Just after Shen Xing regained consciousness, he took over the consciousness body in the Earth Fleet again.

At this time Shen Xing was able to start thinking again

Why do people on Earth come here?

To what extent has Earth's technology developed?

Could it be that a planet exactly like the Earth was observed in space and we came to check it out out of curiosity?

At this time, a meeting was taking place in the fleet's conference room. Shen Xing stopped thinking and listened carefully.

Wei Wensu sat in the main seat, while the remaining two captains participated in the meeting in the form of projections.

Also in the conference room were several people wearing space suits, who seemed to be members of the reconnaissance fleet mentioned earlier.

Commander-in-Chief Wei Wensu’s voice clearly spread through the communication system to every ship

"Attention all, we will suspend sailing in one hour and take a temporary rest."

Wei Wensu issued the order. As the order was conveyed, the crew quickly took action and began to prepare for rest and recuperation.

Wei Wensu turned to face the conference room, where many senior generals, scientific advisors and pioneer reconnaissance team members had gathered.

"After two centuries of arduous voyage, our new hope is now within reach."

"And behind us, the main fleet of Earth civilization will also arrive at its new homeland in twenty years!"

There was a trace of unnoticeable excitement in Wei Wensu's words, and the applause in the conference room came like a tide, but it soon subsided when Wei Wensu raised his hand.

"Although victory is in sight, we cannot relax our vigilance." Wei Wensu's expression suddenly became serious, and he said coldly: "The Milky Way may have fallen into the hands of aliens, and our home planet Earth is also in danger of being occupied. "

His words were heavy, making everyone present feel an invisible pressure.

"The target planet could become our new home, a safe haven."

"But before that, we must conduct a comprehensive survey to make sure there are no potential threats."

Wei Wensu then announced an important mission, led by Major General Lu Hongfeng and Professor Alibert, to conduct a detailed inspection of the target planet.

"Major General Lu Hongfeng, Professor Alibert, you will be responsible for this survey mission."

Wei Wensu's eyes paused on the two of them briefly, and then he issued detailed instructions: "I need you to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the environment, climate, and ecosystem of Earth 2 and report to me."

"Commander Wei, if there is intelligent life on the target planet, can we try to avoid conflicts and seek the possibility of peaceful coexistence?"

Professor Alibert stood up to speak, with obvious worry on his face

Wei Wensu frowned, and his answer was emotionless:

"If they pose a threat to us, they must be eliminated immediately."

"We cannot allow anything to jeopardize the future of humanity."

Professor Alibert wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Richard on the side: "Alibert! What are you still struggling with! This is an order, not a discussion!"

"Major General Lu Hongfeng, get ready to go!"

Seeing Alibert being stopped by Richard, Wei Wensu said to Lu Hongfeng

"As you command, Commander."

Major General Lu Hongfeng answered succinctly, and then quickly left the conference room, preparing to carry out the mission

Alibert sat down helplessly, his heart full of contradictions and struggles

Richard's words were like a heavy hammer, shattering the illusion in his heart

When Wei Wensu saw that Alibert was still struggling with the issue of intelligent life, he couldn't help but emphasize again:

"Remember! Our first priority is to ensure the survival and development of humanity."

"Any possible threat must be eliminated."

As the meeting ended, the crew began to get busy, preparing to carry out the survey mission to Earth 2.

Shen Xing's consciousness quietly observed all this

After the meeting ended, complex emotions surged in his heart, which eventually turned into a faint anger.

If it were other alien races, Shen Xing might be able to predict and even accept it.

But in front of him, he was facing people from Earth, his former compatriots

For some reason, this made him find it particularly difficult to accept

Not only did they plan to invade his planet, but they also wanted to kill the people on the Sky Planet.

Even if there is no grievance between each other

"The level of civilization is getting higher and higher, but the cruel behavior is like that of beasts."

"If civilization has no choice in this universe, then they will all fall at our feet!"

In Shen Xing's heart, the earth has already passed away with his death and that dream.

Now I only have one home

That is the sky star

"A group of displaced fugitives still want to conquer my planet, my civilization?"

"What a wishful thinking."

"Since you chose to deliver it to my door, it just solves my urgent need."

Shen Xing thought that the arrival of people from Earth might provide an opportunity for the civilization upgrade of Tianqiong Star.

The large forces from the rear will also arrive in twenty years. This is a good opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop. By absorbing all the achievements of the earth's civilization, Tianqiong Star will soon achieve a technological leap.

Now Shen Xing has completely grasped the details of the people on earth

Due to insufficient technological level, they were unable to participate in the galactic war, and in the end they could only embark on the road of escape.

Their target is the sky star

This place they call their "new home"

Shen Xing knew that it was just the Earthlings’ reconnaissance fleet.

It will be a huge threat to the civilization on the sky star

But there are not only humans in the sky star

And him - Shen Xing

Shen Xing acted immediately, switching his consciousness to his human clone, preparing for the upcoming war.

While he wants to ensure the safety of Tianqiong Star, he should also use this opportunity to further improve the level of civilization of Tianqiong Star.

Central Temple, in the Star Pavilion

In the Xingchen Pavilion, Shen Xing was facing his six students

The Six Divine Attendants’ eyes were firm, ready to listen to Shen Xing’s teachings.

"We are facing unprecedented challenges, and a powerful civilization is approaching us."

"They intend to conquer our planet and threaten our way of life and beliefs."

"The glory of Star Father cannot be desecrated, and our home cannot be violated."

"Today will be the moment when you truly fight for Star Father and all mankind."

The six students were shocked at first, and then showed anger and determination on their faces. Su Xiaoyi, as the eldest among them, was the first to express his stance:

"Teacher, please rest assured, we will spare no effort to defend the glory of Star Father and protect the people of Tianqiong Star!"

Shen Xing nodded in approval

"The enemy's technology far exceeds ours, you must deal with it carefully."

Shen Xing then consolidated the six people's magical skills and helped Su Xiaoyi repair his physical injuries. The six people felt that they had been completely transformed.

But while repairing Su Xiaoyi's body, he found some strange ingredients in his body, but it seemed that he didn't know it himself

Shen Xing couldn't help but take another look at Su Xiaoyi, preparing to explore it more carefully in the future.

"Thank you teacher for your gift!"

The students responded in unison, their voices filled with gratitude and respect.

"The enemy has not arrived yet. You should go and rest first to prepare for the upcoming battle."

"Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, I will be your strong backing."

The uneasiness in the students' hearts was dispelled and replaced by firm belief

"As long as the teacher is here, we have nothing to fear!"

The six people thought silently in their hearts, they believed that with Shen Xing in charge of the sky star, any enemy would return without success.

In the distant space, Shen Xing's consciousness has been monitoring the movements of people on earth.

At this time, the reconnaissance spacecraft is heading to the Sky Dome Star at an extremely fast speed.

There's about an hour left

The reconnaissance fleet will reach the outer space of the Sky Vault Star.

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