New town neighborhood.


Tang Qinyi said to herself.

"What's almost?"

Shen Sihang also stuffed a tofu cake that Tang Qinyi had just bought from a street stall in his mouth, and said incoherently.

"It's time to go back to the hospital, if nothing else, there should be an accident at the hospital." You don't really think I'll buy you something to eat, do you? I'm just trying to gag you.

Shen Sihang suddenly felt that the tofu cake in his mouth was not fragrant, gave up nibbling, and opened his mouth to say.

"Did you say that the dry fight turned out to go to the hospital to do the fight, isn't it right, isn't there a military district helper over there in the hospital, why don't you notify us if there is a problem there?"



Saying that, Tang Qinyi handed the smart machine back to Shen Sihang, who took the smart machine and began to call a car.

Soon, a driver took the order, a silver car, license plate new B·76B20. And it's pretty close, it doesn't take a few minutes to get there.

Tang Qinyi is not in a hurry, standing in a conspicuous place and holding hands and waiting, after all, it is useless to be anxious, can you still let the car come faster for a few minutes, according to the principle of relativity, the more urgent you are, the slower the car comes, because the subjective time becomes longer.


Standard parking motion, a silver car arrived as promised.

Shen Sihang waved his hand to him, indicating that it was them who hit.

Tang Qinyi deliberately took a step faster Shen Sihang to open the co-pilot's door and sit down, but Shen Sihang was forced to sit in the back seat, he thought that it was just Tang Qinyi used to sitting in the co-pilot.

Generally, when men and women go out, it is either a boy or both of them who are in the back seat, and it is quite rare for girls to sit in the co-driver.

The driver wore a white mask, and after confirming her mobile phone number and address, she nodded to signal that she was going to start the car, please close the door.

As the doors closed, the silver sedan slowly started.

There was no words all the way, but when passing through an intersection, Tang Qinyi's sweet voice slowly came out of her mouth.

"It's the rush hour after work, I often come here, there is likely to be a traffic jam at the next intersection, let's change the road on the right, I can pay you the extra money."

"Uh-huh, okay."

It's a female voice.

After that, the driver changed lanes at the dotted line, looked in the rearview mirror at the green light, and then turned the steering wheel.

While straightening his head, he vaguely looked at the rearview mirror in the car and found that "Xia Jinghe" was still wandering out the window, so he secretly sighed with relief and drove the silver car to another road.

At this time, Shen Sihang was still thinking about how he would fight, and he didn't know what would happen next.

The street is sparsely trafficked, and at a glance it is full of shade trees used for streetscape decoration and greenery.

Not long after driving, there was a sound in the car, which was an alarm that the seat belt was not fastened.

"Huh? Hello madam, your seat belt is loose, please fasten it, this is for your safety, please don't be surprised. Even

though the driver reminded, but she already had a little vigilance in her heart, how could a good seat belt be loosened?

"Oooh, I'm sorry if I accidentally pressed it."

Saying that, Tang Qinyi turned around and stretched out her hand to the position of the seat belt.

"Oh~ it turned out that I accidentally pressed it..." the

driver thought to himself.

"Fart! Anyone will accidentally press the seat belt and you won't!

At the same time, a threat from death instantly rushed into the raven girl's mind.

Shrinking his head, a "bang" gunshot sounded from inside the car, and a black sand eagle embroidered with white patterns stayed next to the right head door of the original driver, and the muzzle of the black hole hole was slowly smoking white enchanting smoke outward at this time.

"Yo, the reaction is quite fast, it seems that it is not an ordinary person."

The corner of Tang Qinyi's mouth slowly raised a strange arc, it seemed that it was right, and the beginning was also the meaning of the end point.

The corner of the crow girl's mouth twitched, if an ordinary person was directly shot to death by you.

Because there were no passers-by in the surrounding streets, or there were no passers-by at all, and the gun was fired in the car, it did not attract the attention of others, and if he had to say anything, only Shen Sihang was directly frightened by this gunshot.

"What is the situation in the groove?"

Tilting his head, he saw that the two women were looking at each other with a cautious look and an evil smile on their faces.

I thought Tang Qinyi was very good-looking, the illusion illusion must be an illusion, now how to look at this picture Tang Qinyi should be a villain, is there really someone who will shoot the driver of a car because of some dispensable suspicions, or in public.


A crisp sound appears unusually clear in a quiet interior environment.

"Hiss... This sound... How is it so familiar? "

Run! This is a grenade!

"I'm Nima!"

A loud "boom" echoed in this uninhabited street, and even the quietest street was destined to be noticed by pedestrians, after all, the sound of grenades was so easy to cover.

The three people who were close at hand had temporary deafness in both ears, and they all said that the disappearance of hearing would indirectly weaken human judgment, but this did not affect the three strong humans.

From time to time, several gunshots and the sound of cold weapons colliding were mixed with the explosion, because both warring sides knew that this was the best time for a sneak attack before the second explosion, of course, this two sides did not cover Shen Sihang.

But since it was a sneak attack, it was recognized by the other party and had little effect, and the two quickly opened the distance after a few rounds of casual fighting.

Another "boom" of thunder, because the structure in the car still has a protective effect on the car, the explosion of the first grenade did not immediately destroy the overall structure of the car, but the subsequent combustion exothermic reaction ignited the surface of the structure and quickly overheated the engine through heat conduction, causing the second explosion of the car, this time the explosion will be larger and wider than before.

A heat wave quickly spread outward with the car as the center, and the three of them each had their own protective actions, protecting their bodies while using the thrust of the explosion to quickly open the distance.

But once it is with the help of the power of physical rules, there must be its own rules to follow, you must know that these three people are not the only ones in the battlefield.

The thin man had already set up a sniper on the tall building on the side, this sniper was his silver weapon, and at the same time, he was also the captain of Team 278.

Quickly calculate the wind speed in your mind, the acceleration of the human body moving out with the help of thrust, the negative acceleration caused by the ground rubbing the soles of the feet, and the external force of the curved surface caused by the thrust of the explosion.

"Whew-" The

thin man exhaled slowly, chanting words in his mouth at the same time.

"The equation holds, goodbye."

A silver-gray metal bullet with a caliber of 12.7mm went straight to Tang Qinyi's head with the pull of the trigger, carrying an aura of death.

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