5 minutes later, at 19:05

"This is the new route analysis map, please take a look!"

The technician quickly gave Xiao Mo the newly drawn road map, and even the title was changed unconsciously.

Nonsense, if he can really make a big contribution tonight, then he who drew the roadmap will have a third prize at the lowest, which is a rare performance in several years!

Generally, this kind of thing needs to be done by a criminal psychologist.

But coincidentally, this place in the new city is not a big development city, they do not have this profession in the law enforcement bureau, one person to work two jobs in the new city law enforcement bureau is really common, otherwise how to say that people and spirits are from ravines?

Xiao Mo quickly took the route analysis map, and the expression on his face also had an unconcealable excitement.

As long as you can find a little result, then at the very least, you don't have to carry the cauldron.

"The main entrance to the emergency department is Xiangshan North Road, this is the avenue, I remember that there should be a lot of law enforcement police arranged, if you really go out from here, it is impossible to report without results, even if there is a traitor in the law enforcement bureau, the probability of success in wanting so many people to cooperate is not necessarily high."

But this side door is a bit of a statement....

Go out and turn left is a small alley, which connects the alley, leading to the interior of the residential area, if the prisoner enters from here, the search will become more difficult, after all, it is really necessary to check one by one and the sky is light, so from the perspective of criminal psychology, the probability of the prisoner choosing this route is the largest.

And to the right of the alley is the revitalization road... Huh? Revitalization Road? I seem to have a little impression... Have I deployed police forces here... It seems that there is, why am I deploying police forces here?

Xiao Mo suddenly fell into deep thought.

"What is the number of the officer responsible for the deployment of Revitalizing Road Security?"

Whether there is or not, ask and say, if there is, if there is, redeploy if not.

"Revitalization Road... I checked. "

The technicians quickly locked the signal transmission location on the other side of Zhenxing Road, and finally locked a few numbers.

"Hmm... The leader is number 2605, and the officer's name is Yu Yonghua. "


The smaller the number in front of the number, the older the seniority, and the one starting with 26 can be regarded as an old man in the Xincheng District Law Enforcement Bureau.

Could it be that the achievement is because the seniority is relatively old, so the reconnaissance experience is richer, and the point is blocked in advance?

Xiao Mo couldn't help but whisper in his heart.

As everyone knows, Xiao Mo had actually spoken with Yu Yonghua before, or whether the other party asked whether that point should be blocked, Xiao Mo also responded, but he forgot. (508)

"Since that point is blocked, there is only one route left in the end."

Thinking of this, Xiao Mo's mood began to become more and more nervous.

And Xia Hanhai, who silently watched everything on the side, was not surprised at this time.

"No, you won't really want to be caught by him, will you? The route is all locked, now just rule out the error in the answer to the only solution. But it's also too smooth....

No, if I really find it, I will have to replace Xiao Mo.

Young people, do not know how to score, in case one accidentally kills the other party, or let the other party successfully commit suicide, the rare clue can be broken.

As for why it went so smoothly....

Could it be said that the person who pulled Xiao Mo into the bureau was originally a member of the law enforcement bureau? Then everything will become logical.

I want to think, who is it, Xiao Mo himself? Or a colleague next to him? Or, Yu Yonghua?

Or is the other party the prisoner himself or another gang of mysterious organizations, deliberately showing his horse's feet to lure us into a trap?

Or is the other side a hostile force of hostile forces? Give us aid on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend? Unlike

Xiao Mo's inner apprehension and excitement, Xia Hanhai thought far more than Xiao Mo.

This is a double-edged sword, the advantage is to see things more comprehensively, the disadvantage is that there will be countless false concerns when doing things.

If things are really that complicated, it's okay, if it's really just because of the mistakes made by the other party inadvertently, Xia Hanhai's multi-faceted thinking will cause the originally simple things to become more cumbersome and complicated, resulting in difficult steps.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of everyone in the bureau gradually changing from frowning to joy, Xia Hanhai couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Is it really because I think too complicated? Himself may... Get old....


once it has a direction, it will not be like the headless fly before, and the next search will begin to become orderly, gradually like a provincial or municipal law enforcement force.

Of course, it is also indispensable that the citizens of the residential area are very cooperative, which brings a lot of convenience to the search operation.

"Knock knock!"

"Hello! Excuse me, we are pursuing a criminal case, according to the needs of the investigation, we need to search your residence to find relevant evidence and eliminate suspicions, we will do our best to respect your rights and ensure that the search process is safe and smooth, and ensure that we will take the least amount of time to prevent taking up too much of your rest time. "



Seconds passed, and there was no response from the house.

"Isn't it there?"

muttered the law enforcement officer in charge of searching the residential building.

In order to prevent residents from pretending to be absent, they also cooperate with border guards in urban areas, and if they encounter residents who deliberately do not open their doors and pretend to be absent, they can report to the border guards and investigate, after all, the current residence information is recorded in the border system.

"Hello! Excuse me, we're pursuing a criminal case, according to..."

The enforcer repeated it and there was still no response, which made him frown.

To be honest, he didn't want to touch too much about this kind of personal privacy, but there was really nothing he could do about special circumstances.

"Hey, declare it, declare it, it's the trouble point, of course, be prepared to break down the door at any time, in case the prisoner hides inside."

"Eh, don't scare me!"

The law enforcement officer who was originally in charge of knocking on the door quickly got goosebumps.

I was about to take out the smartphone to report the information here, but through the electronic screen of the smart phone, I vaguely saw an unknown black liquid flowing from under the crack of the door. (Normal knocking is heads-up, normal looking at the phone is looking down)

"Huh? This is..." The

law enforcement officer did not react at the first time, but instead squatted down curiously and put his finger on the pool of liquid.

Slimy, with a strange feeling of nausea.

I sniffed and there was no smell of anything.


He had to point the bright light of the smartphone's screen below, but what came into view was a striking dark red.


(Blood changes color during drying.) Initially, fresh blood is red because of the hemoglobin molecule in it. However, when blood is exposed to air and begins to dry, the iron ions in the hemoglobin molecule oxidize, causing the color to darken.

The color of dried blood is usually dark red, brown, or black. This is because the oxidation reaction of iron ions causes the iron in hemoglobin to become iron oxide. Other components of the blood may also have an effect on color, such as proteins and other molecules in the blood plasma.

As for why it was dark in the first place, because of the light. )

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