The sound

of the door opening sounded, and then Tang Qinyi closed the door lightly, as if there was some precious treasure hidden in the room.

As soon as he turned his head, he found Luo Li, who had just come out of the room and was teasing the cat outside.

"This man... Have I seen it somewhere?"

Tang Qinyi was puzzled in her heart, but this did not hinder her pace of leaving.

When she passed by Luo Li's side, an exclamation startled her.

I saw that the little loli was looking at herself with glowing eyes at this time, extending her gaze, as if looking at the hairpin on her head?

"Wow ~ sister sister ~ where did you buy your hair card, it's so cute."

Tang Qinyi, who was caught off guard by the instantaneous enthusiasm, couldn't help but touch her hair card, and then took it down.

"If you like it, I can show it to you, but unfortunately this can't be given to you." This issuance card is a birthday gift from a friend of mine before, so I don't know where to buy it, I'm sorry, or I go back and help you ask?

Luo Li took the hair card handed out by Tang Qinyi, put it in her petite palm to look left and right, and then looked at Tang Qinyi.

"Does my sister want to add my contact information?" Yes, Nuo~"

Luo Li took out the smartphone from his pocket, opened the chat APP, and placed his QR code under Tang Qinyi's field of vision.

"This person must be a social cow."

Tang Qinyi complained in her heart, but since she had just said so, she had to take out her smartphone and scan Luo Li's QR code.

"Love white coffee? Is that right?


After Tang Qinyi confirmed it, she sent the request to add, and Luo Li also passed in seconds.

"Remember to send me a link~"

Luo Li waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Eh, wait! My hairpin!

"It's already on your head."

Luo Li smiled back.

Tang Qinyi subconsciously touched the location of her original hair card, well, in it, she also specially glanced at it with the help of the reflection of the smart phone screen, it was indeed her own hair card.

But when... Can a quasi-strong strength person be touched by others without knowing it? Love white coffee... White coffee? Is this a coincidence?

A series of questions appeared in Tang Qinyi's mind, but at this moment, Luo Li was already seven steps away from her, and it would seem strange if he stepped forward to ask specifically.

"Welcome to the next visit~

" With the voices of the two maids of "Spring" and "Summer", Tang Qinyi slowly walked out of this special cat café.

The caller ringtone of the smart phone rang at this time, Tang Qinyi looked at the electric person, eased his mind and then connected the phone.

"Hey, is it Tang Qinyi Tang Commander? I am from the New Town Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Yes, you say."

"A law enforcement officer named Xia Jinghe came to you, and you said that as long as it is about him, you will report it as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll go right back."

After waiting for a few seconds, he hung up the phone when he saw that the other party had nothing else.

New Town, Bureau of Enforcement.

Sitting in the office on the third floor of the Law Enforcement Bureau, Xia Jinghe felt so restless for the first time, and just sent fruits to Lao Yu, but unfortunately, according to the doctor, his spirit was still damaged, which made Xia Jinghe's already somewhat collapsed spirit today even more negative.

He thinks he can't live like this anymore, he needs to really understand the world and then become stronger.


this time is no longer the standard three-click knock, but two, and without Xia Jinghe's reply, Tang Qinyi pushed open the door without authorization, after all, this was originally her and Han Yi's office.

Her round and white face looks a little baby fat, but this adds a bit of cuteness to her, and the two long curly hairs shake with the sturdy steps.

If he hadn't seen the monster-killing Tang Qinyi on the battlefield before, Xia Jinghe would really think that the little princess of which family ran out.

"What happened? Did you meet the tuner?

Xia Jing and his originally gray expression suddenly took color.

"Yes, yes, how do you know."

"They are still moving so quickly, but I'm curious, how did you get out of their capture, Captain Li made a move?"

Catch? What is she talking about?

After the baptism of conflict just now, Xia Jinghe's spirit has become very sensitive now, and he naturally perceives the strange words in Tang Qinyi's mouth.

"No, it's just luck."

Tang Qinyi's eyes narrowed slightly, since Xia Jinghe didn't want to say, then she didn't have the need to force it.

"What do you think... What does the world look like in your eyes? "

Why do you suddenly ask this?

"The world as I see it... The human world was invaded by black fog, monsters attacked, and then the White House discovered a special method to stimulate the human potential, and then the human race began to resist, which continues to this day. "

Is it gone?"

"Didn't... It's gone.

"What you just said, put a hundred years ago, is a fact; In a hundred years, any pattern will undergo irreversible changes.

Now there are indeed only two camps of black fog and human beings in this world, but on the human side, the power is far from as simple as you think. When

Xia Jinghe heard Tang Qinyi's words, he immediately made a respectful action, and Tang Qinyi also sat on the office chair, and there was a desk between Xia Jinghe and Xia Jinghe.

"Originally, you didn't need to know so much, but who let you show your talent in front of everyone, and now you are the target of everyone."

Xia Jinghe smiled sarcastically, he knew that Tang Qinyi was only blaming on the surface.

"Of course, I don't blame you, thank you for being too late, after all, you saved our lives in terms of process.

In this world, the whole people practice martial arts, every human 8~10 years old must choose between the white house and the academy, and spend 5 years in it to study, the difference is that the training of the white house is better, but it will die, the training of the academy is more ordinary, but there is basically no danger.

Xia Jinghe nodded, he knew this.

"Then people who come out of these two places need to enter the academy and study, during the academy study, you can be selected by the army to join the military region, or you can not participate in the law enforcement bureau, the white house, and the academy after graduation, but the choice of one of these three choices about the white house is that you must be a survivor of the white house yourself to return to the white house."

Xia Jinghe continued to nod, which he also knew, because he came over according to this process.

"Among them, the military weapons of the military region are the strongest, and the Yinwu series of weapons are controlled by the military region;

Shiraya's mental skills are the most developed, which means that its individual strength, or squad strength, is the strongest;

The academy focuses on various infrastructure, after all, not everyone's skills are related to combat.

Tang Qinyi took a sip of the tea that was set aside.

"Would you like to get you a fresh cup of hot tea?"

"No need."

Tang Qinyi waved her hand and continued what she had just said.

"All members of the Bureau of Law Enforcement are called enforcers, and there are two types of enforcers, one is called watchmen who stick to a place like you; The other group is called marchers like Gu Pan who need to go wherever they need to go. However, in the eyes of the public, the details that will not be withheld are just called law enforcement officers.

In addition to ordinary military positions, there are also executioners in special positions, who are responsible for some special cases and are under the command of the General Department of Military Districts;

In addition to ordinary staff, there are also special position adjusters, they are responsible for external tasks, I don't know who they are under orders, it may be Ye Bai, their top is very mysterious;

In addition to being college teachers and infrastructure personnel, the university also has special positions of gazers, who are responsible for editing and recording various events, data and other miscellaneous things, and are under the authority of the highest authority.

Among them, the military region and the white house check and balance each other, the academy is neutral, and the strength of the white house after the use of silver martial arts is obviously higher than that of the military region, which is unreasonable, so there is a mysterious organization Holy Moon Hall, they live in a fixed place, but they are everywhere. Its function is to balance the strength of the military district and the white house, and it is under the command of the highest authority.

And I don't know anything about the highest authority, except for the necessary annual meeting, their usual whereabouts will not be revealed at all, probably to prevent assassination.

"Probably understood, but what does this have to do with me?"

Xia Jinghe puzzled.

"The gunpowder of the military district and the white house has been rubbing for nearly a hundred years, and your appearance, especially your special mental skills, is the trigger for future wars, do you believe it or not?"

Tang Qinyi looked at Xia Jinghe with a smile, and said the words that were the most sunny for Xia Jinghe with a flat face.

"Shouldn't we humans be united with the outside world? Isn't our enemy the Black Mist Monster? Why infighting?

"Probably because, Hakuya... No more white houses. Tang

Qinyi said this, but in her mind recalled the information she got in the cat café today, everything was so dreamy.

"What do you mean?"

"You will know later, well, you know everything that should be understood, you will stay in the law enforcement bureau for the next time, and we will protect your safety."

Xia Jinghe's obviously unwilling expression was overflowing, but Tang Qinyi still didn't give him an answer, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Because it is closely related to his own life, and even involves his own family, Xia Jinghe is eager to know an answer, and at this moment, a golden back suddenly flashed in his mind.

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