The corners of the woman's mouth rose slightly, as if she had dreamed of heaven, and the slowly unfolding wrinkles represented that she did not even know anything about her own death.

The hands are placed naturally and weakly at the sides of the body, like a pair of decaying silver-white wings.

The blood that has not been treated for a long time and has become a little dark red naturally forms a hideous mark that extends outward from the center under the action of gravity.

A simple and simple cake knife stands mercilessly in the center of the imprint, like a divine punishment from hell, nailing all good and hope to a tombstone that will never turn over.

Xia Jinghe's constantly trembling lips seemed to be appealing for his inner incomprehension and dissatisfaction with the hateful cruel reality, but he couldn't say anything.

How do humans react after experiencing great stimulation, crying sadly? Suffering? Wrath? No, the end of all negative emotions is silence.

If Xia Jinghe remembers correctly, the middle-aged woman's dream was to open a cake shop.

She believes that everyone's birthday is the most memorable moment of the year.

She hopes to pour all her love and hope for life into the cakes she makes, so that everyone can have a memorable and satisfying birthday as much as possible.

And at this moment, what killed her turned out to be her own dream...

"Team Lee, Team Lee? Team Lee!

Xia Jinghe shook Li Yuchuan's body hard, which made Li Yuchuan have a slight reaction.

Li Yuchuan looked back at Xia Jinghe with those red eyes, this was the first time Xia Jinghe saw such a helpless expression on Team Li.

Don't, don't do this.

Obviously, Li Yuchuan's strength is a strong intermediate level, but he is only a junior.

Why? Why do you show me that look? Obviously, you are better than me.

The black heart in the body seemed to sense something and began to gradually become active.

And the black stripes that slowly appeared on Xia Jinghe's face also made Li Yuchuan realize his gaffe and gradually began to regain his senses.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, I'm old, I can't stand this face."

Li Yuchuan turned around, wiped the corners of his eyes with his cuffs, and then slowly stood up.

He looked at the husky and beckoned for it to come over.

"This old woman, was the delivery boy killed?"

Li Yuchuan's tone at this time was calm and terrifying, and anyone knew that he was just hiding the negative emotions in his heart at the moment.

The husky shook his head.

"Got it."

Li Yuchuan took out the smartphone and reported what happened here to Han Yi.

Then, he looked at Xia Jinghe.

"Want revenge?"

Xia Jinghe nodded.

"Then come with me."


On the other side, before Han Yi could understand what Li Yuchuan was saying to her, he heard a roar in the distance.

This had to make Han Yi temporarily abandon the matter on Li Yuchuan's side and start asking about the situation of the war instead.

"Report! Team D discovered the situation, Deep Blue was standing on the roof of house 380 at this time, using Yinwu to carry out long-range indiscriminate attacks... Not good! Get down! Before

he finished speaking, he heard a similar roar from the other side of the communicator, followed by a murmur that could not be eliminated.

Han Yi knew that the team was probably attacked. But one chance is accident, how many times?

A succession of similar situations came out of Han Yi's communicator, and all the squads used to probe the commanding heights were attacked by Deep Blue without exception.

Which is this indiscriminate attack, this is clearly accurate guidance, how does Deep Blue know the location of personnel, guess? Or did you attack all possible vantage points?

The law enforcement bureau is not yet able to carry out effective countermeasures, quite simply, the range of firearms is not as far as the range of dark blue bows and arrows.

Han Yi didn't think about this situation, thought about it, but the probability is very low, this ultra-long-range and lethal attack should be very consuming of deep blue's physical strength, which is not suitable for use at the beginning of the battle,

"All squads!" Temporarily abandon the advance of the commanding heights to cover the ground forces, and each ground force flexibly forms according to the original plan, advancing quickly and putting pressure on Deep Blue. "




The reason why Deep Blue attacked the commanding heights is to destroy Han Yi's ability to control the overall battle situation, and once he loses the vision of the commanding heights, then Han Yi's judgment of the battle situation will inevitably have loopholes.

As long as any place is discovered by the adjuster or the White House personnel, they can use this loophole to touch all the way to the command base camp of the Law Enforcement Bureau and carry out assassination.

And due to the strength of the tuner, the success rate of assassination can be said to be 100%.

However, this also has a disadvantage, the most fatal drawback is that the location of Deep Blue will become the target of everyone at this stage, and large-scale attacks will quickly consume Deep Blue's physical strength.

Deep Blue is the core of the tuner, and if anything goes wrong on Deep Blue's side, it will declare the total failure of the White House.

Han Yi naturally has her own response plan, that is, to plan the joint flexible team plan of land and air in advance.

There is an independent command between each squad, so that even if Han Yi's side cannot give timely and effective orders, it will not lead to the situation that the team becomes a headless fly.

Deep Blue's decision turned the original protracted war into a blitzkrieg, and also turned the strategic confrontation between the leaders of the two sides into a battle between subordinates.

And this is also the most suitable way to fight in the white house now, and now it depends on which side has the better speed of capturing the king.

But there is also a loophole in this strategy, which is whether both sides can really have the real information of the leader.

"Qin Yi, you said, what if we also attack Deep Blue in the past?"

Are the tuners allowed to come and assassinate, and they are not allowed to assassinate Deep Blue?

What's more, if Deep Blue's decision is really the same as they expected, then it will not be the tuners who will form more and less at that time, but them.

This anti-routine thinking is sometimes more likely to achieve unexpected results.

Tang Qinyi had a little heartbeat in that moment.

But thinking back to Deep Blue's seemingly reasonable decision, which was actually extremely risky, and recalling the chat history with a user before, I thought about it or gave up this idea.

"Toot——, the number you called is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..."

Bai Mengyao said anxiously.

Han Yi looked at Li Yuchuan, who was inexplicably uncontactable, and his brows furrowed slightly.

On the rooftop of a tall building in the distance.

A few snacks were placed above a small table, while a cup of coffee that still radiated residual warmth curled up obediently in the center of the cup.

"Aren't you going to strike? This show is gone, you don't feel interesting.

Kinlis spoke slowly.

"How can the protagonist appear at the beginning, so much is not interesting, let them fight for a while, I will drink coffee for a while to refresh myself, but don't let me look sleepy."

After Luo Li finished speaking, she took another sip of coffee, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked extremely enjoyed.

"Come on! Refill! "


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