"Is all this worth it?"

Wenjing was asking himself, with mixed feelings in his heart

As the emotions gradually subsided, hope rekindled in Wenjing's heart

The recognition of his theory means that his years of hard work have not been in vain, and it means that he can continue to pursue scientific truth and contribute to the civilization of Tianqiongxing.

"Wenjing, I see your faith and persistence."

Shen Xing's voice was calm and powerful, penetrating the silence of the dungeon

Shen Xing's magic appeared at this moment, and his power was as bright as a star, illuminating every corner of the cell.

The power of divine magic was released, shattering Wenjing's chains. The sound of metal breaking echoed in the dungeon, like the horn of freedom.

As the prison door was opened, Wenjing's restraints were lifted and his freedom was restored.

"Continue to contribute your strength to the Sky Vault Star."

After Shen Xing finished speaking, he put a hand on Wen Jing's shoulder and disappeared into the cell with Shen Xing.

The watchers who followed witnessed all this, and their hearts were filled with awe and hope.

They know that the history book on the Sky Vault Star will open a new page because of everything today.

On the top platform of the central temple

This is where priests used to promote their faith

When the figures of Shen Xing and Wen Jing appeared on the top of the central temple, the crowd in the square suddenly fell into silence.

After Shen Xing stood still, he slowly said: "The scientist beside me is named Wen Jing. Thirty-eight years ago, he was sentenced to blasphemy and sentenced to permanent imprisonment for proposing the heliocentric theory."

"Science is one of the right paths and should not be regarded as heresy."

"Star Father's faith cannot be tampered with! Human thoughts should not be restricted either! Thousands of roads in the future of human civilization can be explored!"

As Shen Xing publicly admitted Wen Jing's heliocentric theory, the atmosphere in the crowd began to change. They cheered and felt excited for Shen Xing's enlightenment.

Shen Xing lowered his hands slightly, and the noise of the crowd gradually subsided. Everyone's eyes below the temple were focused on these two figures.

Shen Xing turned to face Wen Jing. He slowly raised his hand with his palm upward. The power of divine magic began to gather in Shen Xing's palm, forming a ball of light.

The ball of light rose slowly, emitting a warm and soft light, illuminating Wen Jing's whole body.

Wenjing felt a warm force surrounding him. The light penetrated into every cell of his body and awakened his long-dormant vitality.

He felt that his dry skin began to regain its elasticity, each wrinkle gradually stretched, his muscles were filled with strength again, his skin began to glow with new brilliance, and the traces left by the years were smoothed out one by one.

His hair gradually transformed from gray to jet black and became thicker

Wen Jing's eyes were once again shining with the vitality of youth. The eyes that had become cloudy due to old age were now clear and bright, shining with the desire for knowledge and hope for the future.

The crowd erupted in exclamation as they witnessed this miraculous transformation

Shen Xing's followers were even more fanatical. They chanted Shen Xing's name, regarded him as the messenger of Star Father, and were full of admiration for him.

Wen Jing slowly opened his eyes, feeling as if he had been reborn.

He took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air around him, and his heart was filled with gratitude and awe.

"Wen Jing, I have traced your life back to the time when you were sentenced. This is also some personal compensation on my part. Now you can continue your exploration and contribute your knowledge to the world." Shen Xing put down his hand and the light ball Slowly dissipating in the air, he smiled and said to Wen Jing

"Priest Shen, I...I don't know what to say. Your kindness and strength have given me a new lease of life."

Wen Jing stared at Shen Xing excitedly, his heart filled with endless gratitude

Shen Xing patted Wen Jing's shoulder gently: "Go ahead and use your enthusiasm and wisdom to guide Sky Star to a more glorious future."

Wen Ding nodded. He turned around and faced the crowd below. Their eyes were full of admiration and expectation.

He knew that his life would be rewritten from now on. He would continue to pursue scientific truth with a new life and contribute to the prosperity of the sky.

As Wen Jing's theory was confirmed by Shen Xing, the scientists who had been implicated before were also released one by one.

They praised Father Xing's greatness and were grateful for Shen Xing's affirmation.

All these scientists returned to their former places and continued their scientific research careers. Some even began to join the Oracle Academy and began to promote the greatness of Star Father.

And those scientists who continued to conduct scientific research also published papers one after another promoting the power of Star Father.

However, they are now trying to use scientific methods to prove

After Wenjing received the gift of divine magic, he felt like he had an enlightenment. He went through countless rigorous arguments and came up with some conclusions that people praised.

Five of the theories are the most famous, namely "On the Impossibility of the So-called Infinite Causal Retrospection", "On the Inevitability of the Order of the Universe", "On the Complexity of the Origin of Life", and "On the Universality of Morality and Value" , "On the Rationality of the Existence of the Universe"

"①In nature, we observe that every moving object is pushed by another object. If this pushing relationship goes back infinitely, it will lead to an infinitely long causal chain, which is logically impossible. Because infinite retracement means that there is never a starting point, there must be an initial mover that is not moved by other things, thereby starting the movement of the entire universe, and this mover is the Star Father himself.”

"②The universe shows exquisite order and regularity. From the orbits of planets to the structure of atoms, everything follows precise physical laws. This order cannot be caused by chance, because pure chance cannot explain such complexity and fineness The laws of the universe. Therefore, the order and regularity of the universe imply the existence of an intelligent designer, the Star Father, who is the creator and maintainer of the order of the universe.”

"③The origin of life is an extremely complex process involving countless precise conditions and reactions. It is almost impossible for random chemical processes in nature to produce such complex and sophisticated life forms. Therefore, the origin of life requires a power beyond nature , this power is the Star Father, who gives life its original power and form."

"④ There is a universal pursuit of goodness, justice and beauty in human society. These values ​​transcend cultural and geographical restrictions. These universal morals and values ​​cannot only come from human social contracts or cultural traditions. Therefore, these universal values Our morals and values ​​must originate from a transcendent source, the Star Father, who is the ultimate giver of morals and values.”

"⑤The existence of the universe itself is a miracle. It not only exists, but also exists in a way that supports life. This way of existence of the universe seems to be designed for some purpose or plan. Therefore, the existence and design of the universe point to He has an ultimate purpose and plan, the Star Father, who is the ultimate explanation of the existence of the universe and the meaning of life.”

This paper has strict logic, reasonable structure, and sufficient arguments. It perfectly explains the status, majesty, and glory of Star Father.

This also made Wenjing a leader in the field of Tianqiongxing science.

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