Added update (8/10)

Sorry for the crazy technology patch!

In the Earth Vanguard Fleet, everyone moved to the conference center

Seeing that everyone was seated, Wei Wensu slowly said: "Since everyone is here, let's discuss whether to activate the Far Star Quantum Communicator."

"We should notify the main fleet immediately!"

"That's right! As long as the main fleet comes to the Sky Star, there is nothing to fear!"

Everyone's words were surprisingly consistent

Facing this wave, Richard said: "Commander Wei Wensu, we should activate the Far Star Quantum Communicator to inform the main fleet! It will be decided by Chief Wei Hong and Admiral Mike!"

Wei Wensu's eyes turned to Liu Xueyi, and Liu Xueyi also nodded slightly

Seeing that everyone's words were surprisingly consistent, Wei Wensu also ordered the activation of the Far Star Quantum Communicator and transmitted everything currently known about the Sky Star to the main fleet

Shen Xing was naturally aware of the movements of the Earthlings, and he did not choose to stop them, because this was exactly what he wanted.

At present, there is no information about Shen Xing in their intelligence, only the few words in the history books. The main fleet of the Earth will have a great misjudgment of the strength of the Sky Star.

The main fleet of the Earth civilization, the huge starship can almost cover the entire planet.

Such a huge ship is obviously not a giant that the current Earth civilization can do. Obviously, there are many secrets behind it.

And on the largest ship of the main fleet, it suddenly received information from the Vanguard Fleet.

And this information happened to be seen by the person who was commanding the main fleet.

The second head of the Earth United Nations-Stein Siegel

"Head, received information from the Vanguard Fleet!"

"Received. "

Stein said lightly, and then began to check the information sent by the Vanguard Fleet.

The only communication device that can communicate with the main fleet in the hyperspace channel is the communication device from the Dier civilization, which is now named the Far Star Quantum Communicator.

His energy core was named the Zero Point Energy Core by the Dier civilization. It is a core made of energy extracted from a vacuum that is currently unknown to Earth civilization.

Originally, it could provide energy for the equipment used almost infinitely, but for some reason it has become extremely scarce now. I don't know how many times it can be used.

So if it is not necessary information, the communicator will definitely not be activated.

After reading the information of the Vanguard Fleet, Stin's eyes flashed with a strange light. After forwarding the information to other people who need to know, he notified the successor and then returned to In his own lounge

Compared to other rooms on the ship, this lounge is already luxurious

After calling several of his confidants with the communicator, he took out a bottle of red wine from the small refrigerator full of technology and began to drink alone

Soon, Sint's confidants came to his lounge. Seeing them coming, Sint said, "Since you are here, you should have read the information."

The confidants nodded, and then Sint continued:

"I didn't expect that there is such a mysterious power in the universe. If it can be combined with the technology of the Dier civilization... then the so-called Sevi people will probably not be opponents."

"Although it was an accident to use the interstellar probe of the Dier civilization to explore the distant Tianqi Star, I didn't expect it to bring such a surprise."

When the confidants heard the word Sevi people, they didn't show a strange expression. Obviously, they already knew about the existence of Sevi people.

"But Chief Sint, don't we have to tell the Sevi people about this?"

"Why should I tell the Sevi people? "

Sint smiled, put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the confidant. The confidant may know that he said something wrong, so he stopped talking immediately.

"You should know why we became undercover agents of the Savi people."

"I have never thought of becoming a traitor to Earth civilization. I just want to protect our home planet in a different way."

"By the way, have you ever seen "Interstellar"? "Sint suddenly changed the subject and asked the confidant who had just asked the question.

The confidant who was asked was stunned, and then replied: "Of course I have seen it. There are only a few old movies on the ship, Chief."

"We are explorers and pioneers, not guardians."

"It was true before."

"Until we were forced to leave our home planet, I knew that I wanted to be a guardian."

Sint couldn't help but look in the direction of the earth, and then closed his eyes.

"This matter will be mentioned at the meeting. I need you to firmly choose to go to the Sky Star. I always think that even if we don't rely on the Savi people, we can return to our home planet. "

"The Sevi people don't know the location of the star track created by the Dier civilization, so this means they can't enter the hyperspace channel."

"Even if they have more advanced interstellar navigation technology, it will take a little longer to get to the Sky Star."

"And who can guarantee that they will definitely go to an unknown supercluster?"

"The reason why I replied to the Sevi people's message at this point in time is to seek preparations for both situations."

When the confidants heard what Sint said, they were shocked. Although they often felt guilty for betraying the Earth civilization, these words seemed to make them no longer so uncomfortable.

The leader in front of them, who had risked the world's condemnation, had to endure far more than them

"So, leader, do we need to do something before we go to the Sky Star?"

"Contact our people on the Vanguard Fleet and ask them to find a way to contact the high priest, convey our sincerity, and say that we are willing to convey the information of the earthlings to the Sky Star."

Hearing this, all the confidants were stunned. They didn't understand why Sint made such a decision

If it was the Savi civilization, they could understand that it was because of the gap in technological levels

But the Sky Star is an indigenous civilization, with only the technological level of the Earth in the 21st century. Why would it betray civilization again just because of a few words of divine art?

"You must not understand, right?"

"But have you ever thought that what is said in the history books may be true."

"If the so-called high priest had this power back then."

"What about now?"

After Sint finished speaking quietly, all the confidants understood Sint's decision almost instantly. Meaning

All of this is to prepare for a rainy day. Once the Earth civilization loses its advantage, no matter which side they are on, they can get good results.

"Everything is to return to the mother planet."

This last sentence completely shattered the psychological defenses of the confidants.

Before the Earth decided to migrate, it was divided into two major factions.

One is the pioneering faction that wants to leave the Earth and continue to develop civilization.

The other is the mother planet faction that wants to analyze the legacy of the Dier civilization and then seek ecological integration technology.

No matter who it is, they are not wrong, they just have different ideas.

The current development of Earth civilization has remained in the antimatter energy period. Only energy has made a breakthrough, but various technologies cannot compare with it.

But the discovery of the Dier civilization ruins has given them new hope. While some technologies have made great leaps, they have also used the "Titan" Colossus ship found in the ruins galaxy to create an immigration fleet capable of carrying all Earthlings.

And the weapon carried on the Colossus warship will be the last trump card of Earth civilization.

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