The current situation cannot be changed by manpower.

The only one who can prevent mankind from doomsday is God

Therefore, since the anomalies of the big planet were discovered a few years ago, councilors from various districts have reported to the highest priest Shen Xing again and again.

But Shen Xing was busy controlling his clone of the stars in the sky and didn't meet anyone at all. He just asked Xie Huizhi to tell them not to worry.

"With the blessing of Father Star, mankind will eventually be able to escape danger." Shen Xing said.

However, Tianyuan Star is getting closer and closer, and even Planet No. 3 collides with it.

Seeing that the collision between Tianqiong Star and Tianyuan Star is inevitable, the end is coming, and it will be within two years.

Even the naked eyes of ordinary humans can see that Tianyuan Star is getting bigger and bigger.

The Starry Vault Sect’s response to the coming apocalypse is still such an understatement, which simply cannot calm the hearts of more and more people.

So, the councilors from each district united and came together to see the highest priest.

They hope to attract Neng Shen Xing's attention

Shen Xing originally didn't want to worry about it, because soon Tianyuan Star would "inexplicably" bypass the Sky Dome Star and continue to move forward into the star system.

But Shen Xing thought about it and suddenly thought of a better solution.

This will be an opportunity to show the true power of magic

Thinking of this, Shen Xing stood up and walked to the round table hall, preparing to meet these congressmen.

At the edge of the sky star, the huge planet hangs in the sky like the scythe of death, and its shadow gradually envelopes the entire planet.

Shen Xing, the high priest of the Star Sect, finally appeared in the Round Table Hall amidst everyone's expectations.

District councilors and scientists all bowed their heads to pay tribute, and Wen Jing was naturally among them. His eyes were full of trust and admiration for Shen Xing.

"Priest Shen, that huge planet is approaching us with an unstoppable force. We... what should we do?"

Later, a physicist named Qian Yun, with a trembling voice, told Shen Xing about the upcoming disaster.

It seems that at this moment, science is powerless, and Shen Xing and Xingfu are the final guarantee.

"The glory of Star Father will always shine on us. There is no need to panic, people of Sky Vault Star."

Shen Xing's eyes were deep and his voice was very calm. It seemed that this was not the end for him, which made everyone present feel a little more stable.

"Priest Shen, the people have begun to panic. Now everyone is saying that this is the end of mankind. How can we prevent the impact of that huge planet?"

However, Shu Wanjing, the representative of the Southern Division, looked worried. He took a step forward and asked respectfully.

Shen Xing was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Follow me."

He led everyone out of the central temple and came to the top platform

Shen Xing looked up at the Tianyuan Star that was getting closer and closer, turned around and said to everyone:

"Is this what you call the end?"

His voice was very calm. Everyone was speechless and could only lower their heads in silence.

Suddenly, Shen Xing's body slowly rose and was suspended in mid-air.

Not only the congressmen and scientists behind him, but also the residents living at the foot of the temple also saw the figure in white robes

They couldn't help but show expectant looks, because what was floating in the air now was the patron saint of the entire Sky Dome Star and the highest priest of the Star Dome Sect.

If there is any way to solve the crisis of human extinction now, then only Shen Xing can take action.

Shen Xing slowly raised his right hand, and the light in his palm began to condense

The light was like a firefly at first, and gradually became as dazzling as the sun, illuminating an area near the central temple.

The color of the light gradually changes from warm orange to deep black, as if it wants to swallow up all light

"High Priest, are you going to...?" Qian Yun couldn't help but exclaimed behind him, with a hint of trembling in his voice.

Shen Xing did not answer. His eyes seemed to be able to see through the end of the universe. Then he clenched his right hand into a fist and held the black ball of light in his hand.

Then he stretched out a finger, and the black light turned into an invisible wave from the fingertip and shot straight into the sky.

"Buzz..." As the fluctuations spread, the space began to distort, as if it was being kneaded by an invisible hand.

The light around Tianyuan Star begins to bend and converge towards a central point

A tiny black hole formed on the surface of Tianyuan Star. The gravity of the black hole began to appear. The surrounding light was distorted, forming a huge vortex. Its gravity was so strong that even light could not escape.

"Look, what is that?"

"This... how is this possible?" A white-haired scientist behind him said with a trembling voice, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

His companions also exchanged shocked looks, as if to confirm whether this was reality.

"Oh my god, is that the supposed black hole?"

"Calm down, we have to calm down."

"This is the power of the high priest..."

“We have to document this!!”

Some young scientists looked enthusiastic. They took out their notebooks and began to record everything they saw.

Their eyes were shining with fear but enthusiasm. Thanks to the existence of Star Father, astronomy was developing rapidly in the sky.

Various observed and conjectured cosmic objects have long been recorded, and compact celestial bodies such as black holes, which are still hypothesized, have also been proposed.

The voices of several top Sky Dome Star scientists behind him echoed in the square, causing a commotion.

Wen Jing was also trying to comfort the people around him, but his voice was also trembling

He knew that this scene was scientifically impossible

The congressmen's eyes were full of awe through the scientists' reactions

The power displayed by Shen Xing was beyond their understanding, making them more determined to believe in the Star Father

Their hands were shaking, but their eyes were full of unparalleled excitement

Everyone knew that this would be the most important moment in human history

The scientists all blushed, and they were amazed as they watched Tianyuan Star begin to deform under the gravity of the black hole

The surface of Tianyuan Star began to visibly sag, and rocks, dust and even light were sucked into the black abyss

The gravity of the black hole was like an invisible giant hand, ruthlessly tearing the sky The surface of Yuanxing

As the black hole expanded, the space at the edge of the black hole became more and more distorted, as if even time had frozen at this moment

The cracks on Tianyuanxing spread rapidly, covering the entire surface of the planet like a spider web

Then, Tianyuanxing exploded in the silent space, turning into countless fragments and flying in all directions

The fragments drew beautiful tracks in the sky, like a gorgeous meteor shower

Shen Xing's right hand slowly dropped, the gravity of the black hole began to weaken, and finally disappeared in the sky

He slowly landed, and Shen Xing's figure at this time looked particularly majestic in this shocking scene. Everyone was still immersed in the shock of the destruction of the planet until Shen Xing's voice sounded again, and everyone came back to their senses

"Remember this moment, remember the power of Star Father."

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