"Oooh~ here it comes!"

The middle-aged woman first adjusted her smartphone to the emergency dial interface, and then ran to the door, secretly glanced at the cat's eye, and roughly looked like a normal delivery boy.


The door opened a small gap, and in the astonished eyes of the delivery man, the middle-aged woman looked left and right, and found that there were no other personnel before opening the door halfway.

Well, no more.

This made the delivery man can't help but look at the middle-aged woman's interior with some curiosity, but the middle-aged woman was keenly aware of this and quickly interrupted.

"I confirm the number, XXX.... XXXX, huh? "

Uh-huh, yes."

The delivery man was not ready to delay, suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and handed the cake over, after all, he had other orders to deliver.

After the middle-aged woman took the cake, she decisively closed the door.

And at the moment when the middle-aged woman opened the door just now, two eyes other than the delivery man looked over at the same time, one gaze came from Bai Zhao, and the other was from the black-robed man who had been serving as a small transparent in the 278 squad before.

"Report, the target person has found that as you think, she is still alive and in her own home."

"Received, continue to monitor, pay attention to the executioner, he is likely to be nearby."


Cut off the communication, Deep Blue looked at several tuners around him, and slowly said:

"Implement the plan, today, end the battle."

Everyone nodded.

At the same time, the cat cat who had been staying in the middle-aged woman's house reported the news to Luo Li through the system's communication panel.

"The target has signed for the cake, what are the orders, host?"

"Don't eat, watch her eat."

"I see, is cake poisonous? Then I'll be careful.

"No, that's just normal cake."

"Is there a problem with the delivery boy? I understand, then I'll be careful.

"No, that's just a normal delivery guy."


Forget it, IQ is such a thing, it still can't be plucked and promoted, it must be gradual, so... Open swing open swing!

As for who sent that email, it was naturally a cat cat, and there was no one in one place now, that is, Xia Jinghe's home.

Last night, the cat took advantage of the middle-aged woman's sleep to skillfully open the door and go out, the process will of course be discovered by Bai Zhao, but Bai Zhao is just a little strange why the dog is going out in the middle of the night, and will not be curious about why the dog will open the door, according to Beiber's law, after a strong stimulus, the stimulation given again will become insignificant to someone.

And the cat cat had already performed opening the door once in front of Bai Zhao before, and naturally this time the opening did not cause him much shock to Bai Zhao.

On the contrary, because the cat did not close the door tightly, just like the first time, the door was in a semi-hidden state until the cat came back, which made Bai Zhao have to pay attention to the door all the time.

As for closing? The middle-aged woman's house has already been surveyed all around Bai Zhao, probably because her husband is also a law enforcer, and normal people cannot enter when the doors and windows are locked.

So if the husky can't go in and start planing the door, he doesn't want to disturb the sleep of middle-aged women, so before the husky goes back, Bai Zhao's field of vision is basically locked in that small place, and naturally he didn't pay attention to what the husky was doing.

The cat and cat entered Xia Jinghe's home all the way to the left and right, and easily completed this series of dark box operations with the help of Xia Jinghe's computer.

The smile on the middle-aged woman's face after she realized that it was a real cake could not be hidden, of course, she did not forget to give the cat a little, but the cat shook her head uncharacteristically this time. Then he sat on the chair opposite the middle-aged woman and watched her eat.

September 5, 96 A.D., 11:07

Ruins of the White House in the New Town.

Under the gaze of the silver-haired man, a small black off-road vehicle stopped at the gate of the white house, and several white house personnel got out of the car, and then they handed over a silver-white lockbox to the guards and left immediately.

As far as the appearance of the box is concerned, it is not exactly the same, it can only be said that there is no difference.

"Sure enough, Deep Blue didn't really trust me, no matter how you look at the White House personnel who came down from the off-road vehicle, they were a little more reliable, and their time was around the hour, and they were not so outrageously punctual.

Other words... Most likely, they have a real box in their hands, and what I got is a fake box, and it seems that I have to find a way to secretly transfer the bag. The

silver-haired man thought so, after all, they all decided to surrender, then it must be that the lower the odds of winning on the side of the white house, the better, and it is best not to get this important item into Deep Blue's hands.

At this moment, the silver-haired man's smartphone screen lit up, and he clicked on the message, and the white screen black words that came into his eyes made him smile.

Raven Girl: "The hiding place has been found, and the address is No. 380, Longquan Street, Xincheng District."

"Deep Blue, it seems that you really lost this time."

The corner of the silver-haired man's mouth raised an arc, pressed the virtual keyboard, edited the address information and sent it to Han Yi, and then began to work on the matter of transferring the bag, but he didn't know that all his current behavior was expected by Deep Blue.

September 5, 96 A.D., 13:00

Metro Hospital.

Not long after the lunch break, Xia Jinghe followed Li Yuchuan to conduct actual combat training.

Han Yi and his party began to visit the disease, after all, any combat power is extremely important now.

Between the physical recovery ability of Chencheng's strong subordinates, he also slowly recovered his consciousness after nearly half a day of treatment.

"How's it going?"

"It's no big deal."

"Although it is not appropriate to ask this now, we are pressed for time, remember the situation?"

"Well, before I entered the monitoring room, the monitoring officer was already dead, and a dagger appeared in the back, his hand-to-hand fighting ability is the strongest I have ever seen in my life, even my teacher is not necessarily his opponent, of course, I mean the same realm.

So... Excuse me.

"It's okay, the tuner is really strong, we've seen it not long ago." By the way, what about your Yinwu? "

Huh? Isn't there any left of the scene at that time?


“... Can't he take my Yinwu away, he can't use it, why take my Yinwu? And Yinwu also comes with a tracking function, didn't he expose himself? "

Huh? Do you see where your Yinwu is located?

Tatsumi picked up the smartphone placed on the bedside table.

"No. 380, Longquan Street, Xincheng District."

After hearing the address, Bai Mengyao, Tang Qinyi, and Han Yi glanced at each other, and the eyes showed not knowing whether it was surprise or surprise.

This is... Coincidental? Still is... Pitfall?

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