I turned into a planet and was discovered by the people on earth

Chapter 46: The poison of the Starry Sky Cult?

[In the primitive era, the great Star Father sent an envoy to the primitive tribe and gave the tribal leader the name - Ancestor]

[God’s envoys impart knowledge to human ancestors, who then pass it on to other people]

[The leader of the tribe, Renzu, calls the tribe the Star-Given Tribe, which means that the tribe members have the knowledge and abilities given by Star Father. 】

[During this period, the Central Temple, the oldest building in mankind, was built, and the first sacrifice in human history was performed. 】

[That time, the great Star Father came! At the same time, they also learned that the earth beneath their feet was called the Sky Vault Star! 】

In the quiet cabin of the experimental spacecraft, the scientists sat together, facing the history textbook from the Sky Dome Star, their brows furrowed, and there were more and more question marks.

"If they didn't look like us and didn't speak Chinese, there wouldn't be anything weird in the history book, but..."

A scientist's words have not yet finished, but his unfinished meaning is understood by everyone.

Under the premise that the two planets and two civilizations are so similar, the so-called Star Father in the history books is most likely a description of the people on earth who have visited this planet.

"Could it be that a small group of people from Earth came to the Sky Planet, and then they multiplied the humans on the Sky Planet, and left behind the legend of the creation of the Father God, as well as the skills of slash-and-burn farming and the Chinese language?"

After hearing this speculation, Alibert shook his head and expressed his disapproval.

"If there were people from Earth coming over, it would have been in the past five hundred years. If it weren't for the ruins of the Dil civilization, we wouldn't have been able to discover the shortcuts in the universe..."

"But strictly speaking, the human history of Tianqiong Star is at least nearly six thousand years. At that time, the civilization on Earth... simply could not have the ability to travel across such long distances."

After hearing what Alibert said, another scientist put forward his own opinion: "Maybe they recorded it wrong. After all, mankind has no shortage of historical inventors."

But this explanation did not seem to convince everyone. Without finding a definite answer, Alibert had to continue to read the history book in his hand, hoping to find clues to solve the mystery in the following content.

[Yanfeng became the sole emperor of the Star Empire. He ordered the establishment of the Star Church, maintained the authority of the Star Father, and wrote the book "Star Scripture"...]

[In the year 3146 of the Sky Calendar, 56-year-old Xing Feng was given a second life by Star Father when he was about to die...]

[In the year 3236 of the Sky Calendar, Xingfeng passed away at the age of 146. His body was sealed in a bronze coffin and placed at the foot of the Star Father statue...]

[When the temple was about to be breached, Yan Huang successfully pulled out the Star Scepter from the temple and swept across the continent... reestablishing the Star Empire... Star Father divided the continent into five continents and four oceans...]

[In the year 5540 of the Sky Calendar, the god-given son Shen Xing came...]

[In the year 5578 of the Sky Calendar, Shen Xing became the highest priest of the Star Church...]

[In the same year, the high priest merged the five continents, and the Star Empire was once again unified...]

In the cabin of the experimental spacecraft, the scientists' emotions gradually became excited as the pages of the book were turned. They expressed great doubts about the content of the history books in their hands.

"It doesn't look like I'm reading a history book, it looks like I'm reading a fairy tale." A scientist shook his head and said doubtfully

"In that era, it was impossible for a person to live to be 146 years old. Although there were individual differences, it was nonsense to come back from the dead!"

"Is this high priest still a human being? Is this high priest the Star Father? Is he a legendary high-dimensional creature? He has such weird abilities!"

There wasn't much trouble at first, just simple complaints and mutterings, but what they saw next made them unable to hold their nerves.

[In the year 5591 of the Sky Calendar, the super giant planet collided with other planets and headed straight for the Sky Star. The high priest created a black hole to destroy the planet...]

Faced with these incredible records, the scientists' anger and incomprehension spread in the cabin

They cannot accept these ridiculous stories being taught as history

"Damn it, I really can't stand it anymore. You call this a history book? It's just science fiction, right? Is it possible to rub a black hole with your hands and destroy the planet? You have to be good at making up lies!"

"Are all the humans on this sky star retarded? How can two planets remain intact after a collision? Do you believe this kind of nonsense? It's even been openly written into history textbooks. It's so fucking unbelievable!"

"I think it's not that the humans in Tianqiong Star want to believe it, but that the power of religion is too great! People are forced to accept the rule of religion and have to accept such lies that even children can expose!"

"Humans in Skystar are too deeply poisoned by religion! We must help them eradicate the cancer of religion! Liberate their minds and spirits!"

"Yes! This kind of religion must be eradicated! The more I read this kind of history book, the more angry I become. How can there be such a religion that restricts people's thoughts?"

"This so-called high priest is basically the leader of a cult. Fortunately, he was born early. If he were still alive now, we would have tried him in public!"

Alibert listened quietly. He knew that this kind of emotional release was necessary.

But he also knows that as scientists, they need to remain objective and rational

"Everyone, I understand your anger, but we must also realize that our understanding of the culture and religion of the Sky Star is still very limited."

Alibert took advantage of every opportunity to try to appease the scientists.

"We can't completely deny their civilization based on these records. Maybe these stories have special meanings for them."

"Looking at their history books, I can't see any connection with the earth. We still need to conduct a deeper investigation..."

A scientist summarized the current situation and proposed the necessity of further exploration, while others complained helplessly, and the atmosphere seemed a bit heavy.

At this time, Yao Yuan proposed a bold idea:

"Anyway, we look the same as the people on this planet and speak the same language. Why don't we just integrate into it and explore it."

This sentence is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples.

Albert's mind moved, and he was full of endless curiosity about this new planet.

"I think it's okay. Regardless of whether there is an answer in the history books, we should go to this civilized society in person to conduct in-depth investigations."

Albert's words made the atmosphere in the cabin lively all of a sudden.

"I want to sign up!"

"I want to, too Go..."

"Don't go, you can only understand Chinese, but you can't speak it, it's easy to be exposed if you go!"

The scientists rushed to express their wishes, but at the same time some people raised the issue of language

Albert pondered for a moment, then said: "Well, I won't go down either, let Yao Yuan take Yang Kui, Yao Ling, Zhang Yu and Peng Wenyan with me."

The people who were called cheered, and they were very excited about this journey

Albert paused, and finally instructed:

"There is one most important thing, you must respect the local culture, act cautiously, and don't interfere with or disrupt their social order!"

"Don't worry, Professor Alibert, we all understand!"

"That's right! There is nothing interesting on the spaceship, I want to see what the customs are like on this planet!"

Albert nodded, and then after reading all the books in his hand, he turned to the back with some uncertainty and looked at it

[Customized by the Oracle Academy of the Star Dome Church, recommended for primary and secondary school students to read]

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