Because the news of the Saiwei civilization has spread throughout the Star Source Civilization, everyone has now entered a state of war preparation for the first time in a long time and began to deal with the war that is coming at any time.

In order to repay the kindness of Star Source Civilization, No. 4563, a new member of Star Source Civilization, chose to become a member of the Tianhaixing Defense Force. Not only did he maintain the electronic network of Star Source Civilization, but he also personally stationed at Tianhaixing.

At the same time, No. 4563 will provide technical guidance on some Wanderer technologies at the scientific research center.

In order to integrate into the Star Source Civilization, No. 4563 gave himself a name.

Xu Weiwei

The name means uniqueness, which is also a way for No. 4563 to find its individuality.

When Xu Weiwei was doing research, he felt a very slight touch from behind. He silently turned around and found that Qu Shixin was covering his palms and staring at him.

"Why are your iron skin bumps so hard? If you don't use magic, it will hurt. If you use magic, I'm afraid you will break."

"After careful analysis, the advice given is that if you go lighter, you won't hurt yourself."

Listening to Xu Weiwei's mechanical sound, Qu Shixin raised his eyebrows, then punched him and said, "You are so boring, Old Xu, can you be a little more humane?"

Xu Weiwei was speechless. He just stared at Qu Shixin's fist without speaking, his eyes flashing with calculation.

Qu Shixin was a little confused. He waved his palm in front of Xu Weiwei's face.

"The adaptable individual is really wonderful. My body is made up of closely arranged cosmic alloy blades. Normally fragile individuals will fall apart if they touch it."

Qu Shixin listened to Xu Weiwei's terrifying words in a serious tone, and couldn't help but rub the fist he had just touched.

"If you are too cold, you are not unique. You have to know that feelings need to be expressed!"


"That's right, just like I am saying hello to you now!"

"Hey! Bro!"

Qu Shixin slapped Xu Weiwei on the shoulder again. Xu Weiwei stared at his shoulder, and then muttered: "The estimated damage is 0.0000...%."

"No, buddy..."

Qu Shixin couldn't help but have a dark look on his face. Then he coughed and asked seriously: "Let's get down to business. Are there any new scientific research results?"

Seeing that Qu Shixin had finally changed the subject, Xu Weiwei turned around and opened the mechanical warehouse in front of him.

Qu Shixin stared straight at the slowly opening mechanical warehouse, then he blushed and covered his eyes, mumbling incessantly.

"I, I, I... No, do your robots also have this need?!"

In the mechanical warehouse was a naked human girl, lying quietly and sleeping inside. Xu Weiwei glanced at Qu Shixin, whose face was red, and then seemed to understand something.

"Forgot to use your biological moral standards, sorry."

"It seems I still don't look like a human being."

"This sense of morality should at least be the first priority of emotion! Just like the story of Zu!" Qu Shixin complained


"That's right! He is the ancestor of humanity in our Star Origin Civilization!" Seeing Xu Weiwei's curious look, Qu Shixin began to speak at length: "It is said that in the era of Human Ancestors, people did not even wear silk threads until Star Father taught them Only with the concept of human civilization can humans understand the standards of morality... Classmate Xiao Xu, are you listening?”

"I am here."

Qu Shixin looked at the interstellar detection light screen in his hand for a while, and for a while he looked at the girl in the mechanical warehouse who had clothes on for some time, and occasionally chatted with Xu Weiwei.

"I usually love to talk, but my words are a little cold and humorous, so the other five friends don't want to talk to me. The others are all subordinates. I have to act like a boss. I finally caught a chatbot, and you actually So boring."

"I am the highest-level combat individual affiliated with the Supreme Core, number..."

"Okay, okay, I know, No. 4563."

Xu Weiwei nodded, and then remotely controlled the robotic arm to install something on the girl.

"This is a prototype of a bionic human that I made using part of the technology of the host machine. It will be put into use soon. Once put into use, it can provide good assistance in various fields of civilization. It can even be used harmlessly and weakly at critical moments in war. The appearance of an individual instantly activates war mode to kill..."

After Qu Shixin heard Xu Weiwei's words, first of all, he couldn't believe that he would take the initiative to talk to him, and secondly...

"You mean this pretty girl has some kind of war machine installed on her body?"


"It seems that your hobbies are quite unique..."

"I can't understand what you mean by 'hobby'."

"Nothing, Metal Head."

Qu Shixin suddenly felt tired. Maybe others felt the same way when he was talking to other divine servants. Suddenly he felt that his emotional intelligence and humor needed to be improved.

He looked at the android prototype in front of him and thought for a while, then his eyes lit up, as if he had some idea.

"Hey, Lao Xu, do you think we should give this android prototype a name?"

"Name? Do you mean the number?"

"No, no, I mean human-like names."

Xu Weiwei thought for a moment, but seemed unable to understand the special significance of this behavior.

Seeing Xu Weiwei deep in thought, Qu Shixin pretended to explain in a serious tone: "A name is a unique symbol, a mark of personal identity."

"You also gave yourself a name, so you must have your own ideas."

"Human beings are always very persistent in a certain meaning, but the pursuit of meaning is the unchanging instinct of human beings."

"You have your own name, and you no longer need to live under that damn number, so you might as well learn to do something that seems useless but is meaningful."

Listening to Qu Shixin's words, Xu Weiwei fell into silence. He couldn't understand the logic of this behavior, just like he didn't understand where his feelings came from.

Xu Weiwei raised his head and looked at the female android in front of him expressionlessly, who looked like a human on the outside, but was actually a cold machine on the inside.

For some reason, the face created by Xu Weiwei using the organism simulation program seemed to have a slight ripple, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be hesitating to speak.

Qu Shixin silently looked at Xu Weiwei who fell into silence, and the latter said resolutely: "Her name is Xu Yiyi."

"Xu Yiyi?"

Qu Shixin was stunned for a moment when he heard this name that had no characteristics at all, but unexpectedly Xu Weiwei suddenly said seriously:

"She was born from me, and she naturally followed the last name I gave her. And she was the first one born, and she was also the first android with a name."

"Her name should be Xu Yiyi."


"I want to call her Xu Yiyi!"

Qu Shixin looked at the metal head in front of him and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Because Qu Shixin seemed to see a hint of determination in his face simulated by the program.

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