Readers, you have been waiting for a long time! Just got home early in the morning!

After receiving the news of the arrival of the main fleet, Ni Shasha hurriedly said goodbye to Su Xiaoyi

No, at this moment it should be called Professor Natasha

Professor Natasha was walking on the streets at night, and then she walked into an inconspicuous bar

This bar is opened by members of the same undercover team as Natasha, and it is also an occasional meeting place for their undercover team.

At this time, several members of the undercover team were already waiting for Natasha.

"Professor Natasha, we have received news of the arrival of the main fleet. Do we want to end the undercover mission?"

"Now that the main fleet has arrived, we should leave immediately. All the intelligence collected in the twenty years of Sky Vault has been handed over to the main fleet."

At this moment, a tense atmosphere enveloped this originally peaceful bar.

One of the undercover agents in the team whispered: "The main fleet and the vanguard fleet have merged. Now the 'Titan' has reappeared. We are about to launch a war against the Sky Vault. The main fleet sent a message asking all undercover teams to evacuate immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people in the undercover team showed unbearable expressions on their faces, and then one of them, a man named Cao Zhe, couldn't help asking.

“Can we really not avoid war?”

"Is it true that the people on earth and the people on the sky can't coexist peacefully?"

“We’ve lived here for so long and have so many great memories.”

"Will all this be lost because of the war?"

After hearing Cao Zhe's words, many people in the undercover team couldn't help but think of their colleagues and friends. Natasha also thought of her colleagues at Star Dome Academy, as well as her friends who had celebrated her promotion and awards.

During the twenty years of being in Tianqiongxing, the undercover agents seemed to have become one with this land.

Their daily lives are filled with the trivial matters of work and life, and the so-called war seems to have long faded from their memories.

The inhabitants of the sky star are no different from the people on earth

Sometimes these undercover earthlings even feel as if they have traveled back to the earth in that peaceful era.

Needless to say, these people in the undercover team, even people like Natasha who are loyal to earth civilization, can't help but feel waves in her heart.

Human beings are all emotional and there is no way to be absolutely rational.

But Natasha also knew very well in her heart that all the ties she had established with the Sky Vault Star would be completely torn apart by the war.

All this is for the future of earth civilization!

Natasha bit her lip slightly, and then said sharply:

"Don't be stupid, we can't coexist peacefully with the residents of Sky Vault Star!"

"This is their planet, and we are the invaders!"

"If we want to survive here, we have the only way to conquer the Sky Vault Star!"

"Besides, so what if we want peace, the entire earth civilization has never acted based on individual ideas."

"The majority represents all."

Everyone was silent. Natasha's voice gradually became louder. She seemed to be venting her unnecessary emotions. She wanted to get all these messy things out of her head.

"Everyone pack up immediately, let's leave the Sky Vault Star!"

Just as Natasha finished her last words, the door of the bar was slammed open by a force, and a group of priests in black robes blocked the door with indifferent expressions.

"Want to leave? None of you can leave!"

The Inquisition!

When the Tribunal appeared in the tavern, everyone subconsciously felt fear

The Heretic Tribunal of the Celestial Vault, the iron-fisted law enforcer on the Vault of Heaven.

They not only maintain the order of the sky, but also shoulder the task of catching spies, heretics and blasphemous disloyalties lurking in the dark.

Once it falls into their hands, it means that they will face ruthless heresy trials.

"The undercover agent has been in Tianzhuxing for such a long time and wants to leave now? It's too late!"

"Take them back to the Inquisition cells!"

Everyone in the undercover team wanted to take out their energy guns and forcefully break through, but the elites of the Tribunal subdued them one by one as quickly as possible.

In this small space, the members of the Tribunal are as agile as ghosts, and any resistance in front of them seems futile.

The undercover agents were all forcibly handcuffed and then pushed to the Inquisition vehicles parked on the street outside.

After they were imprisoned, Yang Sa, the presiding judge of the trial court, said coldly: "Professor Ni, Professor Cao, and so many familiar faces, you are really hiding your secrets. You have been lurking in the sky for twenty years." Star, let me lose face in front of the teacher and others."


"The high priest has known our identity for a long time?!"

Hearing everyone's desperate words, Yang Sa snorted coldly.

"Do you think your little tricks can escape the teacher's eyes? If the teacher hadn't needed you to provide technological development for Tianqiong Star, the Tribunal would have locked you in long ago."

"But I have to say, your disguise is really good."

This morning, Shen Xing rarely reconvened six students and informed the Earthlings of the undercover news.

Yang Sa is a very confident person, but he didn't expect that he would let people on earth keep him undercover for twenty years.

Although the teacher said that there was an element of him pushing the boat, but at that moment, Yang Sa felt that he could not hold his head up at all in front of the teacher and his colleagues.

This is a serious dereliction of duty

Although Shen Xing did not pursue the matter, and his colleagues did not think there was anything wrong with it

Yang Sa was still unable to calm down

Su Xiaoyi's face changed for the first time. He had such close contact with the undercover agent of the Earthlings, but fortunately he had always been strict with himself, and he kept a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and did not reveal any confidential information

"The main fleet of the Earthlings has arrived! The war is about to start!"

For some reason, it was clearly a warning, but when it was spoken by everyone, it seemed to become a reminder to the Sky Star

"With the blessing of the Star Father and the existence of the teacher, you Earthlings have no chance of winning at all."

"You just stay here and see how the Earthlings are in despair."

Yang Sa's voice gradually faded away, leaving only the undercover agents of the Earthlings in the prison


In the universe, the main fleet of the Earthlings has arrived at the Sky Star Department

"Not good! Chief! After we sent the message of retreat, all the undercovers lost contact!"

Wei Hong and Siint, who heard the news in the cockpit, changed their faces. Although they had different ideas, this news was bad news for both of them.

One was because the compatriots on Earth failed again, and the other was because the message had not been conveyed to the high priest.

"Did the signal lose contact at the same time?"

"Yes, Chief!"

Siint looked at Wei Hong meaningfully and said, "If the identity was leaked, he should have been arrested long ago, but he lost contact at the same time until now."

"It seems that we still underestimated the humans on Tianqiong Star and the mysterious high priest."

Wei Hong couldn't help but look at Tianqiong Star, and then he seemed to have made up his mind. He suddenly turned to face Alibert.

"Start the Star-Breaking Spear."

"Start charging immediately!"

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