But they were not discouraged, and the reason naturally came from the 102 tuner squad that came to surrender last night.

"Of course, we are not without chance, if the video is true, we can naturally hand the video to the highest authority, so as to directly declare the defeat of the White House."

But what if it's fake? It is true that it is clearly stipulated that the battle between forces cannot involve the masses, but what if the middle-aged woman in the video is played by a tuner? In order to deliberately lead us out.

If this is just a false impression played by them, then even if we hand over the video to the highest authority, they will have the opportunity to prove their innocence in the end, after all, the schemes of both parties include but are not limited to framing.

If Deep Blue's back hand is deep enough, nothing will happen, and it will even be judged that we provide false evidence, and the final result is that Shiraya Masaru; If it is not deep, the white house will be punished, and then the white house will be declared a failure.

But we are law enforcers, whether the video is true or not, we must seek verification, which is a matter of people's lives.

The location of the silver box in Chencheng just now shows that it is at No. 380 Longquan Street, Xincheng District, and the captain of the 102 Tuner Squad just sent me a message, and the location he found out was also No. 380 Longquan Street, Xincheng District. Hearing

this, everyone's hearts tightened, which was too coincidental.

"So we can't rule out the possibility of Team 102 being a double-sided spy, now our strength is weak, the only person who can conduct individual reconnaissance is Team Li, although Team Li is a strong intermediate, but this does not mean that the tuner cannot make a move."

Although there are regulations, the strong intermediate level cannot easily shoot, but if the other party takes the initiative, the strong intermediate level can also fight back in the name of self-preservation.

Their reserve strength at this time is much higher than ours, and they have the capital to fight Team Li.

If we really lose the Lee card, we will have even less chance of winning.

What's more, at the moment we are in the open and they are in the dark, and we can't make this bet.

So I suggest, in the next step, do not act separately, directly gather troops to press over, press to the designated place, so that regardless of the truth of the video we have the possibility of counterattack, how? The

crowd fell into deep thought.

Shen Sihang then understood that things turned out to be so complicated, he also thought that as long as he fought where to help, how could Han Yi analyze and involve so many Daoists? Co-authored is all old yin forced me a little purity?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Xia Jinghe, which is the physiological instinct of people subconsciously wanting to find a small group.

It's just that Xia Jinghe didn't look at him at this moment.

But is the truth really as Han Yi analyzed?

Although it seems more reasonable from the logical analysis, Tang Qinyi does not feel that most of the reasoning she still agrees with, but there are still many doubts about the monitoring that have not been solved.

The fundamental reason was that the amount of information was not enough, the surveillance video was all damaged, Xia Wei chased the doctor at that time, Chencheng also received an attack in the monitoring room, and the entire hospital did not even have personnel who could observe the information at that time.

As for the other law enforcement officers stationed at the hospital at that time, they had already asked, and they were basically some superficial known information.

The original monitoring personnel and the doctor in charge of Lao Yu were also found in a comatose corner, and as expected, they didn't know anything, and they lay in the dark until they were discovered.

Therefore, even if there is some doubt, it is useless, and there is no way to verify it.

Now the conclusion is also that Tang Qinyi, Han Yi, and Bai Mengyao can be put on the table after discussing in partnership.

If it was really the black-robed man who attacked Chencheng, let alone whether the black-robed man's melee combat ability was really that exaggerated, let's say why they all came to that point and couldn't kill them? Why is it that the means of replacing the video are still destroyed by all the surveillance video? Is it really just because of the tight time?

The most puzzled point for Tang Qinyi was the timing of the executioner's move, how did he know Xia Wei's position at that time? If you know in advance, you don't have to wait for Xia Wei to be besieged before you make a move, you can come forward in advance to ensure Xia Wei's combat strength.

If you don't make a move, you can keep this hole card of the executioner, how has it become a scene now.

It also affected Xia Wei's combat effectiveness and wasted the mobile phone meeting, is it also because time can't catch up? Just right?

When all kinds of coincidences come together, it is not a coincidence, but a premeditated plan.

That is to say, in these inferences, someone's identity is actually replaced by a third party.

Someone who can do all this quietly and at the same time without being in anyone's sight...

Countless memories began to flash through Tang Qinyi's mind, and finally stopped the day before the escort incident, when Han Yi asked Tang Qinyi to print a document, and that information...

Luo Chen?! It's you?!

But... How did he do it? How did he accomplish all this without appearing in anyone's field of vision, and how did he let the doctor's plan fail with Xia Wei and Tatsumi guarding it?

Tang Qinyi raised her forehead, she felt some pain in her brain now.

"Qin Yi? What's wrong? Looking

up, it was Han Yi's concerned eyes.

"It's okay... It may be that I think too much.

"Then rest well."


Han Yi naturally didn't do anything wrong, she just didn't show it.

Finally, the result of the discussion came out, and the time for the army to press in was 20:00.

This point in time not only allows them to prepare for a lot of things, but also allows them to continue to recover from their injuries.

If the middle-aged woman is really tied, to be honest, it is not worse than these hours.

The tuner cannot kill middle-aged women, otherwise they will be completely passive, and then it will really be yellow mud falling into the crotch of their pants, not but also.

However, not everything is planned.

After the meeting, Li Yuchuan found Han Yi, which roughly means that he is still a little relieved, and wants to confirm the situation of the middle-aged woman first, and in these few hours, he can't teach Xia Jing and what combat knowledge, and then it all depends on the scene.

And at this stage, there should be no more suitable candidate than him.

"Team Li, you know, at this stage, it's best for us not to do any gambling."

Of course, Li Yuchuan understood this truth, and sighed after a little hesitation, he also knew Han Yi's pressure at this time, so he was not prepared to argue with her.

That's it.

At this moment, Bai Mengyao pushed the room open and said

, "Team Li, I can help you call and ask."

"Yes! Telephone, telephone, middle-aged woman is Yu Yonghua's family, the information of the family members of law enforcers is registered in the Law Enforcement Bureau, go and see.

This sentence seemed to suddenly wake up Li Yuchuan, and he patted his head, and the smile raised at the corner of his mouth seemed to be like a child.

However, what he didn't notice was that only Li Yuchuan was the only one who smiled at the scene at this time.

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