Two months have passed since the six divine attendants left the central temple and embarked on their own paths of spiritual practice.

At the vast edge of the Eastern Division, the Eastern Ocean stretches as far as the eye can see.

In this vast sea, a new steel giant ship named the Giant Whale is sailing slowly

Carrying more than two hundred passengers and rich specialties from the Eastern Division, the Whale began its journey across the ocean.

it targets the far southern subdivision

Although the number of passengers on the ship is not large, the Whale still divides it into first-class, second-class, and third-class cabins based on different fares to meet the needs of different passengers.

The simplest one is the temporary tent area on the deck. About 70 passengers gathered here, and Ye Lian was one of them.

Ye Lian grew up by the sea and went fishing with his father. He has a deep affection for the ocean.

Therefore, she chose the seaside and ocean as the place for her penance.

She knew that hard training was not about enjoyment, but the training of self-will, so Ye Lian chose the tent house with the most difficult conditions.

Here, except for her, most of them are poor people who are struggling to make a living.

Their life is simple, even a little difficult, but Ye Lian does not feel lonely, but finds a simple strength among them.

Although the conditions in the tent house are simple, for Ye Lian, this is part of her spiritual practice.

She believes that through this penance, she will have a deeper understanding of Star Father's teachings and walk more firmly on the path of faith.

The Giant Whale continues to sail on the Eastern Ocean, and Ye Lian is also in her tent room, quietly feeling the breath of the sea and thinking about the true meaning of life.

This journey will be a valuable experience in her life

Fortunately, the Whale sails along a low-latitude route with mild climate and relatively calm seas, which makes the tickets in the tent area open to passengers who are eager to experience sea travel.

Despite the poor conditions, many people still choose to buy it because of its cheap price

On the vast sea, fresh water is as precious as liquid gold

Passengers in the tent area can only buy the most basic drinking water, and luxury washing water can only be used in the cabin, which makes them a little discouraged.

Ye Lian is no exception. The long journey has caused her to lose her former freshness and her unkempt appearance has covered up her beautiful face.

However, this rough appearance has become her best protective color, allowing her to avoid unnecessary attention and disturbance.

The robe she was wearing was given by Shen Xing. Although it was large, it was intact.

But her shoes had long been worn out during the journey, and she could only walk barefoot, in contact with the wooden boards on the deck.

The Whale has been sailing at sea for half a month, and the life on board is monotonous and boring.

Passengers in the tent area kill time by playing cards, chess, listening to stories or chatting

Ye Lian looked up and could see the passengers in the first class cabin.

They were well dressed, leaning against the railing, enjoying wine and pleasant conversation

Passengers in the second class held coffee in hand, looked at the sea view, and discussed their ideals in life.

Although the third-class passengers were simply dressed, they were clean and tidy. Their eyes showed envy of the passengers in the higher cabins, as well as contempt and complacency for the passengers in the tent area.

The faces of the passengers in the tent area looked much calmer.

Most people's skin is tanned and their bodies may be thin but strong

It's just that there are rarely smiles on their faces, and more of them are numb and confused under the pressure of life.

On this giant ship, passengers in different cabins seemed to live in different worlds. The differences between them made Ye Lian deeply understand the stratification of society.

The sea and sky are the same color, and the Whale cuts through the waves in the Eastern Ocean

The passengers under the tents rarely have the mood to appreciate this magnificence. Their lives are simple and difficult. The daily toil and struggle for survival can only make them turn a blind eye to the beautiful scenery around them.

Ye Lian sat under the tent, staring at the horizon, but his heart was filled with ups and downs.

She secretly thought that this journey might not only be a personal practice for her, but also a profound insight into human nature and society.

Witnessing the differences in the lives of passengers in different classes on the ship made her think deeply.

"Star Father created human beings with a heart of equality, and the Code also preaches that all are born equal." Ye Lian had a hint of realization in her heart, and she murmured: "Why is everyone's fate so different?"

She couldn't help but recall Ye Wu, who was traveling with her. The two had communicated with each other for a period of time during their ascetic training:

“God’s way is to balance the world, but man’s way often exacerbates inequality.”

"I had doubts during my penance, and it was the words of the high priest that clarified my doubts."

She had not quite understood these words, but now she began to understand their meaning

"Human beings have the ability to think. This is the greatest blessing and the deepest curse."

Ye Lian pondered, she felt that human beings always seem to be wandering on the road away from Star Father. This may be the meaning of the existence of the Supreme Priest - to guide human beings back to the right path and avoid destruction.

"We use our wisdom to create civilization, and we use our selfish desires to create suffering."

At this moment, Ye Lian seemed to have touched the edge of some kind of truth, and her soul resonated with Star Father's teachings.

Shen Xing felt the changes in Ye Lian's heart in the sky, and his voice rang in Ye Lian's heart: "Your progress is gratifying, it's time for you to take a step further."

Suddenly, Ye Lian felt that Shen Xing's consciousness was connected to her, conveying profound knowledge.

Ye Lian closed her eyes and immersed herself in this power

She knew that this was Shen Xing's enlightenment, an affirmation of her faith and understanding

"You have a deeper understanding of the will of the Star Father." Shen Xing's voice was full of praise, and then continued: "Now, I will teach you a higher level of divine arts."

Ye Lian closed her eyes lightly, and her soul seemed to be bathed in the spring breeze, feeling unprecedented freshness and comfort

After a while, Shen Xing's enlightenment baptism was completed

His voice sounded in Ye Lian's heart again, with a hint of relief: "You have successfully been promoted to the Star God Servant."

"Among the six of you, your progress is the fastest."

Ye Lian felt The power in her body was full and surging, and she silently thanked in her heart: "Thank you for the teachings given by the teacher."

Shen Xing's consciousness gradually faded, and Ye Lian slowly opened her eyes

Although her appearance was still unkempt, her eyes were brighter, flashing with a deep light like the sea

At this moment, Ye Lian's vision became wider, her hearing became sharper, and her body became lighter and full of strength

She knew that this was not only an improvement in strength, but also a deeper understanding of the will of the Star Father

Standing on the deck of the Giant Whale, Ye Lian took a deep breath of the sea breeze

Beside Ye Lian, a group of passengers in the tent room sat together, listening to a white-bearded old man telling stories of the past

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