Li Yuchuan blocked Deep Blue's arrow before, but Deep Blue did not forget, she naturally guessed whether Li Yuchuan's Yinwu was damaged.

Therefore, when Deep Blue first met Li Yuchuan, he focused on Chixiao.

Sure enough, she found some slight cracks on Chixiao, even though these cracks were basically healed after Li Yuchuan's blood bath, the injuries she had suffered were like folds of folded paper, and it was difficult to recover in the true sense.

In the previous long-range mode, Deep Blue deliberately gave Li Yuchuan the illusion of waiting for his teammates, so that he had no time to worry about Chixiao's wear and tear and attack desperately.

Obviously, Li Yuchuan has fallen into the trap, so the deep blue that is now transformed into melee mode will not give Li Yuchuan so face, as long as he can win quickly.

If you can take a shortcut, why not take it, the swordsman on the battlefield has no sword, just like the student of the exam has no pen, and in the end it is nothing more than losing.

It's just that the student's loss may just be a lost opportunity, and there is still room for saving; The swordsman's loss is very likely to cost his life.

Deep Blue didn't make too many verbal mockery, and after Chixiao shattered, he immediately adjusted his posture and swung his two knives to slash at Li Yuchuan's neck.

Li Yuchuan was slightly stunned for a few tenths of a second due to Chixiao's shattering, and after feeling a tingling pain in his neck, he instantly woke up, his body reacted quickly, and he jumped back with one foot.

At the same time, his right hand went to his waist, where a standard pistol was pinned.

Although the fist is fast within seven steps, but people hold weapons, they have rich combat experience, and they look down on Deep Blue so much when they go up with their bare hands?

However, this is also expected by Deep Blue, jumping back can open the distance more quickly, and jumping back is divided into two steps, one is both feet and the other is one foot.

The retreat of the feet is faster, but there will be a moment of body stagnation, and once this moment is caught by someone with combat experience, it is very fatal.

The other is the jump retreat of one foot, although it is not faster than the two feet, but the single foot is more flexible, which is convenient to change the orientation of the body movement at any time.

Based on Li Yuchuan's actual combat experience, the probability of retreating with one foot is definitely greater, and at the same time, his pistol is pinned to the right side of his waist, and it is obvious from his previous combat experience that Li Yuchuan is right-handed.

Since it is right-handed, people will get used to the right foot to exert force.

In the long run, the force of the right foot will usually be greater, so the power foot that retreats with one foot is also likely to be the right foot.

Since it is the right foot that exerts force, the foot used to change the orientation is the left foot, and the force range is larger to the left, and the body is more likely to deflect to the right.

The flow of time seemed to slow down a lot at this moment, and the punctuation points on Li Yuchuan's body were like substance in the deep blue eyes, and after a few tenths of a second of punctuation movement, she could determine and affirm that Li Yuchuan would move to the right.

Time began to flow normally again, and an ice crystal suddenly pierced out from the ground behind Li Yuchuan's right like an unknown prophet, without the slightest bias, and the target was clear, until Li Yuchuan's head.

"Wow! On? "

Why did she just stop me to move to the right?

This kind of strength and speed ice crystals cannot be generated at the same time, even if the deep blue heart skill is developed.

She could obviously generate several ice crystals around Li Yuchuan, which was more safe, and at the same time, Li Yuchuan could not retreat.

Of course, Li Yuchuan can also choose to use his physical strength to smash the ice crystal, but this is bound to affect his own speed, and he will soon be able to catch up with his deep blue melee ability, and it will be difficult to win without Chixiao.

That's right, no matter which scheme Deep Blue chooses, Li Yuchuan basically has no possibility of winning when he loses his own weapon, and Chixiao's bonus is almost equivalent to Li Yuchuan's 60%~70% combat effectiveness, unless a miracle happens.

But it's not like Deep Blue's personality at all.

The thoughts in his heart did not affect Li Yuchuan's movements, and the sense of danger he had accumulated over the years began to play a role at the moment of life and death.

The upper body leaned to the left with great force, while the left foot recklessly stepped on the ground on the right side of the central axis of the body and slammed the ground.

Narrowly avoided the fate of the ice crystal hitting the back of the head, but a sharp pain in the left ankle followed.

It is also because of the extreme leftward tilt of the body that the position of the original right shoulder blade replaces the position of the original skull.

The ice crystal ruthlessly pierced Li Yuchuan's right shoulder blade, and without Chi Xiao's help, Li Yuchuan naturally couldn't cut the ice crystal quickly.

Ignoring the sprain on his left foot, Li Yuchuan was about to forcibly break his bones with his waist and abdomen, but saw that the dark blue short knife was already close at hand.

No way, Li Yuchuan had to endure the pain and prepare to give it a go, believing in his skills to control Deep Blue's wrist, which could also prolong his death.


The deep blue evil smiled, and immediately stopped after the short knife was flung up, crossed his arms and flipped his wrists, and respliced the two short knives into an ice spirit bow.


Yuchuan is no longer in a rut, people can only do one thing at a time, and any decision is extremely important.

Because he was preparing to defend against the dark blue short knife just now, he didn't have time to break free of the ice crystal now, so he had no choice but to cross his hands in front of his chest to reduce the pain caused by death.

The dark blue drew the bow and set the arrow, and the light blue light slowly converged into an arrow, like the final judgment before execution.

"Goodbye, my dear Team Lee."

Let go, and the arrow shot out without hesitation with a white trail.

The breath from death was above Li Yuchuan's heart, but he couldn't help it.

The blood-colored water mixed with some magnificent ice crystals sprayed out from behind Li Yuchuan's pierced chest.


Li Yuchuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and there were more holes in both arms, and the blood flowed nonstop.

The light blue light condensed again, and another ice-blue arrow that was no less powerful than before came out.


Li Yuchuan's chest once again had a big hole, and his life breath was rapidly drained at this moment, and the light in his pupils gradually dissipated.

Wait five seconds.

The ice spirit bow was slowly put down by Deep Blue, looking at the corpse strung on the ice crystal column like a sugar gourd in front of him, Deep Blue had no expression.

A white crack appeared again in the middle of the bow arm, turning back into two short knives.

Deep Blue slowly stepped forward and weighed Li Yuchuan's neck twice with a short knife, as if he had found the angle he wanted, his arm span extended, and he slashed horizontally.

As an ice-blue trajectory streaked by, a gradually scarlet mark slowly appeared on Li Yuchuan's neck.

The short knife merges again into a bow and arrow, and is held in a single hand in the left hand.

The right wrist was up, raised flatly, and with the influence of gravity, Li Yuchuan's head slowly moved along the scarlet mark, and then landed safely on the palm of the deep blue hand.

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