"Fishing enforcement also caught a big fish."

Luo Li changed one hand for training, and the replaced hand continued to draw in circles on the tablet.

"If Baiya really has a plan to create gods in batches, then they will definitely not miss it when they discover Xia Jinghe's special, and the difficulty of the first of the three world lines is actually the lowest, that is, there is a high probability that Baiya will act in advance within a week."

But now that Xia Jinghe has taken precautions, the military region and the law enforcement bureau will not sit idly by and let the white house get Xia Jinghe, which means that there should be a lot of garrison forces deployed in Xia Jinghe and the surrounding areas at present. Several

villains on the tablet were circled by Luo Li, and then drew a defensive symbol.

Although Luo Li did not witness the real scene, he was able to roughly deduce the current situation.

"From the actions of several people from the Law Enforcement Bureau after the war at that time, it can be seen that Gu Pan and Xia Ning should be free agents of the Law Enforcement Bureau, while Li Yuchuan should be from the military region, Shen Sihang's behavior at that time was strange, either his brain was not good, or this person was estimated to have a lot to do with Han Yi.

Tang Qinyi and Han Yi are together, they are both from the training camp of the military region, the purpose of coming to the new city is temporarily unknown, it may be to come to mix internship experience, here is a question mark.

In order to ensure that the situation can be controlled, the military region will definitely send special people over, but the first batch of arrivals may not necessarily be all strength, and another batch may be sent secretly.

Luo Li added a few more strokes next to several highlighted villains, why Luo Li would be so clear about the identities of these people, the first point was naturally due to her careful observation, and the other point was due to a husky mixed in with the Law Enforcement Bureau, he was Luo Li's second pair of eyes.

"There will be people in the academy, but they are not estimated to take sides, that is to say, it is basically a battle between the forces of the military region and the white house, and the role of Xia Jing and that side has not been fully reflected, and the white house will not send high-end combat power over."

Its combat intensity should be concentrated between the intermediate to the strong medium, and the exact point can be reduced again to the upper to the strong subordinate. The strength at this stage is not high, but it is not low, which can be regarded as a competition between the backbones of the two sides.

In this way, I am not too weak at this level, but there is no big problem with systematic blessings at present.

In a week, the first day is too obvious, and this is the day when the law enforcement bureau is most vigilant; The people of the military district should arrive the next day, and it is not easy to shoot; Then the most likely days to make a shot should be in the days of three, four, or five.

The time is not clear, it does not have to be evening, but the probability of night should be a little higher.

Place... There are only three choices, one is the hospital, one is Lao Yu's home, and the other is Xia Jing and his own home, only these places are where Xia Jing He is likely to go in the past few days and the security deployment force is weak at the same time.

Bai Wu will not be stupid enough to openly attack the Law Enforcement Bureau, the highest authority cannot just watch its two big forces fight in the open, and once the organ makes a move, the matter will be complicated, and now at least there is Xia Jing and as a shield.

But is the White House really doing nothing these days? Isn't this a pure loss of time to grasp the intelligence in advance? Or do you say... They are also waiting for something ... Waiting for a hole card that can turn the tide of the battle? If

the people in the White House and the Military Region heard Luo Li's analysis at this time, they would be surprised to find that their actions at this time were almost clear in front of Luo Li.

It's just that these conclusions that Luo Li has come to now are just speculations, she doesn't know whether this is a real card or a fake card, and she really doesn't have any cards in her hand to play.

The black martial arts on Jinlis's side have not heard from it yet, after all, it was commissioned just yesterday, and it is more or less unrealistic to create it now;

Its own strength can be compensated by the blood gas value, and the main blood gas value is now only this role due to the problem of selling fake goods in the system mall;

Regarding the allies, Luo Li still doesn't know where the white note she secretly stuffed to Tang Qinyi is now, which will not be known until the cat cat and Xia Jinghe reunite.

Everything seemed to be a little out of Luo Li's control, but Luo Li was not panicked at all.

No cards? Who says you have to have cards to join the hand?

Luo Li's side left it alone, and there was a few good news about the Law Enforcement Bureau.

First of all, Shen Sihang and Han Yi can already get out of bed after a day of recuperation, they are two strong junior powerhouses, they were almost awake yesterday, but the injury has yet to recover, and today they are basically recovering.

Secondly, Lao Yu can already open his eyes, at least to avoid becoming a vegetative person instead of the result of the second half of his life, but at this stage, he is not very fluent in speaking, and his movements are not very flexible, it seems that some nerve in the brain has been damaged and needs a period of recuperation.

Then Han Yi received news from his friend Bai Mengyao that they would be able to arrive in the new city tomorrow, and after Shen Sihang heard about the current situation, he also used Bai Mengyao's connection to find several people from the military region from the army to familiarize themselves with interpersonal relationships.

After all, it is impossible for military troops to be involved in the struggle between the two forces, they are under the jurisdiction of the highest authority, it is okay to go out to fight the black mist monster, it is okay to solve the people's livelihood problems, and it is not okay to mix the struggle between the forces.

But what if it's a mutual help to a good friend in the name of a person?

That is still allowed, so Shen Sihang poached a few people from the large army to stay here for a while under the emotional card, and these news were a good supplement to the dilemma of the law enforcement bureau at this time.

In the end, the husky refound Xia Jinghe and let Xia Jinghe know the news that the middle-aged woman was all right, which made Xia Jinghe's originally somewhat chaotic nerves in the past few days be slightly calmed.

Before this, the cat cat actually ran to the White House ruins to walk around, but looked at it from a distance and did not appear directly, because the appearance of the husky was too familiar to the three tuners.

When he went to the White House ruins to watch, he just stayed in a corner from a distance and watched, and passers-by would not take a husky seriously, but thought that the dog was curious and did not pay attention to it.

Unfortunately, the cat did not see the figure of other tuners, and those people were very well hidden.

Cat Cat did not do a long-term reconnaissance and guard job, because the White House side is an uncertain factor after all, and the determining factor should be Xia Jinghe's movements, so Cat Cat returned to Xia Jinghe's side.

Xia Jinghe naturally did not ask what the cat did during the "disappearance" period, but told some of his and the middle-aged woman's beautiful experiences to Lao Yu, who was still lying on the hospital bed, even if he didn't know if Lao Yu could understand what he was saying in this situation, he just talked to himself.

As a dog, the cat cat was keenly aware of the smell of white coffee remaining on Xia Jinghe's body, but he was not sure whether it was brought on the white note or contaminated from Tang Qinyi, but just fed this result back to Luo Li.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction.

The time soon came to the next day, that is, the fourth of September, and on this day, Lao Yu's condition obviously improved, at least there was a smile on his face.

Xia Jinghe happily saved Lao Yu's smile with a smart machine, and even took a simple VCR, ready to bring this smile to the middle-aged woman.

Just as he was about to leave, Tang Qinyi stopped him.

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