This semicircular white light curtain does not have the nature of being visible inside and invisible outside, although its range does not seem large, but it can't help but be at a high altitude.

Therefore, almost anyone who pays a little attention to the battlefield can see it in the new city.

"Hey! Take a look! What is that?!

"I have a hunch that something big will happen tonight."

"Groove, have you seen this thing? I haven't even heard it on the Internet, when did I need such a thing to deal with terrorists?

"Husband, don't you think this thing looks good?" Hurry up, take a picture of me! "

Okay, okay, hurry up after shooting, I don't know why, my right eyelid is jumping wildly now."


Similar remarks abounded, and the night, which was originally only the sound of artillery fire, gradually began to become lively under the appearance of the white light curtain.

People have turned on smart phones to record them with camera functions, and pictures on the Internet have begun to be refreshed one after another.

But I don't know if these people have heard a sentence, the brighter the color of mushrooms, the more it can explain the toxicity of mushrooms.

Deep Blue looked up at this dazzling light mask like day, her eyes gradually became confused, and the memories of the past began to slowly emerge in her heart.

"Dad... Mom..." The

two words of unclear meaning came out from the corners of Deep Blue's mouth, but when Deep Blue realized the tears that inadvertently appeared in the corners of his eyes, he suddenly changed his face back.

Sorry, I'm going to win.

Take out the lockbox, enter the password, and open it.

There are three openings, corresponding to three installations, and on the other side is a silver-white metal card with the sign that the sun shines on the white room.

Navy pulls out the silver-white metal card and closes the lockbox.

There are three devices sent by the white house, all stored in the same lockbox, and these three devices can just present a triangle to locate the position of the white light curtain.

Previously, the center of the light curtain was set in Room 380, but after all, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and due to Xia Jinghe's sudden discovery by the tuner, the location of the final battlefield changed.

Originally, the three devices were in charge of bald men, dark blue, and thin men.

However, because the bald man is in a poor state now, Deep Blue is afraid that time will not be late, so he let the raven woman change the device to a different position, and he also moved the device originally installed in Room 380.

Turn on the headset and quickly command,

"The White House personnel immediately exit the aperture and assemble at the location I sent to you."

All the adjusters immediately take the drug, and the factor isolation field will be launched after 30 seconds. With

that, he turned off one-way communication.

On the other side, the silver-haired man couldn't care about Han Yi's surprised expressions, because he himself was now confused.

Since his position jumped back and forth, all his subsequent behaviors were basically under the control of Deep Blue, and whatever Deep Blue asked him to do, he would do.

But he didn't feel aggrieved because of this, it was very simple, it was because of the person that Deep Blue had mentioned to her, if he could see that person again, what was the problem with obeying Deep Blue for a while? (End of 67)

Unfortunately, Deep Blue didn't tell him why, such as now, he didn't know what the White House's device did beforehand, and he didn't know about the drug at all.

Watching the surrounding tuners take out the medicine from their pockets and drink it one by one, while the spectacled man and another female tuner looked at each other with the silver-haired man.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while, and the black-robed man and the doctor naturally sensed their predicament, but they couldn't do anything, after all, they only had one bottle.

"Wait... Medicine? The

silver-haired man seemed to have remembered something, it seemed that the raven girl had indeed given herself something similar one night before, where did she put it at that time... In the pocket? (Chapter 34)

Thinking of this, the silver-haired man quickly began to fumble in his pocket.

Since the pockets of the White House uniform are very well sealed, all six bottles of medicine are there.

Originally, he wanted to take out all six bottles at once, but thinking of the expressions of the black-robed man and the doctor just now, he seemed to understand something, and only took out three bottles.

Give one to the spectacled man and one for the female adjuster, and then drink the potion in a mock manner.

Of course, Han Yi was not dropped, firstly, because she had not yet recovered from the fact that Team Li died, and secondly, because this sudden white light curtain made her more vigilant, and naturally did not choose to make a rash move.

As for escaping this aperture, of course, Han Yi had thought about it, but it was just thinking about it, in fact, it should be impossible to do it.

As for why, just think about the weird retraction behavior of the tuner just now.

They, like themselves, are waiting for the heavy firepower units of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and it is clear that they just want to catch it all.

Then instead of ordering the troops to retreat and causing the formation to be destroyed, it is better to fight a final decisive battle with heavy firepower.

What's more, the current commander-in-chief is not Han Yi, so he still has to trust Qin Yi more.

After Han Yi saw the tuners taking the potion, he made a gesture back, and then the sound of bullets loading continued, and the barrels of countless black holes were aimed at the tuners in the circle.

Under the suppression of heavy firepower, even if there is cover of cover, that cover will be shot into a sieve, as if the defeat of the tuner is a foregone conclusion.

As for Xia Jinghe, several medical staff accompanying him are still doing temporary bandaging, which is just a hole in his chest, at least his life should be saved.


On the tall building, Deep Blue looked at the scene of the hundred troops below being blocked, and his expression did not change at all.

Counting down silently in his heart, he took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and drank it, then placed the silver-white metal card directly in front of his body and let go.

Miraculously, the card did not fall vertically due to gravity, but suspended in the air.

The ice spirit bow was pulled up, the light blue arrow slowly condensed, and the arrow pointed to the card.

As if sensing something, the opacity began to slowly decrease, and finally disappeared completely, turning into beams of white light adsorbed on the arrows of the Ice Spirit Bow.

Raise your arms and aim at the center point of the light curtain high in the air.

"Factor isolation field, open!"

A blue-white arrow rushed into the air at great speed, crashing into the light curtain, leaving a faint dot.

Then a trace of light path extended outward from the hit point like a virus, covering the entire white light curtain.

The air particles in the light curtain also appear to be infected. The originally chaotic movement began to become regular, and this instantly broke the original structural pattern.

All the humans in the light curtain who had experienced the open source of the heart suddenly felt a contraction in the heart, and the channel originally used to transmit energy seemed to be cut off by an unknown factor, destroying the energy cycle of the entire body.

If you use a figurative metaphor, it is almost that the life recovery and mana recovery have all become 0.

The enforcers felt the loss of power in their bodies, and their hearts were full of surprise.

"My power... How so...?"

However, this is not all, after taking the potion, the adjuster has a completely different feeling from the law enforcers at this time.

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