By now, Xia Jinghe knew what was probably happening even if he was stupid, so he straightened out his thoughts and got up without hesitation and went straight back to the Law Enforcement Bureau.

What was originally a stable win has developed into what it is now, which they did not expect.

This time the action was that they were in a hurry, and they should have directly sneaked a stuffy stick to Xia Jinghe when there was no one around, after all, the three quasi-strong ranks still can't take one and subordinate? This must not make people laugh to death.

I don't know how a certain golden retriever loli can make such an obvious mistake, even if they take out the stick, there is a corresponding solution.

Li Yuchuan, who was hiding in the crowd, saw Xia Jinghe successfully get out of danger in a dramatic form, sighed that Xia Jinghe was really lucky, and did not forget to continue to monitor the tuner and the group, but now he had one more question in his heart.

His smartphone received two messages yesterday, one of which was from the military region, asking him to protect Xia Jinghe and try not to let Xia Jinghe and the people of the White House contact first, they had already sent someone over, asking him to delay time as much as possible;

The other is sent by Xia Jing and himself, the content is very simple, protect me, there will be heavy thanks in the future.

That's why he didn't stand up at the first time, you yourself know that the water is very deep and won't really go up.

Li Yuchuan adheres to the principle of not making a move, once he comes forward to stop it, the spark of the white house and the military region can be ignited in an instant, and now that the people of the military region have not yet arrived, it will be easy for his side to suffer losses at that time.

The main thing is because they are strong intermediate, usually speaking, the strong level can contact the threshold of the heart skill, the strong intermediate level basically began to gradually master the heart skill, the destructive power will be greatly improved, once they shoot, the nature is different.

Can he re-recall Xia Jinghe's treatment just now, does this seem like he knows? I don't know anything at all, so the question is, what happened to that message yesterday, it can't be from that husky, right?

As for Gu Pan and Xia Ning, although they both belong to the same advance force, they are not from the military region, they are from the White House, but they do not do things for the White House, nor do they do things for the Military Region, they only fulfill the obligations of law enforcers, that is, annihilating the black fog monster and defending the people.

Concise, three words summarized, free man. Unfortunately, free people are often the least free.

The glasses man stared at Xia Jinghe's figure gradually being overwhelmed by the crowd, and couldn't help frowning, he looked at the crowd gathering more and more, and finally gave up the idea of pursuit.

No matter who it is, as long as it is an official institution, it cannot directly attack the masses of the people, on the surface.

But time cannot be turned back, and the failure of this mission will eventually become a shame on their tuner file.

As long as there are people around, then the courage of human beings is infinite, even if their strength is only about the paper level, but they still adhere to the mind of watching the excitement one by one, coupled with the middle-aged women's hard work, it seems that the tuner really did something that everyone is angry about.

The silver-haired man listened to the noise in his ears and plucked his ears impatiently.


A shout pushed the mute button together with the noisy crowd around and the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman saw that Xia Jinghe was not in the crowd, presumably she had already left, so she quieted down with the silver-haired man.

The silver-haired man blew his finger and said in a cold tone:

"We are indeed not from the Law Enforcement Bureau, No. 2, and the failure of this mission is credited to you."

We are from the White House, aka Tuners. That's it, you don't understand what a tuner is and what he is responsible for, and I'm not going to waste saliva and explain to you.

Our mission this time is to capture Xia Jinghe, he really saved you, but the power he used has been analyzed by our many parties and data research, and it contains a large number of components of black fog monsters, which means that he may not be a human now, but a similar kind of black fog monster!

Do you think you're helping your big heroes? No, you're just shielding the monsters that destroyed our home!

You, but who dares to say that he is clear? More than authority, who among you can beat the White House? The

words that came out of the silver-haired man's mouth were far softer than those of the glasses man, and its content was like a shocking thunderbolt bombarding the minds of the onlookers.

"What? Chief Xia turned out to be the same kind of black mist monster?

"It's impossible, just by their side of the story

..." "They are white houses, white houses, white houses don't lie

..." "But..." The

reaction of the surrounding crowd made the silver-haired man very satisfied, and this reason was not made up and untargeted.

Relying on public opinion to escape our capture? Then you will have to pay for your actions!

The silver-haired man was about to take advantage of his momentum to take his subordinates and leave, but found a figure blocking his way.

Are you again? Why is this mother-in-law so much?

"Seeing that you are still young, I call you sister Sheng, I didn't bully you, there was a video recording of the whole process of handling the case, if you want to come to me to touch porcelain, it is not feasible."

The middle-aged woman opened her arms to block the silver-haired man's way, she didn't know where she got the courage, but she always felt that she should say something, otherwise Chief Xia's reputation was likely to be ruined by three words, and Xia Jinghe's character she could also see that he was definitely a very kind and good person, there must be some reason for this.

"I don't care if you are a white house or a black house, I only know that when the people of our new city encounter a life and death crisis, it is the members of the new city law enforcement bureau who are the first to stand in front of us, and at that time, where are you?"

Of course, I can't prove the authority you are talking about, but even if the power used by Chief Xia comes from those black mist monsters? He still stood up when Captain Li was helpless, can you guarantee that he will be sure that he can kill the last monster at that time?

No one could guarantee it, but he rushed out without hesitation, and the result was good, the monster was successfully destroyed, and we survived.

But what does this say, that even if he has the power that belongs to the devil, but still used it on the right path, and in the end we have to criticize him and insult the heroes of our new city, is this reasonable?

We are human! It is a human being who understands right and wrong! And not your all-profit-oriented tool for handling cases!

"Yes, yes! Sister has a point! Why do you believe what you say!

"Yes, yes! Where were you when we were in crisis! "

Everything will go a lot more smoothly when someone comes forward, and the crowd around you takes the opportunity to boo.


The silver-haired man seemed to be about to throw a fist, but the woman next to him immediately put her slender hand on the silver-haired man's strong arm, signaling him to calm down.

"Weren't you also involved when we were fighting on the front lines? People can't just pay attention to appearances, the past hibiscus is now broken, the poison of poppies, only those who have experienced it know how to regret it. Who is right and who is wrong will be known in the future. Captain, number two, let's go. Cold

words came out of the woman's mouth, and she left the crowd with the silver-haired man and the glasses man.

And all this was clearly seen by the husky who pretended to be dead on the ground.

"The fuse is there, and there is still a lighter left."

Luo Li took a sip of the coffee in the cup, and the black and white beautiful pupils still could not hide the turquoise light under it.

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