I Turned Out To Be a Peerless Expert

Chapter 116: Master Chen, you are insulting gentleman

   went for another half day.

   The sky gradually darkened, the mountains and forests at night were a bit dark, and there were no street lights in this era, and suddenly the surrounding area seemed to be out of sight.

   From time to time, the sound of birds singing in my ears can be heard, which is a bit penetrating.

   Fortunately, Yan Guo is wealthy. Basically, there will be post houses every other section of the road, and the construction is quite elegant, and there is basically no situation of dining and sleeping.

   Two or three lights can be seen faintly in the distance.

   "Old Chen, shall we stay here tonight?"

   In the carriage, Li Xuan stopped practicing.

   "Well, no problem."

   Chen Zhengyang nodded.

   sitting on the carriage wandering and reading, he does feel a little dazzled, of course, it has nothing to do with the content.

While    was talking, the lights came close.

   This post house is built in a quiet woods. It covers a large area and has very antique decoration. There is also a small lake next to it, which seems to have been dug out manually.

   Be particular, too particular.

   Although it is not as good as Broken Moon Tower, it does not look like a post house.

Of course, the price is very expensive, more expensive than the Broken Moon Tower, but there is only such a family near Shuangjian Mountain. If love comes, rich people will not care about this little money, as for those who have no money... Then Go to sleep in the broken temple numbly.

   Nowadays, this post house is full of people.

   The two of them took a room and sat down in the lobby.

   Chen Zhengyang took out books to study hard.

   In the past few days, he was surprised to discover something.

   That is, read more of this kind of...featured books, which can indeed increase the obscure halo on the Palace of Literature. It was originally just a thin layer. After several days of reading, it has increased by 30%.

  Under the Confucian scholar, if you observe his literary palace, you will find it unsightly on the surface.

   As for the awe-inspiring righteousness hiding underneath, Wen Gong’s heart has been wrapped up and hidden under this heavy disguise.

   And reading this kind of book, although he didn't increase his talent, but he also sharpened his literary spirit.

   This is the so-called break and then stand!

   "Old Chen, don't work so hard, you have to combine work and rest..."

   Li Xuan couldn't help but speak.

   Good fellow, no one has twelve hours, ten hours to watch this stuff, don’t you have sage time?

   This is beyond the scope of the general old-fashioned criticism. You are not really appreciating art, are you?

   "The traitorous minister is in charge, and the society falls down."

   Chen Zhengyang looked worried about the country and the people, "How can you slack off easily, and you have to return to the country of Yan as soon as possible. I am not at odds with the old thief!

   I would also like to thank Mr. for guidance, I seem to have found a new way of writing. "

   This is true.

   Wenxin is divided into three realms: upper, middle and lower, and each is different.

  For example, writing hard and fast books, creative thinking is endless like a surging river.

   There are also hypocritical words, which can reverse right and wrong.

   There are all kinds of literary minds that can increase talents and amplify poetry. In short, they are all strange.

   For example, the mirror by Liu Yunchen, is a manifestation of literary mind, called "Clearly Observing Qiuhao", which can tell right from wrong.

  Of course, the higher the level of the same kind of Wenxin, the stronger the power. If the lower-grade is slanderous, it is easy to be beaten...

   Chen Feiyan's writing style seems to have undergone some changes.

   He believes that after experiencing the polishing of these books, one day the literary mind will break through the cage, and it will become shining and shine forever.

  ‘GHS can also become a literary doctrine, then am I going to be holy...’

   Li Xuan was slandered in his heart.

   No, no, no one really relies on GHS to practice.

   hiss, it seems that there really is...

   The lobby is brightly lit, and there is no shortage of scholars gathering in twos.

   "I heard that this pair of Jianshan looks like a tiger demon, with thick skin and copper bells, which is very scary."

   "There are many knights in the country of Yan, and now the autumn exam is about to come, so many students go to Yandu to study, don't the experts draw their swords for help?"

   "Hey, don't you know, it's very strange recently. Many monsters who have left the country have run into the territory of Yan Kingdom. Among them, there are many more powerful than this tiger monster, and the heroes can't be too busy."

   "Well, if you are late, I will have to wait another two years, it's difficult..."

   "Does the tiger eat people? I have a bold idea..."

   "Xiongtai, I know you have seen too much of the taboo love between fox girl, cat girl and scholar, but if the tiger is not let go, it is a bit too much, why don't you find a dragon?"

   "What do you think, I mean sneaking across the mountain!"

   is just the high-spirited scholars in the past, and they didn't have any pointers, and all of them were sad.

   It looks like the whole building is filled with scholars who hesitate to move forward.

   Literati had almost no combat effectiveness before the seventh stage, and at most he could open his mouth and spray people. The fifth stage tiger demon was already an invincible enemy to them.

   "Tiger demon..."

   Li Xuan felt that he was not Wu Song.

   can only be a sliding shovel at most, and then become the ration of the tiger demon.

   It is said that after sleeping for a few days, he doesn't know whether he has entered the 9th rank or not. At best, he can bully little rabbit.

   But he also worked very hard.

   Sleeping every day, coupled with the diligent eating of vegetables, each time a large warm current disperses into the limbs.

   Judging from the record, this should be the first layer of the magical skill of "Salted Fish Forging Body".

   But the question is, is he good at this first level?

   Li Xuan is a bit unsure of his combat effectiveness.

   But... After all, there are only a few layers in this technique. Once you enter the first layer, there should be a ninth grade... right?

   Li Xuan raised his head and glanced at Lao Chen.

   Yes, I still aspire to become a glorious appraiser, I can't count on it anymore.

   At this time, there was a loud noise outside.

   It can be vaguely seen that dozens of followers are riding scaly horses, their eyes are sharp looking at the surrounding environment. They are very sharp and powerful, and each of them has a brave and courageous aura. They should be members of the army.

   And the frame in the middle is even more of the Yan Guo chariot standard.

   The six wheels are reinforced with tungsten steel, imposing some kind of prohibition, and the gravel is shattered wherever they run over, just like a small mobile tent.

   This pomp is not a big deal.

  All the scholars are constantly watching.

   In addition to the strange accident of this carriage, it also means that they are saved. This is properly a general in the Yan's army! Isn't this kind of big man able to get rid of a little tiger demon?

   "This is also the scholar who went to Yandu to rush for the exam? It seems that he has an extraordinary family background."

   Li Xuan also only glanced a few times, and then stopped looking.

  Looking at people's house, there are fresh-clothed angry horses in and out, full of ostentation, even the other scholars are more or less followed by two schoolboys.

  Look at yourself again...Lao Xia, Lao Yang, Lao Wei, Lao Chen, Lao Zhang.

   A bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled.

   This kind of ostentation, he will never have it in his life.

   "Nothing to look good."

   Chen Zhengyang didn't lift his eyelids.


   Li Xuancha's skills in words and colors are first-rate.

   Lao Chen's expression was wrong, and his eyes were mixed with a touch of disdain, which meant that he was angry again.

   "Could it be...this is the one in your mouth..."


   Chen Zhengyang shook his head and denied it.

  ‘That’s good, that’s good...’

   Li Xuan's surface was light and breezy, but in fact he was relieved in his heart.

   If the boss offended by Old Chen is such a big man, wouldn’t he be finished?

   In this pomp, it seems that the guest is not a petty official.

   However, before Li Xuan finished drinking his tea, he heard Chen Zhengyang say coldly:

   "This is his son."


   Li Xuan was almost choked to death by tea.

  What's so special, Lao Chen, how can this offend the boss, this is the small staff who offended the boss of the company!

   Even the second generation is so arrogant, where can he go?

   "Huh, the thief of Sheji."

   Looking at a few people getting on and off the car, Chen Zhengyang sneered.

   ‘Yes, it’s no help, I’m going to run away now...’ Li Xuan hides his face and is speechless.

   Old Chen is like this. Whenever you think he has enough iron, he will tell you: ‘No, my head is actually more iron’.

   Li Xuan originally thought that a small official with a bigger sesame mung bean could offend anyone? At most, it's a county prime minister, right?

   Now he found, no, Old Chen can break through the sky.

   The most important thing is that, through the long-term relationship, Li Xuan thinks that he has a clear understanding of one of Lao Chen's tendons, such as blasting with no playfulness, and studying art with unsuitable books for children.

   can understand a little bit about Lao Chen's wanton collision with the official.

   Now Li Xuan found out that he was hasty.

   can't understand at all.


   Li Xuan took a breath.

   Then I thought about it, what kind of big man could be offended by Lao Chen, a small official with the size of a sesame and mung bean?

  Lv County Cheng is not also the one who embraced from the front and back, and it is not impossible that the second generation is more aggressive than his father...

  Furthermore, local officials are just local snakes. Actually, when I go to Yandu, my energy is limited. It is estimated that I can hit several such officials by throwing a brick there.

   As for this is the official of Yandu...

   Li Xuan really didn't think about it.

   is like you, a small shop owner, saying that he offended Bill Gates. This is not nonsense. Old Chen has no such ability no matter how stupid he is.

   Thinking of this, Li Xuan's heart calmed a lot.

   "Oh, isn't this Master Chen?"

   Ji Xiao is talking.

   At this time, he took off his battle armor and changed into a moon-white robe. With a handsome face, he looked very good, and he looked like a good son in the world. Shi Shiran went to the table and sat down.

The scholars around    also gathered their eyes.

   Ji Xiao teased: "Are you always planning to go to Yan Country to participate in the autumn test?"

   "What does it matter to you?"

   Chen Zhengyang speaks hard.

   "This pair of Jianshan seems to be haunted by tiger monsters."

   Ji Xiao unfolded her folding fan and smiled: "I am worried that you will become a monster's dish in the past. Why don't you go over the mountain with me? I was planning to behead the tiger and benefit the people of Yan Country."

"Ha ha."

   Chen Zhengyang didn't bother to care about him.

   If it hadn't been for the husband to say that he wanted to be with the light, he would be able to blow this nasty thing to death with a single breath.

   "Master Chen, you! You are really insulting gentleman!"

When Ji Xiao saw the name on the cover of the book, three points of shock on his face were real. Seven points of teasing was pretending, and said: "I didn't expect to pay for it, the upright Mrs. Chen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually would do it in private. It is really insulting to look at this filthy thing!"

   He then said with a disappointed expression on his face: "It seems that you were to blame for your dismissal. If you didn't happen to meet him today, I don't know Mr. Chen you are such a person."

   Li Xuan was disdainful.

  Install, just install.

   Is there anyone who doesn’t like GHS?

  Especially this second generation, it is estimated to be more open than anyone else.

   "Hehe, you can only hold the filthy eyes, and what you see is naturally filthy."

   Chen Zhengyang retorted, "I don't even know the content, so I pretend that this is an insulting book. Have you read this book? Superficial."

   "This kind of book..."

   Ji Xiao said righteously on his face, and said: "I, Ji Xiao, naturally would not look at such a nasty thing. I have no interest in it at all. How can I look like Master Chen, huh..."

   As he said, he still couldn't help but use his spare time to sweep.

   After glancing at the book in Chen Zhengyang's hands...

   His eyes shook.

   Because at this time, the page opened happened to have a picture...

   plus the things written by Li Xuan, it has the effect of [immersive]...


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