The alarm bell in the thin man's mind suddenly sounded, and just as he was about to resist, a colorless pure black dagger was placed on the thin man's neck.

If he moves one more inch, he will see God in the next second.

"I didn't change points for a long time, you are really brave."

A flirtatious and playful female voice reached the thin man's ears, but he did not feel much good, but broke out in a cold sweat.

When? What about bald men?

"Yes, it's the guy in your sniper scope, pull the trigger and shoot her."

The female voice on the side spoke again, but the thin man's fingers at this time were as if they had been frozen in the ice and snow for a hundred years, and they couldn't move at all.

"You seem... Not very obedient.

At this moment, a wet feeling slowly came from the thin man's sniper arm.

The eyes glanced unconsciously, red... Could it be....

"You know, disobedient children, usually the scenes are not very full."

“...... Who are you? The

thin man suddenly felt an unprecedented emotion at this moment - fear.

He was sure and assured that if this man tried to kill him, he would have no room to resist.

"Who are you?"

A voice identical to that of the thin man came from the side.

This made the thin man suddenly close his mouth.

She's learning my voice?!

"Answer what is not asked, guilty; It is also sinful to avoid answering. Forget it, don't count on you. The

thin man suddenly felt his heart twitch, and a premonition from death began to erode his sanity.

"Blood..." Before

the blood sacrifice could be opened, the thin man's hair was grabbed by a slender arm and pulled hard, and a black dagger without any decorative pattern was mercilessly slashed at the neck.

"Ho..." The

helpless whimper had just come out for a fraction of a second, and a huge force from the bottom up began to tear the thin man's skin.

"No..." The

fear of death occupied the thin man's entire heart for a moment, and staying calm at all times that a tuner must have was a shit right now.

The wound tear began to shake violently up and down, and the thin man still wanted to struggle, but there was a burst of terrifying force that was completely out of appearance from that thin hand.


Like pulling a turnip, the entire head of the thin man was uprooted, the hematopoietic cell tissue was even working hard at the wound tear, and the white spine used to connect the body torso was lifted out of the embrace of flesh and blood with the pulling of the head.

Blood slowly drips from the tail of the spine, and there are still some internal organs in the trunk branch joints of the spine.

Luo Li held the thin man's head in one hand, flipped the black dagger in his hand a few times with the other hand, and then casually wiped on the thin man's tuner uniform to wipe the blood stains.

Scanning the Senbai spine under the thin man's head, the hardness of the human bone is about 4~5, and the hardness of steel is 7~8, to be honest, this thing seems to be able to be used as a weapon.

But after thinking about it, forget it, it's not very used to it, at least this head is not very comfortable to hold.

Slowly shifting his gaze, the bald man's headless body fell quietly beside the thin man, and he never found out how he died.

After all, after opening the blood sacrifice, his strength began to decline indefinitely within the period of weakness, even if there was a factor isolation field to barely maintain his strength to the intermediate level, it was only an improvement in the realm, and this aspect of perception could not be raised in a while.

The story of the seedlings is well known, but not everyone keeps it.

Of course, there is no problem in letting the bald man whistle the thin man, but this also depends on the situation and occasion.

After knowing that the bald man's strength was weakened, the thin man still gave all the surrounding vision to the bald man, is this a trust in his teammates?

No, it's disrespectful to yourself and your teammates' lives.

And at this time, the arrogance took his teammates to death together.

Fortunately, there are people on Huangquan Road as companions, at least they are not particularly lonely.

Luo Li took off the headset from the thin man's skull, then threw his spine aside, and used the dagger to make a small opening in his heart.

Reached out, touched, the shape is okay.

Change one person and continue with the same steps.

After the two corpses were touched, Luo Li did not choose to let the system remove the corpses, but walked to the thin man's Yinwu with his own care.

"Heart Source Modification, Nomenclature: 278-0."

Luo Li looked at his arm quietly with his deep turquoise pupils, and the blood vessels in the inner layer of the arm continued to expand, contract, expand, and shrink, looking quite hideous and terrifying.

But Luo Li's eyes still did not change, the wind was light and cloudy, and he was indifferent.

After a while, sensing that the transformation in his body had been completed, Luo Li held the sniper rifle in the thin man's hand again.

"Drip! Identity verification passed, Yinwu: Angel. Touching

the silver-white sniper rifle in her hand, and then looking at the dark blue in the center of the sniper scope, she was still aiming her bow and arrow at the heavy fire unit, as if she did not find that her two members were dead.

Also, after all, headsets are not real-time communication.

White fingers on the trigger, gesturing to shoot.


Luo Li's lips opened slightly, and an onomatopoeia came out of her mouth, but she did not press the trigger.

Opening the headset, he said in the voice of a thin man:

"Report, it has been found that Tang Qinyi, a suspected disappearing target, is rapidly approaching Team 102, requesting instructions."


Shen Lan paused, his eyes looked around, but he did not find Tang Qinyi's figure.

This is normal, after all, the field of view of two people is not the same.



Luo Li moved the sniper scope to the lower right, and a sneaky figure was flying close to the ground between several buildings, seemingly not using full strength, but not slow.

"After making one mistake, people tend to rush to make more mistakes in order to make up for it.

Young man, listen to my advice, you can't come this time. "

The trigger was pressed, and a silver-white metal bullet came out of the chamber and traveled through the buildings in an extremely esoteric trajectory.

Just when Tang Qinyi was about to find an angle to strike, the silver-white bullet just landed in front of Tang Qinyi.

And this gunshot made everyone who was originally fighting stunned.

Then, when their eyes gathered, they saw Tang Qinyi standing next to a shadow with an embarrassed face....

“...... hello? "

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