Shen Xing used electromagnetic force to control all communication signals that wanted to leave here. This made Xingchen Pavilion an isolated island without any contact with the outside world.

After hearing Shen Xing's words, Yao Yuan and the other five people's bodies trembled slightly out of fear again.

They found that at this moment, it was impossible to imagine what means Shen Xing used to block communication signals.

Seeing that several people had no strength to resist, Shen Xing turned to the six students and said:

"Keep them locked up. They are all scientists and try to gain knowledge about Earthlings from them."

After hearing the teacher's instructions, the students who had been ready to make a move suddenly stood up and walked towards Yao Yuan and the other five.

"Don't come over!" Yao Ling shouted in a broken voice.

She collapsed on the ground, holding the floor with one hand and retreating, while raising the energy gun with the other hand

However, Ye Lian and others are getting closer and closer

In extreme fear, Yao Ling pulled the trigger tremblingly

The energy gun shot out a dazzling light in the direction of Yang Sa

But when the energy bomb hit Yang Sa's body, it only caused Yang Sa's shoulder to tilt to one side as if it had been hit.

Yang Sa looked at the clothes given by her teacher being punched with holes by the energy gun, and her violent temper surged up almost instantly.

But she looked back at Shen Xing and suppressed her temper.

Seeing them trying to attack Yang Sa, Ye Lian and others showed sarcastic expressions on their faces, as if they were laughing at Yao Ling for not overestimating her capabilities.

I saw Yang Sa raise a hand, Yao Yuan and the other five people instantly felt that their bodies were stiff, as if they were tightly bound by something, and they couldn't even say a word.

Their eyes are full of despair and fear

Facing these heavenly beings with supernatural powers, they felt their own insignificance and powerlessness for the first time.

As Yang Sa raised his hand again, the five people felt an invisible lifting force.

Their bodies seemed to have lost the restraint of gravity and slowly floated into the air.

Then Yang Sa gently waved his other hand, and the door of Xingchen Pavilion opened automatically without anyone touching it, as if there was an invisible hand controlling everything.

Yang Sa walked towards the door, while Yao Yuan and the other five seemed to be pulled by invisible ropes, following her steps towards the door.

Although their bodies cannot move and their voices cannot be heard, their minds are still clear and active.

At this moment, they realized their mistake

They were dead wrong from the start

They once mistakenly regarded Shen Xing as an ordinary person, or even an ordinary person from a lower civilization.

As what they saw and heard on the Sky Dome Star in the past few days, as well as the records in the history books, resurfaced in their minds, several people finally realized their ignorance and arrogance.

The universe is vast

In addition to technology, there really are supernatural powers

Shen Xing knows all the secrets of the people on earth. With his insight, there is nothing the people on earth can hide from.

And his students can resist the attack of energy guns with their physical bodies alone and remain unscathed.

The students are already so powerful, and as their mentor, Shen Xing's power is even more unimaginable

This must be the magic that people on the sky and stars praise

With such supernatural power, it’s no wonder that the people on the Vault of Heaven are so in awe of this supreme priest.

The worldview of Yao Yuan and others has been completely overturned.

They began to rethink the records in history books, but their hearts were still full of questions

For example, the appearance and language of humans on the Sky Vault are the same as those on Earth. If gods really exist, what is the relationship between gods and humans on Earth?

With their thoughts swirling, Yao Yuan and the other five were taken to a spacious and deserted underground cell.

This was once the prison of the Heretic Tribunal, but now no one on the Sky Dome dares to offend the Star Dome Cult, so the prison of the Inquisition has not been imprisoned for a long time, and it looks particularly quiet.


With a dull sound, Yao Yuan and the other five were thrown into the cell.

The restraints on their bodies were lifted and they were finally able to speak again

Liushenshi also walked into the cell.

Their eyes showed contempt for Yao Yuan and the five others, as well as expectations for the scientific knowledge they were about to learn from them.

In the Star Pavilion, Shen Xing stood in front of the window again, his eyes penetrated the clouds and stared at the vast universe.

His dialogue with Yao Yuan and others was not only a shock, but also a strategy to pave the way for his next plan.

Before this, his emotions towards the people on Earth were very complicated, but they had become clear after he experienced that dream.

The earth before rebirth is no longer there

His home has also disappeared

Nowadays, Tianqiong Star is his home, and the people on Tianqiong Star are his family

"I don't want to be alone anymore." Thinking of this, Shen Xing couldn't help but murmured to himself

I don’t want to be alone anymore

I don’t want to wander alone in the universe again

I don’t want to go into the darkness called loneliness again

The previous metal spheres were obviously not the work of Earthlings. After all, they did not know that there was civilization on the Sky Vault.

There are other lives in this universe!

In such a vast space, there must be some extremely powerful civilizations.

Before he has the power to sweep the universe, he will not make any dangerous moves rashly

if you can……

He wants to lead the people of Sky Dome Star to stand on the top of the universe!

When the Earth's vanguard fleet detects the signal that Yao Yuan and others have lost contact, they will undoubtedly take immediate action

The most likely measure they will take is to send armed mechas to search on site, after all, the last signal of these people disappeared in the Central Temple

Shen Xing plans to use this opportunity to stimulate the crisis awareness of all mankind on Tianqiong Star

He hopes to let his students clash with the earthlings to demonstrate the infinite power of divine arts

He also hopes to inspire the development of civilization on Tianqiong Star through the existence of alien civilizations

Although Ye Lian and other students are young, their abilities are enough to fight against the armed mechas on Earth

If the battle ends with Tianqiong Star narrowly winning, the vanguard fleet of the earthlings will face a choice

Whether to risk coming to rescue again or to wait safely for the main fleet to arrive before taking action

He needs the earthlings to continue trying to go deep into Tianqiong Star with the vain hope of victory

As a mirror image of the earth, Tianqiong Star has an irresistible attraction to the earthlings

Even if the earthlings are wary of Shen Xing's divine arts, as long as there is hope of victory, they will not easily give up this land

For Yao Yuan and others, Shen Xing's plan has two Aspects

First, he needs to squeeze out the scientific and technological knowledge of the Earth from them, which is the key to Tianqiongxing's improvement of its own strength

Second, he needs to tame and transform their thoughts, so that they can become a bridge for Tianqiongxing to communicate with the people of Earth

Shen Xing still has a trace of nostalgia for the Earth in his heart, and he knows that he cannot abandon these feelings

Because he is a human being

Feelings are the language of the human soul

If you lose your feelings, existence will become silent and the world will return to darkness

Even if you are regarded as a god, humans will never become the so-called gods

God exists in imagination and legends, and is the most flawless symbol

People have flaws and imperfections, but they are the most real touch in the world

In the future, Shen Xing plans to use Yao Yuan and others to control more people on Earth, so that Tianqiongxing can fully absorb and integrate the technology of the Earth

With the cooperation of the people on Earth, this process will become smoother

Shen Xing's eyes are shining

He knows that this game has just begun

And he is ready to meet the challenges of the future

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