive because of the high fatality rate of the White House Experiment, so it was undoubtedly very difficult to make up enough volunteers at that time.

Even if Ye Bai was too young at that time, he could not participate in this white house experiment at all.

But in order for their country not to be eroded by the black fog, for their own land not to be completely occupied by the black fog.

He knew that no matter how he escaped, as long as he was a member of the Xia Kingdom, if he wanted to fight for the country at that time, it would be impossible to escape this fate.

Therefore, even under Deng Wenquan's many dissuasions, he finally chose to participate in this white house experiment.

The number of volunteers for the first experiments was set at 1,000, and the first volunteers who survived the experiment were later known as White House survivors.

The strength of the first batch of White House survivors was extremely strong, and this sudden surge in strength caught Black Mist off guard, and soon a large area of lost land was repaired.

It's just a pity that those lost lands can't be put into use immediately in the short term, but this doesn't prevent the success of the White House experiment, which makes humans feel a little bit of life again.

As the only force that can resist the black fog, even if the lethality rate of the White House experiment is high, it is still held to the peak by humans.

Ye Bai, as the first survivor of the White House experiment and the strongest of the ten, naturally established an organization with the same name as the experiment - White House.

At that time, the first batch of White House survivors were only three people alive, and it was ridiculous that nearly half of them did not die in the black fog, but died in human infighting.

One of the survivors of the White House did not originally belong to the Xia Kingdom, but was a foreigner who settled in the Xia Kingdom, and he was tired of infighting and brought some of his cronies and chose to develop himself.

The last survivors set up the Holy Moon Hall, now the Holy Moon Messenger, who coordinated the struggle between human forces.

Yes, Ye Bai is the original founder of the White House, but now Ye Bai is not responsible for the internal affairs of the White House, after all, he has carried too much and worked too much, and abdication seems to be a natural thing.

But now, is that really the case?

Did Ye Bai really only abdicate because he was too tired? Or is there something hidden in this?

Deng Wenquan does not know, although it is really not in line with Deng Wenquan's status at this time to be a gentleman with this kind of villain's heart, but if he abandons the most basic social morality, then he is just making a mathematical assumption.

It is precisely because of such doubts that Deng Wenquan has the idea of "memory coagulation surgery".

However, it must be known that only Deng Wenquan alone meets the current observation conditions, and it is precisely because of this observation condition that Deng Wenquan has doubts about Ye Bai and this human hero.

Just because he is an authority does not mean that he cannot doubt authority, but simple doubt seems abrupt and unreasonable.

Any experiment needs more than one piece of data to support, and Deng Wenquan is too, on the one hand, he needs to leave a back hand for Ye Bai, on the other hand, he needs to find "companions".

The forced deletion of Youying's memory will be difficult to recover, so Deng Wenquan is not prepared to treat Youying as a "companion".

As for who the real "companion" should be, he already had an excellent idea in his heart.

If nothing else, the unknown named "Luo Chen" probably thinks so.

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