Before the Earth Fleet arrives

Su Xiaoyi embarked on a journey to the Western Division of Tianqiong Star, filled with curiosity about the unknown and expectations for the mission.

As a student of Shen Xing, he knew that he would face not only the test of nature, but also a profound understanding of human nature and social responsibility.

The west of the supercontinent has historically been a place where blasphemers went, so many people don’t like to go to the west. There are also many policies and benefits that have not been extended to residents in this direction.

Although they are just some issues left over from history, they are also unavoidable for the Sky Vault Star people who have very strong beliefs.

The capital of the Western Division is Shazhou City. Since high-speed rail and airports are only clustered at the borders of other divisions in the Western Division, if you want to continue westward, you can only take a car to go deep.

In this barren area, it seems to have been forgotten by the rapid development of technology

The only way for many people to get information is through letters and newspapers delivered by the post office and newspaper offices in Shazhou City, which also need to be distributed by residents in the west.

When they arrived at a desert edge town further west of Shazhou City, Su Xiaoyi and the enthusiastic driver said goodbye to each other and said "Blessings from Star Father" to each other.

After parting ways with the driver, Su Xiaoyi carefully observed the scenery of this small town.

A small town on the edge of the desert, called Sandstone Town, lies quietly on the edge of the endless sand sea, as if it is an isolated island in a golden ocean.

This place was burned to the ground by the impact of falling meteorites, and now only a desolate sandy land remains.

The town is surrounded by endless sand dunes. Under the sunlight, the sand grains sparkle with dazzling light. Heat waves evaporate in the air, forming distorted light.

At the entrance of the town, there is an arch made of weathered rocks and wood, with the name of the sandstone town engraved on it. The writing has been blurred by wind and sand erosion.

On both sides of the arch, several drought-tolerant trees grew tenaciously, their branches and leaves swaying gently in the hot wind.

After stepping into the gate of Sandstone Town, Su Xiaoyi recorded the local customs and tried to find places with more people in the town.

Under the hot sunshine of Shayan Town, Su Xiaoyi's footsteps seemed particularly heavy on the dusty path.

As he walked, his eyes stopped in front of the simple clinic.

There was a long queue in front of the clinic, and every resident in the queue had traces of disease and pain etched on their faces.

Su Xiaoyi frowned, and then came to the clinic. All the people in line saw the Xingqiong Cult uniform made by Shen Xing on him, and they all silently made way for a gap.

Su Xiaoyi walked into the clinic and saw a few tired doctors trying their best to treat patients under limited conditions.

The sparse bottles on the medicine cabinet say it all

Then he walked to the elderly doctor who was managing medicines and asked about the situation.

"Hello? May I ask why there is such a long queue at the clinic?"

"We have run out of medicines, and it will take a month to wait for the latest replenishment. Moreover, local doctors are relatively new to dealing with the disease and cannot quickly treat these patients."

"What about those people who are waiting to buy medicine? Maybe there are some urgent cases that are waiting for medical treatment?"

"The city's medical supplies are scheduled to be provided once every three months because the road to the town is difficult."

"Doctors from outside are not willing to come, and local doctors are not professional enough."

"And this has never happened before, but recently there are a lot of people with high fevers. It should be some flu. Many people can survive it as long as they can."

After talking about these things, the old doctor kept sighing, and his wrinkled face was full of helplessness. Su Xiaoyi briefly asked the old doctor again and left the clinic.

Su Xiaoyi walked out of the clinic and saw a mother holding her child. The child's cheeks were red due to high fever. The mother's eyes were full of anxiety and helplessness, which touched Su Xiaoyi's heart.

Before he had magical powers, he missed a lot of classes because he was frail and sick in school, and his family had to run around for him.

Fortunately, he later became a student of the high priest in one go. After possessing the magic, his body was no longer so fragile, and he no longer got sick frequently.

Su Xiaoyi stepped forward, touched the child's head, and asked with concern: "Madam, how long has the child been ill?"

"It's been two days. No matter how I deal with it, my fever persists. There are too many people queuing up, and... we don't know if it will be our turn."

The mother spoke with tears in her eyes

Although Su Xiaoyi's magic made him strong and healthy, he could not help this poor child.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart, and Shen Xing's voice sounded in his consciousness.

"Teacher?" Su Xiaoyi shouted in surprise.

Then he clearly felt that the teacher seemed to have given him a magical skill. This was an ability that could restore an individual's state to the state before illness, which involved the use of some time power.

"Su Xiaoyi, use this power to treat those in need, but remember, real change needs to start from the root."

"I know how to do it, teacher!"

Su Xiaoyi digested the use of his ability, and then a faint light appeared in his hand, and he gently touched the child in front of him.

The crying child seemed to feel better, and soon the crying stopped. The mother quickly touched the child's forehead and shouted in surprise: "The fever is gone! The child is fine! Thank you, priest!"

The people around seemed to have heard what the mother said, and they quickly gathered around Su Xiaoyi. Su Xiaoyi first calmed down the enthusiastic crowd, and then started to take action.

He first used magic to treat several more serious patients who were close to him, and then other patients waiting in line.

Su Xiaoyi has been treating patients in the town these days. His actions quickly spread throughout the town, and people began to call him the "God-given doctor."

But Su Xiaoyi knows that simple treatment is not a long-term solution

He began to plan how to improve local medical conditions, including establishing a better medical system, training local medical personnel, and promoting basic health knowledge.

As a divine attendant, he quickly contacted the medical department of the Western Division and then put forward some constructive suggestions of his own.

Although it has not yet been resolved, the medical reform in the remote western areas has been put on the agenda, and the supporting medical team in the western division will arrive soon. These days, Su Xiaoyi is using magic to heal patients.

During the treatment, Su Xiaoyi learned from the small town residents that there were more small towns and villages deep in the desert, where the medical conditions were even more backward.

After supporting the medical team, he decided to leave Sandstone Town and go deep into the desert to help residents in remote areas.

After he had been traveling in the desert for a while, Shen Xing's voice full of appreciation rang through his consciousness again:

"You have a deeper understanding of Star Father's will."

"Now, I will teach you higher-level magic."

After Su Xiaoyi respectfully expressed his gratitude to Shen Xing, he began to accept the enlightenment and baptism of Shen Xing's humanoid clone.

But suddenly, he felt as if a huge force was raging inside his body, tearing at his internal organs crazily.

He spat out a large mouthful of blood, and then his face turned frightened.

He felt that the teacher's enlightenment and baptism suddenly stopped midway, which caused his whole body to suffer some serious trauma.

But his first reaction was not to treat himself, but to confirm whether the teacher was safe.



The blood in Su Xiaoyi's mouth was mixed with the fragments of internal organs, but no matter how much he shouted, he could not hear Shen Xing's voice.

Something happened!

Something happened to the teacher!

As the divine attendant of Tianqiongxing, Su Xiaoyi understood the current situation almost instantly

He took out his cell phone with difficulty and sent a message to the other gods.



【quick! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

Then he fell to the ground in pain, with a strong foreboding feeling in his heart. He struggled to use the magic given to him by Shen Xing to restore his broken body.

But it is only a drop in the bucket compared to the speed of collapse caused by the laws of the universe.

Su Xiaoyi looked in the direction of the central temple, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He had just left Sandstone Town, probably less than a kilometer away.

But for him now, the distance of one kilometer is like a chasm.

He first tried to stand, but because the laws of the universe were raging in his body, the pain made him kneel on the ground.

"I want... to go to the teacher!"

Su Xiaoyi used magic to recover his body

While crawling with both hands

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