The black SUV drove down the street at 60 per hour, neither fast nor slow.

Li Yuchuan saw Xia Jinghe's hands clenched unconsciously on his knees through the rearview mirror in the car, and he knew that this was a sign of nervousness.


Xia Jinghe glanced up at him.

"It's fine."

"Harm, relax, you are already the one who has walked on the brink of death once."

"Hmm... Perhaps, leaving that husky in the middle-aged woman's house was the right choice.

Li Yuchuan's face couldn't help but flash a trace of stunned, it's all at this time, why is this little guy still thinking about other life forms, but... This may be due to the unique character of some people, not to say good, not to say bad.

The gaze turned to the middle-aged woman's home, where the middle-aged woman was lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV with a smile on her face, while the husky was eating the dog food that the middle-aged woman specially bought for her outside.

Suddenly, the cat's ears pricked up, as if sensing something, and then gave up the behavior of continuing to eat dog food and got up to leave.

The middle-aged woman on the side did not notice the whereabouts of the cat and was still watching TV.


The cat's paw lightly grasped one end of the doorknob, relying on its own gravity to break the handle, and the door was so easily opened by the cat.

Sticking out the dog's head slightly, while looking left and right, he noticed a young man in a white shirt keeping his eyes on him for a few seconds.

Well, normal, but revealing abnormality, too fast, or rather, as if he had been watching the place.

The young man's gaze did not stay long, but he glanced at the husky and continued to carry the garbage bag in his hand to the garbage can.

The sound of opening the lid, throwing, banging, heavy objects hitting the ground.

On the way back, the husky had disappeared, but he found that the dog had not closed the door of the middle-aged woman's room.

He frowned, then walked to the middle-aged woman's door, bent his middle finger, and knocked on the door.

"Who? Hey? How did this door open.

As the middle-aged woman opened the door, what came into view was a white and handsome face, he was wearing a very fitting white shirt, but the breath on his body made the middle-aged woman feel a little depressed.

"Hello Auntie, I just saw your dog run out, but the door is not closed, so come and remind you."

After the reminder of the man in white, the middle-aged woman noticed that the dog that Chief Xia had left at home just now had disappeared.

"Hey? Why is this dog so smart that he can open the door by himself? However, Chief Xia seems to have told me before that this dog is very spiritual, and it should not be lost outside. The

anxious emotions on the middle-aged woman's face were clear, after all, this was someone else's dog, and it was impossible to say how to lose it, let alone Chief Xia's dog.

"Chief Xia?"

The man in white keenly perceives the word.

"May I ask, what do you mean by Chief Xia?"

"Oh~oh, it's just a colleague of my wife, working as a law enforcement officer around here, it's amazing." That's it, this dog should not be lost, when the time comes, I will just take a look at it when he knocks on the door. The

middle-aged woman's deep meaning is actually very simple, her wife and colleagues are law enforcement officers, warning the man in white not to mess around, if something happens to her, she can easily find out the problem.

And she didn't want to let the topic continue, mainly because the breath of the man in white made her feel too dangerous, obviously with a harmless face of humans and animals, but for some reason the middle-aged woman in front of him always felt a palpitation.

"Uh-huh, okay, if you need to find me for help, I just moved over today, I live in that room, introduce myself, my name is Bai Zhao."


The middle-aged woman glanced in the direction of Bai Zhao's finger, remembered the direction, said no more, and closed the door.

At the same time, the cat who was hiding in the middle-aged woman's room and was eavesdropping with a dog's ear against the wall sent a message to Luo Li that "the chess piece has arrived".

On the surface, the cat cat was indeed left here by Xia Jinghe, but to be precise, he took the initiative to stay here, in order to wait for the dark chess of the military district mentioned in Luo Li's mouth.

Luo Li had judged before that the military region would send a batch on the bright side, and in fact it did, namely Bai Mengyao, Xia Wei, and Chencheng; A group will also be sent in secret, but this group of people is difficult to find, after all, there is no news, and even this conclusion is Luo Li's guess.

Although it is a guess, it is very likely, because these combat powers on the bright side are completely incomparable with the tuners on the white house, and the cards on the white house side are not finished, and the military region directly plays the cards? So confident? There is a probability but an unpossibility of committing a disease.

To sum up, the military district must still have a card that has not been revealed, and this card must be in the new city in order to ensure that it can be played at the right time. But it is impossible to search every corner of the new city, and Luo Li can only reverse according to the results.

The apparent purpose of the military region and the white house is to compete for the experimental body Xia Jinghe, but to be honest, where can Xia Jinghe go during this period, and who can affect Xia Jinghe, and once the results are reversed, then the scope of the existence of the card of the military region is very limited.

According to the elimination method, the probability of this option next to the middle-aged woman's home began to slowly increase, so Luo Li told the cat that the cat no longer had to follow Xia Jinghe and stayed in the middle-aged woman's house.

It turned out to be just like now, luckily, I found it, but I need to confirm it again.

Luo Li turned on the smartphone and dialed a phone number.


Without letting Luo Li wait long, the phone was quickly picked up.

"Hello, there is a cat café here, can I help you with anything?"

A sweet and beautiful female voice came from the phone.

"Order food, white coffee."

"What is the price you showed over there?"


"That may be a problem with the system, our white coffee is not 25 oh~

" "Order, white coffee, 25."

"Okay, please wait~"

After a short wait.


"There is nothing for you at the moment, how about you watch a performance that affects the world pattern?"

"Who are you?"

"Luo Li."


Yes, what do you need my help with?"


" "Okay, oh yes, your dagger is good, the sleeve arrow will have to wait."

"Go over and get it when you have time."

"Nice to work with."

"Nice to work with."

After saying that, Luo Li hung up the phone and looked at the familiar building in front of him, and Luo Li's mind couldn't help but have several pictures of memories.

"I have to say that the design of this building is quite to my taste, but unfortunately, the dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon, and you have no value in existence."

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