"Hello? Brother Wei, it's okay, it's just that the cruise reconnaissance plane was attacked, and support should have arrived, just help me a little.

Well..... Good...... Then I'll hang. After

saying that, Zhuge Buhong hung up his mobile phone, and finally turned his face to the pilot, and his expression returned to kindness.

Of course, he didn't watch for long, because in his position it would be inexplicable pressure on the pilot.

So he just nodded and looked away from the pilot again.

However, after moving away, his expression returned to its previous seriousness.

"Ouyang Feng's Heart Technique... Is things getting more complicated, or is it getting simpler? "

There has been no news of Ouyang Feng's disappearance so far, and it is obvious that something has happened to him.

At this stage, it is mainly because the body cannot be found and is temporarily recognized as missing, but the real information is estimated to be understood.

However, it is now less than a month after the end of the Xincheng incident, so Zhuge Buhong has not considered exposing the information that Ouyang Feng is most likely to die for the time being.

Whether it was on the Internet, in the database, or in Ouyang Feng's family and friends, he did not really explain the truth.

Of course, in order to ensure that the academic research left by Ouyang Feng was not illegally stolen or damaged, Zhuge Buhong went to Ouyang Feng's place of work in the early morning of the Xincheng incident.

Using his heart skills, he successfully cracked the password of Ouyang Feng's personal computer, backed up all his internal information and deleted it, and then took back all the contents of Ouyang Feng's manuscript in the form of taking pictures.

White House, Fantasy Realm.

Is this long-standing and seemingly normal assessment model really just as simple as it seems?

If all the information will become known, then why have military districts and academies spent decades still failing to replicate the function of fantasy combat, even the most basic parodies?

Obviously, they were missing some important information, and what exactly this information referred to, the final result was implicit in the academic research that Ouyang Feng was embarking on.

After Zhuge Buhong roughly observed the content of Ouyang Feng's research, a reason that seemed absurd but was more reasonable from a certain angle gradually arose in his heart.

Then, while he was busy with his official business, he secretly investigated his inner speculation.

Eventually, he set his sights on a location called the rest area.

There is not only one rest area in the country, but if Zhuge Buhong is asked to choose one of them, there is no doubt that it must be the rest area where he is now.

From the rational condition analysis, the strength realm painting style of this area and the distance from the new city are just right, if nothing else, there should be many familiar characters here next;

From the analysis of emotional conditions, Zhuge Buhong calculated a little before making a final decision.

Luo Li said before that the knowledge involved in the heavenly machine in this world is more familiar, and from the bright side, there are already three people - Tiance, Luo Li and Zhuge Buhong.

Zhuge Buhong's arithmetic and Tianze's heavenly machine are not the same concept, the former is more artificial, and the latter relies more on mental skills.

But even so, if you put Zhuge Buhong's entire life calculation experience on the table, you will find that his success rate is terrifyingly high.

Just like the long-circulated divination and fortune-telling on the Internet, most of these things are indeed the actions of scammers, but it does not prevent a genuine product mixed in a pile of inferior goods.

All in all, after Zhuge Buhong merged all the information management, the spearhead of these answers eventually pointed Zhuge Buhong to the same location, that is, the rest area where he is now.

The chance of one piece of information may be accidental, but when the results of many pieces of information are surprisingly consistent, it means that this "accident" can no longer be easily identified as "accidental".

The hard work paid off, and Zhuge Buhong successfully waited for an accident called "accident".

The reason why the cruise reconnaissance aircraft can fly safely in the air for so long is naturally related to Zhuge Buhong, not the pilot's self-perceived good luck.

It's just a pity that what this "accident" brought to Zhuge Buhong was not the smoothness after "solving the confusion", but the stunned after being "confused" again.

He did peel back a layer of fog in front of him, but he felt as if he was in another deeper and wider fog.

"You can't rush everything under the premise of insufficient preparation, otherwise it will only bring you regret and sadness, it seems that you have to find a time to talk to Deng Wenquan, and he should know much more than me if he can do such a thing as opening a global live broadcast."

Zhuge Buhong's heart muttered, looking at the dark night scene outside the cruise reconnaissance plane in front of him silently.

The sudden quiet atmosphere at this time also made the pilots on the side dare not take a breath, so they had to take over their job steadily, and at this time they were controlling the cruise reconnaissance aircraft to retreat, but in terms of speed, it was completely a sky and an underground when they came.


New Era 96, 20:00

The highest organ of power.

The drop in the C live broadcast room was completely within Deng Wenquan's expectations, because this should have been the work that the black fog monster should be responsible for, but Luo Chen's appearance destroyed a certain balance, and Luo Chen finally took the place.

Of course, the drop in the C live broadcast room means that the large-scale conflict on the side of the Black Mist Battlefield has completely come to an end, and I believe that it will not be long before the battle situation in its edge area will return to the previous appearance, or better.

The expansion of the territory of 180 meters seems to be a good thing, but if the events of today's global live broadcast are interconnected, it is easy to deduce that there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

However, this is not something that Deng Wenquan should worry about, because the real focus of the world at this stage should not be on the black fog battlefield.

What happened on the Black Mist Battlefield was just a pretense, or rather, an introduction.

So what is the next focus, the war of national resistance?

No, no, the next key factor is in the new city, which is still being rebuilt after the war.

Deng Wenquan called Yu Ying over and after a few brief words again, he opened it, and finally pulled out a partially dusty file from a drawer in the mysterious room.

The memories of the past flooded back to his heart, which could not help but Deng Wenquan frown a little.

The side effects of memory coagulation surgery are somewhat obvious, he did remember Luo Chen right, but this also made his memory of a long time ago begin to blur, if he did not have a file backup in advance, he really may not be able to continue to stick to it now.

"Luo Chen... If the events at that time were not accidental, but manipulated by you, then it seems that everything is enough to explain with a reasonable reason.

But if that's the case... I will wonder if your race is human..."

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