One more chapter will be added, the number of words may exceed 2k (1/10)

In the cold cell of the Central Temple, after the attendants pondered for a long time, Ye Lian straightened his expression and finally spoke slowly.

And her voice revealed her deep faith and piety towards Star Father

"This is all arranged by Star Father. As mortals, we cannot spy on God's intentions."

"Since it is Star Father's will, even if we cannot understand it, we should obey it unconditionally."

Yao Yuan was stunned. He did not expect that the people in Tianqiong Star had such firm beliefs, but he could only continue to ask.

"Are all your magical arts taught by the high priest? Is it true that the high priest used black holes to destroy planets recorded in history books?"

"Teacher is the son chosen by God, Star Father's messenger in the world, and has the power given by God." Su Xiaoyi nodded, his eyes flashed with infinite admiration for Shen Xing and continued: "He once destroyed a huge planet with a black hole , saving life on the entire planet.”

"Later, the teacher predicted that alien species would invade the sky in the future, so he recruited the six of us as students and taught the magic personally."

After getting the affirmative answer, Yao Yuan and the other five looked at each other with confusion in each other's eyes.

Shen Xing not only has the power to destroy planets, but also has the ability to predict the future. How can the earthlings compete with such an opponent?

Isn't he really some kind of higher dimensional being?

The eyes of Yao Yuan and others began to spread with pessimism, and then they could only sigh: "The high priest is right, the universe is vast, and we still have many unknown mysteries."

"Perhaps, there really is a creator similar to Star Father in this world."

Although they already believed in the existence of Star Father, their atheistic thoughts made them try to understand this god in a materialistic way. They could only think silently in their hearts:

"Star Father may just be a higher-dimensional existence than us, just like the robots we make. We can program them at will so that they will always obey human instructions."

What no one noticed was that Ye Wu took a deep look at Yao Yuan, and then the movements of Qu Shixin and Lin Luan came from behind.

"Their companions are coming to save them, and we have to fight them."

Yao Yuan and the other five men suddenly raised their heads, a glimmer of hope igniting in their eyes.

But soon this glimmer of hope was quickly extinguished.

They knew that facing Shen Xing, who could create black holes and destroy planets, even the arrival of the Earth's main fleet would be difficult to change the situation of the war.

Before leaving, Su Xiaoyi left a message

"In view of your good behavior and cooperation, the teacher said that you can move around freely in the temple."

After saying that, Su Xiaoyi and the other five people turned and left, and the cell door opened quietly.

In the cell behind him, Yao Yuan stood up first. His face was full of worry and he said to several people: "Let's go out and take a look."

They walked out of the cell, filled with uncertainty about the future and concern for the safety of their companions.

The five Yao and Yuan people were given permission to move around freely in the temple. This was exactly Shen Xing's order.

They have witnessed the extraordinary power of the Sky Vault Star, and those once rock-solid atheistic beliefs are now beginning to show cracks in their hearts.

Shen Xing knew that these earthlings could never escape from the Sky Star, so he decided to let them witness the power of divine magic in more depth.

Let them witness with their own eyes those forces that are beyond common sense, in order to shock them and pave the way for the next step of ideological transformation.

And in this mysterious Sky Dome Star Temple, several people were walking

The walls of the temple are carved with ancient runes, which seem to hide endless wisdom.

On the dome, a cosmic view of the sky and stars is painted, and the stars flow, telling the legend of the Star Father.

Shen Xing's plan quietly unfolded. He wanted to make these people on earth realize that in the face of absolute power, any resistance is futile.

He believed that a truly wise man would choose to obey after seeing the power of God.

Because this is the wisest choice for survival

In the temple, Yao Yuan and the other five people were walking through, and they were constantly thinking about it.

Maybe the Star Father they believe in on this planet is not as simple as they previously imagined.

Maybe in this universe, there really is a power beyond human understanding, and they are just insignificant existences in front of this power.

After Yao Yuan and others lost contact, under Lu Hongfeng's instructions, the experimental spacecraft returned to the embrace of the pioneer ship.

Everyone was nervously looking at the big screen on the ship, observing the situation in Star City.

The armed mechas currently dispatched have almost all the combat power of the Pioneer spacecraft, which is enough to show the caution and attention of the people on earth.

In the process of returning to the universe from the Sky Dome Star, everyone woke up from the adjustment chamber, including Alibert

After being exposed to atmospheric components again after hundreds of years, many people experienced adverse reactions. However, after recovering for a period of time in the adjustment chamber, several people have got rid of the adverse reactions.

When he heard that Yao Yuan and others had lost contact, Alibert's face turned pale. He knew that once this happened, there might be no peace between the earth's civilization and the civilization on the sky star.

Even if everyone in the vanguard spacecraft can accept it, those in the main fleet will never allow the possibility of being provoked by a lower civilization.

"Activate threat detection."

Lu Hongfeng gave instructions to several detectors expressionlessly.

"Enemy armed firepower is detected... It is detected that it has been locked by enemy firepower... Evaluating... Evaluation result: no threat"

"Evaluation result: no threat"

"Evaluation result: no threat"

Although this is just a detection process, everyone on the ship knows that the antique-like thermal weapons on the Sky Star cannot harm the ship at all

This is like an ant trying to shake a tree. The strength gap is not at the same level at all

"Destroy their weapons."

Lu Hongfeng gave the order instantly. If he was not afraid of accidentally hurting friendly forces, the Central Temple would have been reduced to ashes by the firepower of the Earthlings

Over the sky above the Starry Sky City, hundreds of fighter planes roared into the sky , quickly assembled over the city

The pilots were ordered to first force those strange-looking machines to evacuate densely populated areas, and then destroy them in a safe area

So their eyes were fixed on the high-tech armed mechas in their field of vision

When they tried to capture the target through radar, the screen only gave back a chaotic snowflake

This unpredictable and unpositionable stealth ability made the fighter pilots feel an unprecedented crisis

Just as the pilots tried to lock the target with their naked eyes, the armed mechas suddenly opened fire, and lasers fell from the sky, and the fighters were hit one by one under the precise attack of the lasers

The sky bloomed with gorgeous fireworks, and the wreckage of the fighters was like a meteor shower Generally, it cut through the sky and fell to the ground.

Then, the armed mecha turned to the air defense base on the ground, and their energy guns flashed with the light of destruction.

With a few deafening noises, a huge explosion occurred on the ground, and the entire air defense base was directly destroyed.

"Bang! What is the origin of these people!"

The head of the military defense department roared and slammed the table in front of him. There were countless comrades, friends, and even family members among the downed fighters and destroyed bases.

All the soldiers who were trembling with pain in their hearts had calm indifference on their faces.

It is now the so-called wartime. People who have never experienced such an experience have entered the state almost instantly at this moment. The only thing that can give them courage is With Star Father

Faith prevented them from collapsing immediately, and hope made them choose to fight on

While the district government chief was shocked, he calmed down and turned to the angry military minister, with a tremor in his voice: "What kind of weapons are these...? We have never encountered them before."

"Will the high priest be in danger?"

"The high priest has divine power, so he should be safe..."

Hearing this, the secretary on the side was about to say no, but his heart was slightly shaken

He had never witnessed the power of the high priest with his own eyes

But soon he felt ashamed of his hesitation, because the high priest was the incarnation of the Star Father in the world and was invincible

But who are these sudden enemies?

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