Li Yuchuan felt the change in the deep blue state, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the center of gravity of his body shifted down again.

The caution in her heart did not fall but rose, even though Deep Blue had the possibility of lying, but the momentum she showed at this time was not false at all.

As for whether he could really cut Deep Blue with a sword just now, Li Yuchuan couldn't say.

Don't think that Li Yuchuan just seemed to crack so easily, in fact, due to the influence of the previous frozen state, the activation speed of the Peerless Shadow was several beats slower than before.

Therefore, the last blow of the Peerless Shadow is only able to break the chrysalis, and the behavior of the last knife is already the limit.

If he took a step further, Deep Blue could naturally take another step back, so in fact, in the end, Li Yuchuan's behavior would not change the situation of the battle.

And the reason why he didn't immediately use the Peerless Shadow was because Li Yuchuan wanted to let Deep Blue come down from the state of stagnant space.

Just now, the height of her recoil with the help of arrows was too high, Li Yuchuan couldn't hit at all, forcibly took off to make an attack, once she was dodged by Deep Blue, then she would become a dark blue mobile target in the air.

If Li Yuchuan does not sell flaws, Deep Blue will continue to maintain the air combat form, which will become a one-sided physical competition.

Deep Blue lands first, then Deep Blue loses, Deep Blue does not land, but when her teammates arrive, then Li Yuchuan is doomed to lose.

After all, Li Yuchuan is no longer a strong intermediate level.

He didn't dare to bet on how much of Deep Blue's physical strength was left, so he was ready to deliberately sell the flaws to lead Deep Blue to land.

As it turned out, Deep Blue was fooled, but it didn't end well.

The degree of development of Deep Blue Heart Trick Technique is very high, so high that it is a little out of Li Yuchuan's expectations, coupled with the actual combat experience and on-the-spot reaction, which makes Li Yuchuan feel quite tricky.

On the rooftop of a tall building in the distance.

Luo Li was holding a small telescope at this time to watch the battle between Deep Blue and Li Yuchuan.

"Oh ~ wonderful and wonderful, this archer is really slippery, there is still a second stage, powerful, Captain Li, come on, Captain Li."

Kinlis, who was standing on the side, was already strange, and since just now, Luo Li had been drinking coffee and eating small snacks while watching the situation on the battlefield.

I don't know that I thought that Luo Li came to watch war movies on vacation, why are the painting styles on these two sides so different.

Luo Li had already deeply rooted all the information of the tuner into her mind, and she didn't feel strange at all about Deep Blue's melee ability.

She even knew that Deep Blue's melee ability could be said to be the strongest of the three squads 102, 276, and 278, but she basically didn't show it.

But no one stipulates that the appearance of oneself must be in line with one's emotions, and it is not expected to show a look of surprise? Yes.

There is another point that Kinli has always cared about, Luo Li has drunk coffee for so long, and she has not gone to the toilet once, is this thing not digested?

For the first time, Kinlis expressed doubts about his coffee, but because of his gentlemanly demeanor, he did not raise it, but wanted to see when Luo Li was ready to go to the toilet, and then casually teased and passed.

"Is that what you expected?"

Kinlis has the strength of a mad superior, and naturally does not need to use a telescope to observe.

In fact, some strong people are very sensitive to this line of sight, and the focus of the telescope is too obvious, and Kinlis generally does not use that thing.

"Half and half."

Luo Li responded.

This is very much in line with the personality of your cheap brother.

Any expression of Luo Chen before felt very fake in Jinlis's eyes, and no matter whether he revealed it was a real emotion or not, he would not be 100% sure that it was Luo Chen's emotion at a certain stage.

Even to some extent, if he was too focused on Luo Chen's expression, he would be misled by his micro-expression.

So over time, Kinlis adhered to a behavior pattern for people with this kind of personality who did not want to look at it.

Not to mention that Kinli could always feel an inexplicable dominance in Luo Li's body, which made him and Luo Li fight every minute and second when they were alone.

After all, thinking about this kind of thing is too mysterious, and he is worried that the way he handles a certain behavior will be disturbed by Luo Li's unknown ability, even if it is only a little.

"Eh, it's kind of weird."

"What's wrong?"

"The support of other tuners should not be so slow. Either Deep Blue made a mistake herself, or she was quite confident in her own strength, and based on this confidence, she let the tuner do something else. "

Oh? Got it, so what?

"If it's the former, that's normal, after all, people make mistakes, including me; If it's the latter..." Luo

Li removed the binoculars and slowly rested her gaze on the edge of her chair.

A silver lockbox full of metal texture was so casually discarded on the ground by Luo Li, and there was a very obvious white room logo printed on it.


"Report, traces similar to Han Yi and others were found."

"Similar? What do you mean. "

Now that Deep Blue is in the battle phase, the command has temporarily returned to the original squad leader.

The crow girl confirmed again, and then reported the situation into the headset:

"Nine teams, their marching method is very similar to the eight formations, the eight teams are distributed in the southeast, northwest, and four-way angles, and the center of the eight directions is the ninth team."

"Hmm... Can you determine the location of the silver chest?

"No, they act very fast, each team is equipped with black boxes, and it is impossible to confirm the location of the silver box."

And they will change with the previous team during the process, and there is no guarantee that personnel will be exchanged.

"Then you step back and continue to detect, and I ask the captains of the other two teams if the devices are installed."


After the crow girl hung up the communication, she immediately chose to evacuate with the black-robed man, they were not worried about whether the rest of the companions would be in danger, on the grounds that even if something went wrong, they couldn't manage it, as long as they followed the order.

After shutting down communication with the Raven Woman, the thin man immediately contacted the captains of the remaining two teams.

In fact, the tuners who should have returned to defense have already returned to defense, but they did not choose to support Deep Blue.

But Li Yuchuan didn't know, so when Li Yuchuan fought against Deep Blue, he would seem very anxious, and the more urgent he was, the easier it was to show flaws.

Of course, this is Deep Blue's own plan, and it is also a manifestation of Deep Blue's confidence in its own strength.

Deep Blue's previous arrangement for them to occupy the high ground was not only to increase the scope of vision, they also needed to make another preparation around the mysterious white room item.

As for why Li Yuchuan could go around the deep blue edge, it was not because the tuner did it intentionally, it was just because of Li Yuchuan's outstanding personal ability.

The speed of the tuner returning to defense was already very fast, but he still couldn't catch up with Li Yuchuan.

However, such a situation Deep Blue has long been considered, otherwise he would not choose to let the tuner go so far, let alone choose to do solo with Li Yuchuan.

Everything must happen for a reason, and what Deep Blue has to do is to firmly grasp this truth in his own hands.

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