As mentioned earlier, Luo Chen's memory blockade has a preliminary plan, but it still lacks practice.

In vivo experiments are undoubtedly the best choice, so "choosing the right experimental subject" has become a goal of Luo Chen.

At this time, No. 5 became the first experimental subject in the Luo Chen program.

Or, Luo Sheng, they are one.

Luo Sheng used his green onion jade hand to ruffle his silky long black hair back, and then skillfully tied a single ponytail, exposing the white and delicate neck to the air without reservation.

She is not a doctor, and she does not need a truly perfect surgical environment and the safety of her patients, she just needs an experimental subject.

Regarding memory blockade, Luo Chen's first thought is to start from the objective level, that is, directly transform the tissues or organs involved in memory function in the human body.

The frontal and temporal lobes of the brain store most of the body's memories, and these regions are involved in the process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information.

The hippocampus, a structure inside the brain, located on the inside of the temporal lobe, is also considered a key area for memory formation and storage, and the hippocampus is closely related to spatial memory and factual memory, and plays an important role in the transformation of new experiences and information into long-term memory.

The amygdala is a group of neuronal clusters inside the brain located in the middle of the temporal lobe. Although primarily considered the center of emotional processing, research has shown that the amygdala is also involved in the encoding and storage of memories. In particular, memories related to emotions, such as fear and pleasure, are closely related to the amygdala.

In addition to the major tissues and organs mentioned above, there are other structures related to memory, such as the frontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, etc. These regions are interconnected and cooperative in the human body and are jointly involved in the formation and storage of memories.

Of course, these are just some basic knowledge, as long as a little research on the human body structure is basically clear.

Mastering these alone is not enough to accurately control human memory as candlelight says, which has to resort to other forces.

For example, Luo Chen's heart skills, or some power from the old days in Luo Sheng's body, or... The number of sources of leaf white.

Regarding the memory mentioned by candlelight, Luo Chen currently has two directions.

One is blockade, that is, the removal of the area containing the original memory, similar to amnesia;

The other is condensation, that is, cutting off the memory area associated with the original association of the empty memory, which is equivalent to staying a person's cognitive layer on a certain timeline, similar to a vegetative person.

He was not prepared to give up easily in either direction, and this time he was going to undergo memory coagulation surgery.

Luo Sheng and Luo Chen are one, as long as Luo Chen transmits the known information to Luo Sheng in her brain, then she can naturally understand, and there is not much difference from Luo Chen directly and personally.

Luo Sheng marked the incision line with gentian violet and infiltrated each layer of tissue with 5% procaine plus epinephrine along the incision line in advance.

Doctors and assassins have a certain degree of similarity, the more professional they are, the more familiar they are with the internal structure of the human body, and even the commonly used tools have a certain degree of similarity.

In addition to the most basic manufacturing materials, scalpels can also be regarded as single-edged daggers.

Luo Sheng gently pressed the slender and sharp blade of the scalpel against the incision.


too much hesitation, the moonlit scalpel in Luo Sheng's hand easily cut through the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Due to the previous advance injection of procaine and epinephrine, muscle separation at this time is also extremely simple, and the probability of intraoperative bleeding is significantly reduced.

Next, above the external occipital carina, the periosteum is cut in the middle, and then bypassed by both sides of the external occipital tuberosity, leaving a small diamond-shaped fascia that emerges from the tuberosity.

Subsequently, the neck ligament under the external occipital tuberosity is incised, the occipital muscles are dissected, and the tissue of the posterior atlantotubercle is cut and separated...

The moonlight seeped through the closed doors and windows, and the light squeezed out of the gap stopped at Luo Sheng's indifferent cheeks.

There was no desire for the results of the experiment, no sense of urgency for the concept of time, no nervousness about the possibility of the operation failing, as if her subject No. 5 was just a general teacher who had long lost his life.

In fact, No. 5 at this time has long lost control of his life, and the only thing he can use now is the corpse that is still emitting residual heat.

The operation went as expected, and during this period, only a sudden grunt from Yan Zhixuan, who was unconscious next to him, slightly diverted Luo Sheng's gaze, but that's all.

She will wake up, but at least not now.

Turning his attention back to the original surgical field, Luo Sheng's hand control is very stable, and the intraoperative treatment is also very in place, this surgical ability is even better than that of professional doctors, the difference is that the latter's experience comes from the patient, and Luo Chen's experience comes from the subjective space in [Clear Light Moon Shadow].

"The no-load memory area has been removed, and a deeper subjective mental probe will follow."

That's right, the storage of knowledge about memory in modern medicine alone is obviously not enough to support Luo Chen's research, and he needs to use his mental skills [absolute control] to further explore the target subject.

Luo Sheng's pupils began to emit a deep blue light, through the previous exploration of the heart and the power of the witch, Luo Sheng can temporarily control the ability to control the body of the No. 5 mask man for a short time, which is equivalent to Luo Sheng at this moment has two movable bodies, and therefore has two fields of vision.

She could see the man in the fifth mask kneeling in front of her, and she could see a girl with a black single ponytail standing indifferently in front of her.

However, the clarity of the latter's vision is much blurrier than the former, which is still the case that Luo Chen deliberately presses the level to refine his heart source Gamma value, and the degree of control over the heart skill is theoretically even two equal to zero baht.

In a virtual sea of spiritual knowledge, Luo Sheng swam in it, surrounded by a cloud of gas covered in pitch-black mist.

This is the sea of spiritual knowledge in the brain of normal people, after all, not everyone will accurately control their memories like Luo Chen.

Temporarily closed "medium" (No. 5) subjective feeling external information reception, Luo Sheng intends to search for effective memory fragments in his body.

According to normal steps, Luo Sheng needs to rebuild a more regular memory palace in his body, and then methodically retrieve information, but at this time Luo Chen has a method more suitable for this situation than this normal step.

This is also one of the reasons why Luo Chen chose to let Luo Sheng act on his behalf.

"Humans blinded by hatred and desire will no longer calculate, and will rebel against them without regard for rationality and even give up all the power they deserve.

I don't know if your inner devotion and faith in the Lord will last against the erosion of creatures outside the world, or if it is just a lie from you.

A familiar yellow mark appeared on Luo Sheng's forehead, and the blue fluorescence in his pupil began to gradually darken, and finally gradually turned into a faint dark yellow.

"As you wish, all for the Supreme."

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