Physicians now have only two options to choose from.

The first is to believe that their teammates, that is, there is no problem with the white room personnel in the monitoring room, so that they can use their medical knowledge to fool around, although there is something wrong with the process, but they can still achieve the results of the previous plan;

However, if there is really a problem with the white room personnel in the monitoring room, then it is very likely that the original "case-handling" video has not been replaced, as long as someone checks the video, and then the physical witnesses have all the evidence, they can be successfully arrested without the slightest effort.

The second is not trusting his teammates, thinking that there is something wrong with the White Room personnel in the monitoring room. Then the only plan I should think about now is how to run.

Since the guard at the gate had already left, and Xia Jing and them were not in the hospital, the only thing that could hinder him now was the female guard in front of him and a few people transferred from the large army a few days ago.

And now the only people who can observe themselves are the people in the monitoring room and the female guard in front of them, which means that in fact, there is only one enemy now.

Under the premise of defaulting to the fact that a teammate has a problem, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it is to your current situation, and the faster you run, the higher your escape rate.

Perfect reasoning, then....

"Can I please help me out?" It's a bit inconvenient to check. The

doctor did not say anything to Xia Wei, but took the lenses in his hand and took out a glasses cloth from his white pocket to wipe it.

After all, there are only two people here, isn't it said to her or to the ghost, so this action looks very normal.

Xia Wei hesitated for a while, then put the smart phone into his pocket and walked over slowly, but at the same time as putting it in his pocket, he had already pressed the dial button and adjusted the volume to 0, so as to avoid being discovered by the other end of the smart phone after being connected.

However, these small details could not escape the doctor's eyes, he saw Xia Wei's small movements through the reflection of the lenses, but it didn't matter, anyway, he had decided to tear his disguise.

As said in advance, the doctor's eyes are actually not a problem, which leads to him if he wears a prescription glasses but will not see clearly, so sometimes he will be forced to squint his eyes to see, which is a human physiological instinct and is difficult to overcome.

As for why he wore prescription glasses, it was very simple, the previous doctor and the current doctor were actually two people, and the current doctor was just pretending to be the previous doctor after disguise, and the doctor's makeup skills were very high, and even Tang Qinyi did not find a problem.

The previous doctor wore prescription glasses, and if they were changed to those without prescription, it would cause suspicion, at least the thickness of the lenses was very easy to be observed.

As for the identity verification at the door, they only verified that the doctor was the same person as the identity card on the chest.

The guard at the gate was changed on the 4th of September, and he was disguised on the 4th of September, and the guard at the door did not know the name of the previous doctor.

As long as the doctor wears his identity card before entering the door, and the business card on his chest is replaced with the previous doctor's business card after entering the door, after all, they are the same person from the outside.

Originally, this drama could last for two or three days, but unfortunately, today's plan inexplicably failed and he had to change the situation.

Xia Wei found that the doctor's eyes on the lenses were very careful on the way to the hospital bed, and a closer look at his eye sockets showed that his eyes were not narrowed.

Normal people know that a myopic patient's eyes will unconsciously squint when observing objects, because when squinting, the eyes will limit the incidence of light, which makes it easier for the eyes to see things in the distance.

The doctor in front of him does not have this small habit, which shows that he may not be myopic at all, and the reason why he looks so closely at the lens is most likely to observe the reflection on the lens, that is, he is observing his movements.

Why does an ordinary physician need to observe his movements so carefully? It shows that there is a problem with the identity of this doctor, plus Lao Yu happened to die at this time....

Thinking of this, Xia Wei freely waved his left arm when walking to the hospital bed, inadvertently hid the small tracker in his left pocket in his hand, and at the same time withdrew his right hand from his pocket, and pretended to massage his left wrist, through this fake action, the sight of the small tracker was completely blocked by his arm.

The viewing angle of the lens is limited, the doctor naturally cannot see the movement of Xia Wei's upper body, after he saw Xia Wei withdraw his right hand from his pocket, he stopped looking at the lens, slowly put the glasses back on, and naturally did not see the action of Xia Wei transferring the tracker.

When Xia Wei lifted Lao Yu up and leaned against the head of the bed according to the doctor's instructions, the two looked at each other, and although the expressions on their faces were serious, they thought together in their hearts.

"She was fooled."

"He was fooled."

"Hold still, I'll look at his tongue."

With that, the doctor's head began to lean against Lao Yu's body, and the white gloves were slowly stuffed into his pocket, as if to take out the instrument for observation.

At the moment when the descent speed stopped at 0, Xia Wei tilted his head abruptly, just dodging the oncoming metal blade, even though Xia Wei's reaction was fast, but because the distance was too close, a bloodstain was still wiped out at the corner of his right eye.

The doctor originally did not think that a dark weapon could solve the problem, he could feel that the female guard in front of him was very strong, and the scalpel hidden under the cuff quickly slipped down to the palm of his hand with the drop of his arm, and the whole person rushed up to attack Xia Wei.

Xia Wei knows that he can't retreat now, once he retreats, it means giving up the initiative to the other party, and in the case that there is no gap in the realm that is too outrageous, any behavior involving the game between the two sides is basically who holds the initiative and who has a better chance of winning.

Xia Wei also leaned forward, but her body pressed lower than the opponent, and at the same time her right elbow bent and a hard elbow struck through the doctor's middle door to meet the lower jaw.

The doctor naturally would not choose to exchange injuries with Xia Wei, after all, he wanted to run for his life, and every additional wound on his body meant that his escape success rate was one point less.

The scalpel in the right hand is lightly rolled over and sandwiched between the index and middle fingers, while the palm of the hand is slightly curved in an arc to wrap Xia Wei's elbow strike, and the lower jaw and palm extend upward with the direction of the elbow strike, which is a very ingenious unloading.

The left hand was also not idle, and the blade was pointed directly at Xia Wei's armpit, and if she did not give up the elbow strike, she would be stabbed fiercely.

But Xia Wei was personally selected by Bai Mengyao from the military region after all, and saw that his left hand, which was originally used to boost his right elbow, quietly moved right to hold the four fingers of the doctor's left hand, which caused the incoming scalpel to be restricted from attacking.

You can't hold your wrist here like a cold weapon, because the length of the scalpel is shorter than that of an ordinary cold weapon, even shorter than some daggers. And the scalpel itself is exceptionally lightweight, and the weapon can be flipped with only a finger, so grabbing the wrist is ineffective.

Then he clenched his right hand into a fist, his elbow opened, and the fist wheel rushed straight to the doctor's temple with a pendulum.

"Vozh is so fierce!"

The doctor cursed secretly in his heart, and quickly dodged the pendulum on his back, but the bridge of the nose was still scraped a little by his fist, a slight cracking sound sounded, and nosebleeds began to flow out uncontrollably.

Xia Wei took advantage of the inertia of the right pendulum, continued to move forward, grabbed the doctor's left finger and pressed down, and used the force to turn around and continue to press the doctor's temple with his right elbow from diagonally down.

The doctor felt the ferocity of the force, the left hand quickly abandoned the scalpel and quickly withdrew the finger, the withdrawn palm supported on the guardrail next to the hospital bed, leaned on the supporting hand quickly turned back and kicked Xia Wei's right elbow.

With a loud "bang", the doctor took advantage of the strength to get out of Xia Wei's control, rolled up and threw the only three scalpels on his body towards Xia Wei together, and then fled out of the ward without turning his head regardless of whether he hit or not.

In fact, the doctor's melee combat ability is not as weak as it seems, but because he does not intend to fight, this has led to the feeling of being pressed and beaten with just one wrong step, which is the importance of the initiative.


Xia Wei quickly shook his wrist, quickly shot down the three scalpels that flew over by relying on the scalpel harvested from the doctor, and quickly crossed the hospital bed and rushed to the door, shouting into the corridor:

"Shoot!" Don't show mercy! "

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