I specially come back from the period of more than 100,000 words and put them in a storage place in my brain:

All settings in this work are purely fictitious. It has no connection with any real people, events, groups or organizations. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

Chapters with negative reviews have reminders before reading, which can help readers avoid lightning.

The article prefix may have been mentioned by the author as a result of writing on other websites, and the subsequent text is interspersed with two single chapters to answer questions, which will not appear in the future. I apologize here!


When Shen Xing opened his eyes again, he was already in the boundless starry sky.

"I am..."

Shen Xing's somewhat chaotic consciousness slowly became clearer. In his last memory, he saw the front face of a truck coming...

And now, he's a rock in space

Although he can feel a little small, Shen Xing feels that if he returns to the embrace of the earth now, his small body is enough to turn his happy hometown into a death star.

I don’t know where the gravity comes from, causing Shen Xing to keep spinning in circles in space.

Although Shen Xing had no eyes, a strange vision appeared in front of him, just like the space sandbox he had played on an unknown game platform before.

He can now feel that he is being pulled by a huge blue star in the distance

Although I can feel several gravitational forces, only the gravitational force in the direction of the blue star is the strongest.

Just like the spring breeze elf

Shen Xing looked at it for a while, wondering if it was the habit of human beings before that actually made him feel a little bit sleepy.

After sending out some fluctuations like stretching, Shen Xing entered a deep sleep state.

I don’t know how long I slept, maybe a few years, or longer.

Because Shen Xing discovered that he had come to the other side of the star and seemed to have gone around in a big circle.

Shen Xing couldn't figure out the length of his revolution, and didn't know how to put the earth's time on it. Shen Xing felt very tired.

She has been sleeping for several years. When she wakes up, she is looking at the space scenery. There are also a few planets colliding around her from time to time. Although there is no sound, it is difficult for Shen Xing not to notice the light produced by the collision of huge celestial bodies.

"I can't just drift on forever, right? What kind of eternal prison is this?"

Just as Shen Xing was about to give up thinking, he discovered that something strange appeared in his consciousness.


[Level: planetoid]

[Basic force: the ability to control gravity]

[All things are unified: tangible substances that can be fused to create contact]

[Civilization level: (not activated)]

"I can understand the system coming, but why do I feel like I've been sleeping for tens of thousands of years?"

Shen Xing's consciousness fluctuated, because after he woke up, he found that some stars in the distance had become dim, as if they had died.

Although these situations may be normal from a planetary perspective, they are too outrageous from a human perspective.

"Let's make peace with it as it comes. The level of civilization should be like human civilization, right? Since there is a level of civilization, that means maybe I can try to create life..."

Shen Xing was inevitably a little excited. After all, he had been wandering in space for so long and saw countless stars turned into pieces. He originally thought that he might be completely eliminated one day.

But now that the system exists, it is possible for him to give birth to life and become a creator!

At least I won't be silent forever in this silent and boundless space.

For a period of time after this, what Shen Xing could do was try to use basic force to capture some passing asteroids, as well as the fragments of previously broken planets.

As Shen Xing continued to capture and fuse, his body became larger and larger.

The basic power is similar to the mental power. You need to lock the target and slowly drag it to the star.

Then there was a very strange energy that began to approach Shen Xing's star, and then made it become a part of itself.

After constant fusion, Shen Xing found that the range of his basic power that he could extend seemed to be wider.

"It seems that the greater the mass and volume, the wider the range it can extend, and the basic force will become stronger and stronger."

Shen Xing patiently strengthened his star body little by little. He could feel that his size had become several times that of before.

If you compare it with the celestial brothers you have seen around you, it will probably be close to half of their size in no time.

Although he has never seen the size of the earth in outer space before, Shen Xing feels that the celestial bodies around him are not much different from the earth.

During this period, Shen Xing also roughly calculated the time it would take for him to make one revolution.

Because there is nothing to do, and after awakening consciousness, there seems to be endless energy

No matter how many things he did at the same time, there was no limit. Shen Xing took readings every minute and finally got the precise answer.

One hundred and seventy-three years

Omitting the extra time units, the time it takes for one revolution is one hundred and seventy-three years, and the time it takes for one rotation is about ten hours a day.

I don’t know if it’s because he came from Earth, but he adjusted to be more comfortable around twenty-six hours.

For the past ten hours, I had been spinning in circles with the magic of love. After I stopped, my conscious body felt that it was still operating with some inertia, which inevitably had some psychological effects. It felt like dizziness and nausea, which made my conscious body very uncomfortable.

Nowadays, the twenty-six-hour rotation time is as comfortable as the gentleman downstairs sitting in a rocking chair and listening to the three sessions of Galileo.

After adjusting his own rotation time, Shen Xing has been spinning silently

He collects the surrounding star fragments, just like playing a mobile game to earn monthly cards, and occasionally gets a little bit of mosquito legs.

After almost 6666 circles around this huge blue star, Shen Xing decided to implement a plan

Wandering... Shen Xing!

Being able to turn 6666 laps is purely due to some strange superstitions. After all, this number is still very good. This plan was probably thought of on the 3029th lap.

The reason is that the current blue star has a bad temper and occasionally some storms will break out.

Moreover, the blue light is too strange for the scenery inside his body. It is better to follow the aesthetics of the earth.

Moreover, Shen Xing's current star size has exceeded that of his previous planetary brothers. Shen Xing's huge stream of consciousness calculated the picture of all the continents of the earth placed on him.

The current size of the earth seems to be larger than that of the original earth, because he can even move an extra piece of land on his body and place it on the previous location of the high seas.

The volume is already large enough. Now Shen Xing’s plan is to wander in search of suitable sun-like stars while compressing his own mass to find the gravity of the previous earth.

After turning into a planet, time does not mean much to Shen Xing.

And his consciousness is not as fragile as human beings. Now he does not need products such as computers and mobile phones. He only needs to occasionally look inside his own star body and sort out the continents on his body. It is interesting enough.

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye to Xiao Lan."

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