Xia Jinghe's belligerent instincts that did not belong to him suddenly revived at this moment, and his right hand turned into a black and white blade, completely ignoring his defenses, and a sweep aimed directly at the silver-haired man's waist.

The silver-haired man is also a tuner, and he will not be so easily succeeded by Xia Jinghe.

Yinwu unfolded, and a large ten-hand hand was held by the silver-haired man, and the bend of the ten hands accurately jammed the middle end of the blade, making it unable to exert force, and then quickly advanced along the edge of the blade.

It can not only ensure that the blade cannot attack the silver-haired man, but also ensure that Xia Jinghe is a threat to his life.

Xia Jinghe had to retreat helplessly, which was the disadvantage of turning his arm into a sharp blade.

The ten-handed weapon is very restrained sword, it is a weapon that defends more than attack, and once it is the main sword axis of the ten-handed card, then the sword will be difficult to exert an offensive effect.

And Xia Jinghe's blade and arm are integrated, he can't even do the most basic abandonment blade, and there is no other way but to retreat or change back into a human arm.

Jumping back with one foot and retreating skillfully is the actual combat step that Li Yuchuan taught him, and it also allows his distance to be quickly opened in a short period of time.

"Huh, there's something about this step, that Li team taught you?"

Although the silver-haired man's mouth beeped, his steps did not stop, and he also jumped on one foot, exactly the same pace as Xia Jinghe, but the difference was that one was forward and the other was retreating.

Obviously, this kind of pace is actually a very practical step, and people who basically know a little about actual combat experience will use it.

But as we all know, the speed of advance is basically faster than retreating, so the distance between the silver-haired man and Xia Jinghe is still rapidly pulling in.


Jinghe did not make any response, and at this time, the words that Li Yuchuan had taught him before slowly appeared in his mind.

"Your blade is a medium-range weapon, so keep your combat distance from others as much as possible, and move flexibly with one foot."

"But actual combat is real combat after all, especially a battle that is related to life and death, as long as the opponent's experience is a little more sophisticated, it is basically impossible to follow your ideas."

"Once your opponent grasps your weaknesses and you don't have enough combat experience, it's basically hard to win.

Practical experience is not something I can easily teach you with a word or two, this is not a fantasy novel, and I don't have any ability to enlighten it.

"Then once that happens, should you wait to die?"

No, actual combat is different from competition, the ultimate goal of actual combat is as long as it can be won, no matter what method is used.

You can use the appearance of your lack of combat experience to confuse your opponents.

If the other party intends to fight with you from a long distance and you can't pull in, then you run, and I can't help it;

If the other person intends to fight you in close proximity, you can pretend to give him this opportunity, because as far as I know, you don't have only one hand to change. "

Team Lee used to be... Well, today's words gradually emerged in Xia Jinghe's mind like an inscription, and at this moment, it was also an assignment for Xia Jinghe to turn theory into practice.

Closer... It's close again....

Xia Jinghe's cheeks seem to feel an inexplicable danger, which may be the self-danger perception that the teacher once said.

At the moment when the ten hands were about to be attached to his cheeks, Xia Jinghe's left hand that had been placed on his waist suddenly turned into a spike at this moment.

It's now!



A sharp pain came from the back of the chest, and a long sword penetrated from the back to the front from Xia Jinghe's chest, and the blood began to flow slowly along the sword body, and then stopped at the tip of the sword, dripping, and falling to the surface leaving a pool of scarlet marks.

"Ah, I'm sorry, because your left hand has been on your waist, I deliberately paid attention to it, but I didn't expect it to be a surprise."

The ten hands stopped 3 centimeters from Xia Jing and his cheeks, and the spikes that Xia Jing and his left hand turned into were no longer forward 10 centimeters before the silver-haired man's abdomen.

That's right, actual combat is actual combat after all, and the handling of actual combat is not something that Li Yuchuan can clearly say in one or two words.

Generally speaking, if you hold a weapon in one hand, the other hand must not be as motionless as paralyzed, unless you are ready to suddenly pull out a black object in the middle of the shot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm referring to pistols.

Because the human body must maintain its balance during actual combat, it is normal for the other hand to swing back and forth regularly, and it seems that it is a big problem if you do not move.

What's more, the silver-haired man never said that this was a one-on-one match.

The black-robed man expressionlessly stirred the long sword that ran through Xia Jing and his chest left and right a few times, and then pulled out the long sword.

"You're not afraid he'll die?"

The silver-haired man said.

"He's not that fragile, he's just mortal wounded. What's more, I don't think you're qualified to say such things. "

The black-robed man rarely opened the golden mouth once.


the silver-haired man scratched his head in embarrassment.

Well, the previous betrayal is really unbearable, but it is normal.

"Then the task is over, the work is over."

The silver-haired man was about to carry Xia Jinghe up, but he suddenly felt a chill in his spine.

The silver-white spear was like a dragon out of the water, striking from the shadows.

The black-robed man immediately offside to attack and defend.

A "bang" shot hit, and the black-robed man instinctively wanted to swing his sword to block, but in a short time he did not notice the deadly aura brought by the bullet, but instead a huge force came from the sword.

A white ring burst open in the air, and the body of the black-robed man instantly flew upside down into the ruins of the original wall like a disembodied cannonball.

The silver-white spear continued to rush forward after there was no resistance, and the silver-haired man was fighting in his mind at the moment, am I hiding? Or with a summer scene and a blocking gun?

The former is likely to make itself passive, and the latter is likely to lose the mission goal.

"No matter, I'll lose it."

Xia Jinghe's body like a rag sandbag began to rush towards Bai Yuan Gun under the force of the silver-haired man, but Han Yi seemed to have expected it.

The tip of the gun instantly pressed down and the butt was raised, and the forward momentum remained unchanged, but the one originally aimed at Xia Jinghe changed from the tip of the gun to the tip of the gun, and a lever principle easily attacked Xia Jinghe at the same time.

The silver-haired man reluctantly jumped back, and a silver-white metal bullet rushed from afar just right.

With a crisp sound, the bullet hit Han Yi's gun tip hard and rebounded into the dust on the side, leaving a dark hole.


Han Yi slowly straightened up after stabilizing the spear, and several law enforcement officers behind him also arrived at the scene in turn.

On the side of the tuner, there was only one silver-haired man on the bright side, except for the black-robed man who had just been beaten into ruins, the rest were basically hidden in the deep darkness.

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