Ye Dahai and Ye Lian walked out of the station. In front of them was the Star City in the central district, with tall buildings and crowds of people.

They did not stay in the bustling city, but went directly to the destination of their trip - the Central Temple.

The towering figure of the Central Temple towers into the sky in the center of Star City. It is not only a symbol of faith, but also a gathering place of knowledge and power.

When Ye Dahai and Ye Lian arrived, they found that people from all directions had gathered here, and their eyes all shone with the desire for divine magic and the yearning to become the disciples of the high priest.

Looking at this huge crowd of people, Ye Dahai couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in his heart.

The competition was so fierce that he began to feel nervous

But Ye Lian seemed unusually calm. She said to her father: "Dad, don't worry."

"Even if I fail the test this time, it's not a big deal."

"I'm still young and still have a chance."

"Moreover, even if I don't become a disciple of the high priest, I can still study in university, become a scientist, and contribute to the development of mankind."

The selection age for inheritors of divine magic is limited to 18 to 25 years old. Even if you fail this time, you will have the opportunity to continue to participate every year in the following years.

Ye Dahai was infected by his daughter's optimism and tenacity, and a relieved smile appeared on his face

He knew that no matter what the outcome, Ye Lian was already his greatest pride

"Ye Lian, you have always been our pride. Our family's faith in Star Father is unwavering. I believe Star Father will take care of you."

"Whether you pass or not, Dad will be proud of you."

"Even if you fail, you can still become a scientist, and your wisdom and talents will eventually be recognized and appreciated by the high priest and even the entire society."

The father and daughter walked into the central temple side by side, preparing for the upcoming trial.

Registration has started since the day that shocking announcement was issued. Now is the second day of registration, and there are still huge crowds of people in front of the Central Temple.

Ye Lian and his father Ye Dahai picked up the registration form at the registration office of the Central Temple and filled in every detail carefully, as if they were writing their own destiny.

After submitting the form, they learned important news

In three days, the first test will be held here

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye. When the test day arrived, countless young girls and boys with dreams had gathered in the square of the Central Temple.

In the square, the noise of the crowd, the rush of footsteps and the low voices of conversation intertwined.

Everyone's face is full of anticipation and nervousness. They know that this is not just a test, but also an opportunity to prove themselves.

Ye Lian stood in the team, her eyes were firm and her heart was full of longing for the future.

She knew that no matter what the test results were, this would be the most valuable experience in her life.

Ye Lian adjusted his breathing, calmed down, and prepared to face the upcoming challenge.

The first test has arrived as scheduled

The first test is very simple and is designed to discover the depth and purity of each soul's faith in the Star Father.

The test tool is a crystal made by Shen Xing himself

These crystals are said to be able to see through the human heart and identify the most sincere beliefs and purest souls.

The testing process is very quick, each participant only needs to gently place their hands on the crystal

If the crystal is silent, it means the tester failed

If the crystal sparkles with dazzling light, it means that their beliefs have been recognized.

The college students in the long queue were all hailed as the proud sons of heaven. They walked into the temple with high hopes and placed their hands on the crystal one after another.

However, most of the time the crystal remains silent, and many people's hopes are shattered, and they can only leave with loss.

As time passed and the crystal still did not light up, doubts and whispers began to appear in the crowd.

"Is there something wrong with the crystal?"

Then a priest of the Starry Sky Cult interrupted everyone’s doubts with a stern voice.

"Questioning the sacred objects created by the high priest himself is disrespectful to the faith! If you have doubts in your hearts, how can you pass this sacred test?"

The religious law enforcement team maintained order on the side, and their expressions became colder and colder with these questioning words.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn, and those who had doubts quickly extinguished their distracting thoughts.

In silence, the test continued

Many people fail before the crystal and feel disappointed and frustrated

But just then, a ray of light broke the silence

A student's palm touched the crystal, and the crystal suddenly emitted a bright light, illuminating everyone's faces.

"Passed! He passed the test!"

Some people couldn't help but cheer, envy and admiration spread among the crowd

The face of the student who passed the test was filled with uncontrollable joy

The priest of the central temple gave him an approving smile and told him: "Please prepare to take part in the next round of tests the day after tomorrow."

This sudden success brings a glimmer of hope to everyone

Although the test of the high priest was difficult, it was not insurmountable. Everyone present rekindled the fire in their hearts.

They know that as long as they maintain their devout faith in Star Father, one day they will be able to move to the next level of trial like the lucky one.

Time gradually came to noon, but at this time there were very few successful people. Only seven or eight people passed the first test.

This feels like a passing rate of less than one ten thousandth, which makes all participants feel a little nervous.

They began to realize that the success they thought they had was just a joke. The test was far more rigorous than they originally expected.

Those who failed to light up the crystal could not help but let out a sigh of disappointment. Their hearts were heavy, as if a huge stone was pressing on their chests.

Those lucky few who passed the test could not suppress their inner excitement and joy. Their laughter and cheers echoed over the square, becoming a bright color in this tense atmosphere.

This contrasting emotion shows the true meaning of the test set by the supreme priest Shen Xing

It is not only a test of faith, but also a tempering of personal will and spirit.

Those who pass will be given the opportunity to move on, while those who fail must reflect on themselves and find shortcomings on the road to faith.

Despite the difficulties, these young people are not discouraged

They know that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every failure is a step toward success.

They believe that as long as they remain loyal to Star Father, they will one day be able to achieve inner purity and pass the test of the high priest.

Time passed by minute by second, and soon it was Ye Lian's turn to play.

Ye Lian, who had been waiting at the back of the team for a long time, had already made enough mental preparations. She encouraged herself secretly in her heart, and then stood up...

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